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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Rosco, To bad for him for breaking his CNP conditions.We can't care how great of a soldier he was if he can't control himself with alcohol.NCO's get paid to train troops and they should not be in baby sitting mode because Cpl Supertrooper can't make it to work on time!!
rossco said:
I have a soldier who will probably be released 5d - Not Advantageously Employable.
  The CANFORGEN specifically does not mention 5D.

rossco said:
In short, he racked him up to a violation of C&P for ‘Abuse of Alcohol.’  No laws were broken he just kept showing up hung-over.  He will be completing the 60 day spin dry and I think he will stop drinking.

rossco said:
In this case he was “wholly or chiefly because of the conditions of military life or other factors beyond his control, develops personal weaknesses or has domestic or other personal problems that seriously impair his usefulness to or impose an excessive administrative burden on the Canadian Forces.” 

He was on C&P and still refused to stop drinking?  How is that a factor "beyond his control"?

rossco said:
He is a good soldier with above average conduct and performance save the drinking.  He has asked me the likelihood being accepted of he reapplied to the CF if he is released (assuming he stays sober).  The party line here at regiment in NO I would like to know what someone in the recruiting world thinks?

If he successfully completes C&P (which looks highly doubtful at this point) and the "spin-dry" and stays sober he may not need to be released.  If not so, the history of people getting back in with a 5D or 5F is pretty dismal.

I've completed BMQ + 11 weeks out of 13 of infantry course. As you prolly know SQ + PP1 is merged. Now that i left (4c) without completing PP1, is it possible to get the SQ credited?

I left 6 months ago
That will be up to the Occupation Manager. When you submit the application paperwork a PLAR will be sent to the OM. At that time he/she will decide what you are given credit for.
Is there anything that parallels going to the Reserve Force?

I have an ex RegF Snr NCO, out less than two years, and currently on the SHR, who want's to come to the Reserves in the same trade. He's been told he must undergo a Prior Learning Assessment (!) first so they can determine what equivalencies to grant. Seriously. And this is not the first time.

My thought is that if they are simplifying a rtn to the RegF, then surely a simplification of a move to the ResF must be in hand. Or am I just being naive, again?
Really?? Less than two years out??  We used to do a VFS request if needed and transfer the member.
Places to start - Internet links:

Component and Sub-component Transfers:

Supplementary Reserve:

CF Component Transfer and Component Transfer Career Programs:
CountDC - I know. The scenario we're facing is certainly a disincentive to the (much desired) mbr.

dap - thanks for the refs; we've reviewed them. I'm hoping someone has had a similar experience in here and found the answer. No doubt it exists, but the tedium to reinvent the wheel ...

The issue was raised because the mbr in question was made aware of the likely req for a PLA down the road via a letter from DMPP - should they desire to return to active service after 5 years on the SHR. So, goes the logical question, if it's apparently not needed until the 5 year mark, why now?

This takes on more significance when we discover that some releasing cells seem to have a habit of throwing mbrs onto the SHR despite their explicit written desire to do direct transfer. Now, a CT in the other direction? Well, that's been seen to happen in 2-3 weeks. *sigh  Recruiting and retention are priorities, right? Sure they are ...
Make sure you bring your course report from your your INF DP1. That should show how many PO's you have completed against your SQ. It will make the PLAR a little quicker.

have to ask - who is saying that a PLA is required?  With less than 2 years out all his qualifications should still be valid.

Not surprised about release cells dumping people onto the supp list.  This has gone on for a long time.  Often it is because the member indicates they want to transfer to the primary reserve but do not have a unit lined up to transfer to.  Release cells will not take (or have) the time to find a unit for the member, it is up to them to find their own unit. of course, the member should actually contact the unit to make sure they will accept them first.

Have to do some more checking on this as I have time.  Really curious on this one.
Sorry to bump this really old topic, but I didn't want to start a new one as this one is right on topic.
I searched around allot on this forum, and haven't found anything specific.
Here's my question, or situation. I reapplied a little bit more then a month ago, after VRing during Basic for reasons fully supported by my staff.
The people working at my CFRC, told me they are waiting for my medical file from Ottawa. Last week, I call for an update, and I talked to this really nice Corporal, he told me they had requested my file twice already, and to call back next week(this week). He said if they had not received it this week, they would go down another route and try and get my file(something about calling a ministry). I call today and talk to another person, and he tells me, yes my file was ordered but they have not received it and there is nothing he can do. I proceed to ask him what the corporal was talking about last week and he tells me he has no idea, but there is nothing he can do. Which is fine, I understand that he corporal didint leave any information about our conversation on my file.

So I know there is a bunch of ex-recruiters on this website, and recruiters still in action, and maybe one of you will know what this corporal was talking about?

Again sorry for bumping this old topic.
My understanding is the req comes from Area. Then again, it could just be Area making the req known.

In this case, the (other) mbr was specific about the unit; had made contact, had indicated that unit on the paperwork. Bah ... Just attributing it to apathy. Unfortunately, there's precious little recourse on our side, and the mbr is (rightly) just a bit pissed at having to jump through extra hoops to get over here. The PRes already has a rep in some quarters for being a little on the slow side, administratively; even though it's a RegF issue, the PRes gets tainted with it.

If you can come up with anything, that'd be great! I'll keep my eyes peeled.
LFCO 24-20 explains the process for PLARs.  DWAN only link: http://lfcms.kingston.mil.ca/Document.aspx?DocID=143000440110665

It states in part:

16a. Break in service of three years or less. Provided the applicant, if applicable, is currently certified (see para 17), the Land Force Area Headquarters (LFA HQs) have the authority to reinstate valid Army-level and Army occupation qualifications.  Authority for the reinstatement of all other qualifications rests with the appropriate MA;

Ref in whole should be reviewed for context.

If the  individual in question is Cbt Arms or any other trade managed by the Army (such as EME or Sigs), it should be trivial - Area can sign off.  If they are Log branch or some other occupation not under the Army, it becoems significantly more difficult, as other Managing Authorities for training (MAs) must be engaged.

para 11 is the killer:

11. Submission of the Request for Equivalency. Annex A shall be included with all equivalency requests.  Documentary proof of the qualification(s) or a detailed and substantiated description of experience must be attached.  A request for equivalency must be submitted when:

a. a Component Transfer application is requested;
b. a Occupational Transfer application is requested;
c. transfer from the Supplemental Reserve; and

CountDC said:
para 11 is the killer:

11. Submission of the Request for Equivalency. Annex A shall be included with all equivalency requests.  Documentary proof of the qualification(s) or a detailed and substantiated description of experience must be attached.  A request for equivalency must be submitted when:

a. a Component Transfer application is requested;
b. a Occupational Transfer application is requested;
c. transfer from the Supplemental Reserve; and

An MPRR should be sufficient as proof of qualifications.  The G1 staff at the next level above the unit should be able to assist.
Many thanks for all of that, folks. Hopefully I can offer some guidance based on the above and suggest that the wheel, indeed, does not require reinventing.
I have Reserve and Reg force experience.  However I Was RTU when I was in the reserves (i was 17 and dumb) and V.R. due too family reasons while on BMQ in the Regs.  It has always been my goal to have a career in the forces, and my family and I believe that now is the perfect time.  I have grown up and have two children (7 and 3).  Would the CF accept me for a third time?
Ya Im the guy who wants to do Basic for the third time, I am very determined to serve and was hoping a recruiter or instructor would be able to give me some advice.
Go to the recruiting centre and ask them, that way you have it straight from the source and not an anonymous voice on the internet.  Are you wishing to go regular force or reserve?
cdinunzi said:
Would the CF accept me for a third time?

Standard advice: Talk to a recruiter. Do not put it off if you are really interested.
I would like to go back to reserve and give my family a chance to adapt to me being gone.  Hoping that I can do like 2 years reserve and re-muster to Full time.  Doing this, I already know, will ease a lot of tension.  I thank you for your input and it is something that I will pursue with determination.