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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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cdinunzi said:
I have Reserve and Reg force experience.  However I Was RTU when I was in the reserves (i was 17 and dumb) and V.R. due too family reasons while on BMQ in the Regs.  It has always been my goal to have a career in the forces, and my family and I believe that now is the perfect time.  I have grown up and have two children (7 and 3).  Would the CF accept me for a third time?
Ya Im the guy who wants to do Basic for the third time, I am very determined to serve and was hoping a recruiter or instructor would be able to give me some advice.
I'd consider you reconsider, then if you come to the same conclusion, do it.

You've already backed out twice. If you backed out a third time, I guarantee there wouldn't be a forth.
I greatly appreciate you advice, and I have been reconsidering since the day I released.  Everything in me tells me I belong in the Forces.  Its a strong passion, (I am sure you are aware of what I am talking about)  Everyday I replay my military career in my head, with the thought of "What if".  I do not want to think of "What if" but rather "I DID IT!  After weighing the pros an cons I have come to the conclusion that this is what I want.  After having had some small experience in the forces, I know where my weakness' lay.  Therefore giving me the confidence to succeed. 

I am headed to the Recruiting Center in about 10 minutes, and hope to return with Good News.  Hopefully I can get on a course A.S.A.P.

Wanting a career in the military is not for money, I have a job that pays rather well.  I want to live the my life as a soldier with meaning not a civi with a job.
Seems the recruiting center is a more dangerous place than originally anticipated.

I was told there would be no problem with returning to the forces, as long as my Medical and Background check cleared. However there is a hiring freeze for the Reserves, and limited trades for the Reg Force.  Hopefully I will get accepted for Reg Force.

I have a quick question.  Does this Cf Retention Strategy apply to trades that are closed?  I am qualified Infantry and I'm looking to get back in does this new procedure help me in any way?

It depends.  If you're a Pte/Cpl, probably not.  If you're a Sgt or above, it may.

Even trades that are overborne may accept direct entry into ranks that are stressed.
Hey Everyone,

I have looked through these forums for about an hour or so and have not found the answers i been looking for yet. My background is this: i was in 3vp para mountain company for 3 years. 09 i got out in Aug. My original plan was to re join into the Navy since i heard that this was the fastest way and the recruiters told me so. Once i got out the economy went downhill and the navy stopped recruiting untill the following year 2010. I have been unsuccessful in getting back into the Military as Navy i was looking to Boatswain or sonar. Last week i talked to a recruiter in Nanaimo BC since that's where i'm from and i'm pretty much a shoe in to get into the infantry reserves. Now my question is, Is it possible to OT out of the infantry reserves into Reg Navy. The only reason i think it is possible because i will have my foot in the door since i will be in the Military. Thanks.


Edit: I went  on the Supp. Reserve List. before i got out.
If you recently left the patricias then it should not be too much of a stretch to enroll you in the PRes as a trained infantryman. Then you can put in a CT when its availible for your trade your looking for. BUT, big but, you make sure you play by the rules and attend at least 80% of the parade nights and exercises. That will keep you from going NES and then ending up with a 5D or 5F release (That will ruin your future plans).

Cheers and good luck. 
first time using a forum. i was in the reseves when i was 16 i quit shortly after i completed my bmq and bmql.i have recently been thinking about rejoining hoping if somone could give some info about rejoining and conditions. thanks
I'm sure everything you need to know is in the threads you just have to look  :P
jgies44 said:
first time using a forum. i was in the reseves when i was 16 i quit shortly after i completed my bmq and bmql.i have recently been thinking about rejoining hoping if somone could give some info about rejoining and conditions. thanks

1- Go to CFRC or reserve unit you wish to join;
2- Say "I used to be in, habe BMQ and BMQ-L; and
3- say "i would like to re-join"; and
4- Follow instructions given by staff.


I was just advised by my recruiter that he has never seen this CANFORGEN and believes it has been superseded by another. He mentioned I will likely not be taken through this route, but by the regular recruiting process. 

How long have you been out? Did you release to the supp res?
PuckChaser said:
How long have you been out? Did you release to the supp res?

3 years. Released Item 5c

No. Why would releasing to supp res affect the CANFORGEN(forgive my ignorance)?
Its far easier to get back in from the Supp Res, your file is held. Dollars to donuts your pers file went to the Archives at NDHQ, and it would be longer to find it than to go through the recruiting process. Best guess is you'll get at least semi-skilled entry (recruit school bypass). If you have your course reports still, provide those and they may PLAR your QL3 as well.
Perhaps I misunderstood the CANFORGEN, as it seems to me you are in contradiction to it..
If the recruiting center is telling you this is superseeded, I'd go with what they're telling you. The army doesn't owe you anything to bring you back, a few years ago you might have had to redo BMQ/SQ.
When I hear a recruiter incorrectly describing a trade to another, I dont go with much they say..
I am just dumbfounded a recruiter was not familiar with a CANFORGEN directly related to their job..

And no, a few years ago, I would not have needed to redo BMQ(in my situation). I really am not concerned with the length of time it takes to get back in, as regardless of time, I will be a soldier again.

Anyways, Thank you for your advise.

Does anyone(else) know anything about this document? Are there any new amendments or superseding docs?
Flips13 said:
Hey Everyone,

I have looked through these forums for about an hour or so and have not found the answers i been looking for yet. My background is this: i was in 3vp para mountain company for 3 years. 09 i got out in Aug. My original plan was to re join into the Navy since i heard that this was the fastest way and the recruiters told me so. Once i got out the economy went downhill and the navy stopped recruiting untill the following year 2010. I have been unsuccessful in getting back into the Military as Navy i was looking to Boatswain or sonar. Last week i talked to a recruiter in Nanaimo BC since that's where i'm from and i'm pretty much a shoe in to get into the infantry reserves. Now my question is, Is it possible to OT out of the infantry reserves into Reg Navy. The only reason i think it is possible because i will have my foot in the door since i will be in the Military. Thanks.


Edit: I went  on the Supp. Reserve List. before i got out.


So it's been a couple months since i last posted this, and as an update i have got into the reserves from the supp. res. list. As soon as i got in they wanted to promote me and put me on mod 6 for Mcpl.  Since i'm more qualified then most of the people there.

Now my question is, should i wait to put in my CT OT to the Navy till April when more open up or put it in now. I see they have some occupations ''in demand'' on the forces.ca site. I mean i'm just using the reserves to get into the navy instead of going through the recruiters not that i have anything against the Reserves i would just like to be full time in the navy.


And, thanks for the response ArmyRick. Appreciate it.