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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Called the RC today to see if they received my VFS and/or med docs yet.  I had been dealing with a PO, but he is on vacation this week and spoke to a sergeant that I have not previously spoken to.  He asked me a few questions about my former service and implied that I may not have to write the CFAT if he can pull my scores from my previous test (written in 1986).  That would be awesome as I had qualified as a pilot when I wrote that one.  Has anyone else ever heard of this as true?  It has got my hopes up, but I want to be careful not to get them up too high and set myself up for a let-down.

Still running my short little legs off on a daily basis.

Roger, thanks for the info! I won't be able to re-do any courses simply based on the amount of free time I have available, which isn't much. So hopefully something can be arranged!

Thanks for your replies.
I hope it all works out for you Steve, but I'm pretty sure that a test from 1986, even if he CAN find it, won't count because it was a much different test back then.

Having said that, I'm not entirely sure. It MAY be a CFRGHQ decision.

Good Luck.
Thanks Otis.  I am feeling similar now that I think about it some more.  What I will do is plan for the worst and hope for the best.

You'll be find, keep up the math problems solving review that are similar to the one given in example on the CF recruiting web site with a timer in hand.

Your progression on the PT looks pretty good.

Hey Steve,

I was told the same thing regarding my original cfat, but they never found it so had to do the new one with only a week's warning, so best not to pin your hopes on it. At least the new one is pretty short compared to the old test and doesn't cover such a broad subject base.  I was hoping they would find my old one as I scored very well on it, and expected to score worse on the new one but am happy with the results. 

You are doing great on your PT, my running is something I have to really focus on more in the weeks to come. I was not interested in MARS so much as going Sigs O for ceotp but there was only one spot and it is filled and there are no ceotp spots open for V4 vision, so rather than wait another year, I will go back in NCM which I was before, and see if I can look into going officer later on, but if I stay NCM I am fine with that as well as I think there are some jobs I would enjoy more that are only available that route. 
Great news!  I just spoke to the RC and I don't have to go in Monday to write the CFAT.  Just waiting for my med docs to come in so they schedule my interview and medical.  If they don't hear anything by Tuesday, they will put a rush on it as it can take up to a month to get them with summer vacation in place right now.  I hope that they don't take that long as I am really, really hoping to be at the NOAB on Sept 28.  I was also told that they are looking at (nothing confirmed yet) at putting on another BMOQ before Christmas.  That would be awesome.  You all know what it is like.  Once you make a decision like this, you just want to get the ball rolling.

Did a 6.5km walk with hills yesterday evening. Went well as I was not out of breath or anything, but the muscles are talking to me a little bit this morning. Next time, I am going to put on a back pack with some weight in it as well.  I don't own a rucksack, but figure this would be better than nothing.

Have a good day everyone.

That's great news Steve! Keep us posted,and keep up the PT, it sounds like you are really coming along.


...and the day just keeps getting better.
I stopped at the new Sobeys (grocery store for those of you on the west coast, like save-on-foods) near my house this morning and guess who was there recruiting? You guessed it..the Navy.  Got to talk to some MARS officers and see some really awesome videos that are not on the website.  If you get a chance to see them, make sure you do. Your heart rate WILL climb and you will be pumped!  I spent about an hour chatting with them.  It was really great.

This day has been just awesome!
Steve_D said:
Great news!  I just spoke to the RC and I don't have to go in Monday to write the CFAT.

I am MOST pleased to hear that I was mistaken!

Congrats Steve!

Steve, great job on the PT! It's amazing the gains that can be made in such a short span of time. Not enough credit goes to the mental aspect of training and how a lot of times, the only person you're competing with is yourself. I'm also training and love the feeling that comes with finishing what you've set out to do.
I started hitting the track about a month ago to set up a time-trial log and have gone from 12:25 to 10:54 for 2.4 or 6 laps. When I first started the time-trials I had to push myself out the door, now I can't wait until the next time so I can attempt to lower my time. It becomes a nice challenge.
Best of luck on your interview and medical!

Great work MrJimi! Keep it up.  I am trying to find a 400m track around here, but no luck so far.  All I have is a cheap pedometer and sometimes it works, but I can't be sure of it's accuracy.  My running has not improved that much, but I am now up to 25 sit-ups and they were always my weakest point, so I feel good about that. 

Have a great day everyone!
Nice to see all of you working on PT, I have to go back on it, I was slacking off a bit.

I don't think that my Boss will let me go for the summer BMOQ, so I am looking for a strategy either to convince him or for a weekend BMOQ if it is available for reservist on the West Coast.

I'll pass by my local CFRC at some point and ask.


Short update here.  Called the RC on Tuesday and they are still waiting for my med docs to come in.  Been a little over a month now, so hoping that it will be soon.  The Sergeant said that he would make come calls to see if he can get a little move on it so that we can still do the interview and medical in time for me to attend the NOAB on Sept 28.  Fingers crossed.

More good news.  Two of my five references were contacted this week by BackCheck.  So at least I know that some things are on the move forward.

Only ran 2KM today, but that was in the middle of a 6.5KM walk around our local nature park (loaded with hills). So the workout was still a good one.

Hope you are all having a great day!

Great work with the PT Steve! Keep it up. That would be great if you could make it for Sept. 28th. Good luck.


I went into the RC on Tuesday morning. Instead of calling (again); I decided to dress nice (not a tie, but a short sleeve button up shirt with dress pants and dress shoes) and introduce myself to the Sgt whom I had been dealing with since the PO that I originally spoke to is away.  I know that having a face to go with the voice and name is a good thing, but this visit turned out even better than I expected.

The Sgt was very happy to have a face to go with the voice.  My med docs were not in yet (fingers crossed for any day now).  While he was looking through my file, I noticed the drug form that gets filled out at the same time as the CFAT.  Since I was exempt the CFAT, I mentioned to him that I knew that the form is filled out during CFAT and that I could fill it in now. (Thanks to these forums, I knew this little tidbit of information).

Well....next thing I know, I am in the Captain's office chatting with him about my application.  He had me fill out the drug form in front of him.  Wow...there are names on that form that I could not even pronounce and nicknames of drugs that I had never heard before.  Fortunately for me, I have never touched an illegal drug in my life.  But I did check off the alcohol box and we got a bit of a laugh when it came time to fill in total number of times (since I am 41) I just put unknown or we would still be there doing the math.

Anyway....by the end of the conversation, the Captain advised me to expect a call in the next couple of days to try and get me in for the interview and medical next week so that they can get me on the NOAB for Sept 28.

Now I do not wish to count my chickens before they are hatched, but I believe that this is potentially good news and am now jumping everytime the phone rings (and having a 16 yr old daughter, you can only guess how many times a day that happens).

I do believe that if I had simply phoned down the to RC and asked for an update, I would only have received "they are not in yet, call back next week"; but since I showed the initiative to dress nice and show up in person, they were willing to go the extra mile for me.

Let's hope.....

PS as far as PT goes, things are good, except that my right elbow keeps "clicking" when I am doing pushups and hurts like hell after 20.  Anyone else experience something like this? Might just be part of the old age kicking in  ;)  I found out that there is a 400m track at the local university, so going to go and check it out tonight on the way to touch up the wedding back tattoos that my wife and I got last month.

Thanks for all the encouragement and I will keep you posted as to any more progress.

Have a great day everyone.

Good luck!

As Red Green puts it, "I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together" ;D
Awesome news!!  My wife took the call as I was arriving at work.  Interview and medical are scheduled for next Wednesday, Sept 2 at 8am.

Things are definately looking up!  ;D

BTW, does anyone know the start date of the October BMOQ  and if it is full?  I am wondering if there is any chance of getting on that course with the NOAB ending Oct 2.

Cheers to all

October BMOQ?  Don't ask where I got that one from. Guess I was just wishful thinking.  I believe the next BMOQ is Sept 8, followed by Jan 2010.

Sorry if I confused anyone.
