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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Just to add my  :2c: for what little it is worth this is not the first time I have heard what M_M is mentioning.  I have talked to a couple of officers in the past that mentioned going the same route to change over although they did do it at the 2Lt/Lt stage.

M_M - the navy officer case sounds familiar - was he by chance on the east coast?
Hello everybody!
A few months ago I was in CFLRS.
But I had some personal and family issues and plus I decided I am not good enough for Army and I decided to put my Voluntary Release.
After returning home I have realized that I did biggest mistake in my whole life. I have found I liked my life there-PT,Inspections, Drill etc.
I am feeling and I want to be back to pass through all things. I want to be in CF.
I know I can apply after 6 months. My VR is category 4C. But I can not imagine how I can go again to my local CFRC and how I can look at eyes of recruiters who wished me good luck after ceremony just last year. I feel guilty before CF,  before you girls and guys who are waiting here for job offer. I want to apply again, but I feel like betrayer . I feel really sorry about that.
And I am curious if there are people here who re-applied again?
I went back in after almost a 10 year hiatus. As long as you have honestly grown as a person and not only sorted out your personal issues but set yourself up so that your personal issues won't be a burden to others, I say go for it.
jeffb said:
I went back in after almost a 10 year hiatus. As long as you have honestly grown as a person and not only sorted out your personal issues but set yourself up so that your personal issues won't be a burden to others, I say go for it.
You are absolutely right.
It is important  to solve personal issue. I have found solution after returning home. Maybe it is little  quickly but I was talking with psychologist and I found why I had personal issue. I passed through this and now I feel brave to meet challenges in my life. Some people can not believe if short time can change character.
P.S. Thanks for your message.
cypres78 said:
Not sure how seriously they are going to take you if it's only been a few months since you released.
May be.
I didn't know about different types of the leave (like temporally leave). If I had information of course I would not put my VR.
Did you complete your QL3?
because if not prepare to redo basic, there is a certain timeline you have to get back in without having to redo it. If you have your ql3 its good for 'life' (new directive) but if you were only a year or so you are likely going to have to redo it. Even after waiting the 6 months to reapply.

But if it is something you want I would go for it :)
Unless things have changed since April 11, I believe it is not a 6 month waiting period but 24 months as per the recruiting staff at CFRC Det Barrie.  If I recall correctly, because of the large number of applicants, a directive was passed down 08 APR 11 stating members need to be out of service for 24 months to reapply.  That being said, my information is almost a year old now.  If things have changed feel free to correct me.
Silverfire said:
Unless things have changed since April 11, I believe it is not a 6 month waiting period but 24 months as per the recruiting staff at CFRC Det Barrie.  If I recall correctly, because of the large number of applicants, a directive was passed down 08 APR 11 stating members need to be out of service for 24 months to reapply.  That being said, my information is almost a year old now.  If things have changed feel free to correct me.


Does this apply to those who Released and went onto the Supp List or CT to the Reserves; or just those who Released and did not elect to go on the Supp List or CT to the Reserves or PRL?
Silverfire said:
Unless things have changed since April 11, I believe it is not a 6 month waiting period but 24 months as per the recruiting staff at CFRC Det Barrie.  If I recall correctly, because of the large number of applicants, a directive was passed down 08 APR 11 stating members need to be out of service for 24 months to reapply.  That being said, my information is almost a year old now.  If things have changed feel free to correct me.

And does this only apply to unqualified applicants or if someone with 10 years in gets out for whatever reason and reapplies 6 months later, will they still be sent away? This wouldn't make sense to me as the individual with 10 years experience wouldn't be coming in at the Pte level like someone off the street.
Silverfire said:
Unless things have changed since April 11, I believe it is not a 6 month waiting period but 24 months as per the recruiting staff at CFRC Det Barrie.  If I recall correctly, because of the large number of applicants, a directive was passed down 08 APR 11 stating members need to be out of service for 24 months to reapply.  That being said, my information is almost a year old now.  If things have changed feel free to correct me.

Minimum waiting time in order to reapply is normally not less than 6 months.
I called to
Canadian Forces National Recruiting Contact Centre  1-866-966-8718  and they told me about 6 months.
Believe me or not I feel guilty about my VR and I really feel sorry that I could not use temporally leave instead of VR.
George Wallace said:

Does this apply to those who Released and went onto the Supp List or CT to the Reserves; or just those who Released and did not elect to go on the Supp List or CT to the Reserves or PRL?

jeffb said:
And does this only apply to unqualified applicants or if someone with 10 years in gets out for whatever reason and reapplies 6 months later, will they still be sent away? This wouldn't make sense to me as the individual with 10 years experience wouldn't be coming in at the Pte level like someone off the street.

I didn't ask them too much about it as it didn't pertain to me but I do believe it refers more to unskilled applicants.  But again, I could be wrong, secondchance said he spoke to CFNRC and they said 6 months so I could be wrong.
Jhunt said:
Did you complete your QL3?
because if not prepare to redo basic, there is a certain timeline you have to get back in without having to redo it. If you have your ql3 its good for 'life' (new directive) but if you were only a year or so you are likely going to have to redo it. Even after waiting the 6 months to reapply.

But if it is something you want I would go for it :)
I don`t know what is QL3.
I did not complete my Basic training. I finished on week 7. I need to start from Week 1 (or 0).
I don`t know if CFLRS will keep my records what I passed some tests : First Aid,Firefighter....
Hi everyone,

So here is my thing! I was in the military for 3 years, loved everything about it! It was my life, I worked hard and put everything I had into it. It took me a couple years to finally get a job threw the CF, when I finally got in life was good. One year ago, I was released. I was having a hard time with my 3's. not that I was not smart enough to pass, but I was going threw as a MSE OP (a driver). I have never been behind a wheel of a vehicle ever, first time was my 3's. So being 4'11 and driving a HUGE truck was not easy. So I failed out of my 3's, after the 2nd time going threw the trade, I decided that I would change trades for something I would enjoy doing, and something I could see myself doing for 20 years. Well, I went to see the BPSO and told her what was going on and how I wanted to stay in the CF as, I've wanted this since I was younger and worked hard to get where I am. She told me that I would have to rewrite the app test! As soon as she said those words, I knew I was going to have some issues. She also told me if I were to fail the test that the CF would have to release me, if that didn't add some pressure. Anyways, I failed the test, seeing I have not been to school in 10 years, have not touched or seen math in god knows how long and english. So they had to release me! I have two little girls, and pretty much turned my life upside down. 1 year later, just say things are not easy. I had to let the ex husband who is in the army too, take care of the girls while I got my life together. When I was released they told me I can rejoin apply 6 months to 1 year later. So here I am, wanting this more then anything. The only thing standing in my way is the app test. I was told about this site and was told there is a lot of helpful tips and help on here! So here I am asking for everyones help. It's been a while since the app test, and seeing it's going to be my 3rd try this is it. The last chance at it! Thirds a charm right? So if anyone has tips, sites, if they know what kind of stuff they cover on the test, please email me. I need all the help I can get! Never wanted something so bad! Thanks everyone for listening. Here is my email aderochie@gmail.com
Just curious....how did you pass the CFAT the first time but then fail it a second?  What also has me kind of curious is you are asking about what kinds of questions are on the test.  You've already done it twice.....you should know what to expect.

As for advice....study harder
RCDcpl said:
how did you pass the CFAT the first time but then fail it a second? 

Probably failed to qualify for the trade(s) she was thinking of transfering to.
I already had an extensive conversation about the CFAT with someone else, so I will gather the info I had put together for him and PM it to you.

EDIT: PM sent. If anyone else needs the info, as in links to practice tests and grade 10 math, let me know.
My recruiter told me that there changing the CFAT format in April,  It will be the same test generally but there adding a new section of questions, so come april any of our responses could become irrelevant, you should talk to a recruiter.  At the very least they'll be able to give you a handout that contains the practice test.
Mushroom said:
At the very least they'll be able to give you a handout that contains the practice test.

Also available right here:
