CBH99 said:
Global situation settling into a new alignment? I'm thinking more & more that China will absolutely surpass the US as the global "go to" country for a variety of needs, whether it be economic, military, foreign development, etc.
China has one of the largest armed forces in the world, and isn't spread across the world the way the US is. And I believe China's "goal" of having a blue water navy was met long ago, as the warships it's literally pumping out in volumes are coming out pretty equal technology-wise to European & American ships in many ways.
China is one of the largest economies in the world, and does not link it's foreign aid money with a bunch of conditions, the way the US does. If your a 3rd world government with little regard for ethics, doing business with China is less of a hassle than doing business with the US (ethics aside)
China has one of the largest consumer bases in the world. Want to seek private investment? China. Want to sell a product? China. Want to market an entertainment or product to a country with 3x as many people as the US? China.
India is too incompetent to compete, it's about as good at buying military equipment as we are. Plus it has the 'burden' of a democratic government system, which gives China the advantage as they can act in the best interest of China without the constant interference of multiple government parties opposing. India is even being muscled out of the Maldives by Chinese investment right now. The local government has chosen not to renew land leases to the Indian government, and has instead welcomed a huge investment in condos, malls, infrastructure, airports, etc etc from the Chinese.
New alignment...I'm thinking very much China. The dragon isn't just crawling out of it's egg anymore, it's grown into a pretty dominating beast & it only continues to eat & get bigger. :2c:
Well said.
It is absolutely amazing to watch america cede its status in the world, create voids being filled by china, bleeding influence, prestige and shortly, wealth.
America should be using this time to create stronger ties, politically and economically to counter rising chinese strength and wealth, instead it is doing the polar opposite, almost pushing the world into chinas welcome, non judgmental arms.
Damage like this is not easily undone, and it is in my opinion, the act of a society that has grown arrogant about its status in the world. America, Americans have not known a period of time where they have not been the premier power on the globe, an empire with a web of treaties and alliances that allow it to project power wherever it pleases. Having always known this status, they don't respect how easy it is for it all to slip away, and how fast it can happen.
Especially since the fall of the USSR, america could always count on there being no nation that could challenge its hegemony on world, financial, and military affairs. But you are right, for decades now, china has been playing the long game, careful to never fully upset the balance of power too quickly or forcefully. But now they can play the fast game, for the world, repulsed by the actions it does not understand, appreciate, or are willing to go along with, are actively looking for ways to knock america down a peg.
And what better way than the global power in waiting, china.
It would be all lot more interesting, even entertaining, if it were not so serious, or depressing.