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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs ??? - Vote Hard with a Vengence

With Biden out maybe Trump will step aside and let Vance take the lead? We need some youth across both parties.
If he steps aside, he’s hoping that Vance wins and pardons him.

This is a guy that until 2022, was anti-Trump. He has since kissed the ring, but if I were Trump, I wouldn’t trust him to pardon me.

But it would be hilarious to see play out.
Just for interest sake, this is a link to the Republican Project 2025 chapter on Defence:

Nice to see some coherent reading. Only gone through part of it. But sure is a nice change from reading Canadian political party policy papers on defense.
Nice to see some coherent reading. Only gone through part of it. But sure is a nice change from reading Canadian political party policy papers on defense.
I read through it all and about 90% is common sense stuff (albeit you have to accept some allegations as proven and not just strawmen) another 9% is debateable but debateable on the basis of legitimate differences of opinion while about 1% or so is just folks letting someone throw in their own prejudices and hobby horses which are just bullshit and have nothing to do with security.

Amongst the 9% is their pivot to Asian security issues at the expense of European ones (in particular the lack of talk about Ukraine and Russian aggression)

As to the 1%, in any committee effort like this, you always have that one guy where the group basically says "Okay Joe, we'll put that in if you'll shut up now." They are scattered around the paper. Those are the issues that the press always picks up on.

I'm not sold that they're going to let Harris have the job.

Four of the top democrats, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries haven't endorsed her. All four are calling for an open primary.

I still think Michelle Obama is a threat. I won't be surprised if she announces either at, or shortly before, the primary. She hasn't been very visible for the last six months, so no recent sound bites to use against her. They don't have time to sell a new candidate. They need someone with immediate recognition. Someone that can articulate the vision of the Obama regime. Someone to move away from the far left, radical squad. In otherwords, someone with immediate curb appeal.
I'm not sold that they're going to let Harris have the job.

Four of the top democrats, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries haven't endorsed her. All four are calling for an open primary.

I still think Michelle Obama is a threat. I won't be surprised if she announces either at, or shortly before, the primary. She hasn't been very visible for the last six months, so no recent sound bites to use against her. They don't have time to sell a new candidate. They need someone with immediate recognition. Someone that can articulate the vision of the Obama regime. Someone to move away from the far left, radical squad. In otherwords, someone with immediate curb appeal.
She would appeal to a large swath of the Dem party and to some of the uncommitted voters. I also see that Trumps attacks on her would likley help her more than hurt her. If he stuck to attacking her husband's record and insinuating that she will just do the same mistakes as he did and is to weak for the current geopolitical situation, then he can claw voters from her. But I don't think he can be that tactical.