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US Presidential Election 2020

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The Trump organisation really needs a new play book.

A laptop dropped off across the country at a Trump supporter’s store and never returned to pick it up.

Emails now just like Clinton.  Lock him up.

I guess they are hoping the same old song and dance from last time will work this time.
Remius said:
The Trump organisation really needs a new play book.

A laptop dropped off across the country at a Trump supporter’s store and never returned to pick it up.

Emails now just like Clinton.  Lock him up.

I guess they are hoping the same old song and dance from last time will work this time.

Sadly.  I think it will.

Between this election, and the last - it's sad that their political system is so OVERTLY dysfunctional that the only 2 choices Americans have are these two.  Or the last two.

There are so many folks who are decent, kind, and down to earth.  Who would make common sense decisions, based on facts, science, and the best interest of the citizenry.  And those folks would never stand a chance of even RUNNING in an election, because to do so requires an absurd amount of money to even run a campaign.

And the campaigns aren't based on merit.  They aren't based on whether this candidate is a down to earth person who would make common sense decisions, in the interest of the country as a whole. 

It's nothing more than the wealthy elite smearing each other & discrediting each other -- while anybody who resembles a potential good choice being eliminated early on.  (Andrew Yang, Ron Paul, Ben Carson, to name a few, etc.)

It's sad that in a country with over 320 Million people, their only 2 options are these guys...  ::) :facepalm: :'(

>Emails now just like Clinton.

That one was about the use of a non-secured server, and basically everything happened as alleged.  Would any lesser person have been charged rather than having the goalposts of negligence moved on her behalf?

The new issue is about the content of what the emails allege.  (As usual, the cover up is looking worse than the crime.)  The absence of concrete denials is intriguing; Schiff's immediate leap to pin it on "Russia" is amusing - that, ironically, is an old song-and-dance routine.

What should happen if Trump and his offspring/in-laws are corrupt?  What should happen if Biden and his offspring are corrupt?
Brad Sallows said:
What should happen if Trump and his offspring/in-laws are corrupt?  What should happen if Biden and his offspring are corrupt?

"The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too."

Oscar Levant
Brad Sallows said:
What should happen if Trump and his offspring/in-laws are corrupt?  What should happen if Biden and his offspring are corrupt?

They all are.  To some degree or another, they are all corrupt.

Or, if corrupt isn't the right word... then perhaps "compromised by large corporations and special interest groups" who fund their campaigns to get elected.

If large organizations are funding your campaign, and you get elected.  It's hard for me to believe those same organizations don't get favoured once their candidate is in power. 

And if certain organizations, corporations, or groups are being given special interest by a government that is supposed to be "of the people, by the people, for the people" - and do what is in the best interest of the citizenry - is that not a form of corruption that we've just come to accept as being normal?
Remius said:
The Trump organisation really needs a new play book.

A laptop dropped off across the country at a Trump supporter’s store and never returned to pick it up.

Emails now just like Clinton.  Lock him up.

I guess they are hoping the same old song and dance from last time will work this time.

This one is ludicrously absurd. And yet, people will buy it because it fits what they want to believe. Info ops are easy when you’re target audience has so thoroughly primed themselves to be receptive even to nonsense.
The hypocrisy is wonderfully amusing.  If the roles were reversed, the news media would be talking about nothing else; the political hacks at Bulwark, Vox, Atlantic, etc would already each have published three anonymously sourced "explanatory" articles asserting the truth of the matter; and the social media taps would be wide open.

There have been calls for a special investigator to be appointed.  That, too, would be wonderfully ironic if the Biden/Harris ticket wins - to find out exactly how far principles about the sanctity of investigations extend when a Democratic administration is under scrutiny.

If it's nonsense, the facts - emails - should be easy to disprove.  Either other addressees will confirm the truth, or deny it.
Brad Sallows said:
The hypocrisy is wonderfully amusing.  If the roles were reversed, the news media would be talking about nothing else; the political hacks at Bulwark, Vox, Atlantic, etc would already each have published three anonymously sourced "explanatory" articles asserting the truth of the matter; and the social media taps would be wide open.

There have been calls for a special investigator to be appointed.  That, too, would be wonderfully ironic if the Biden/Harris ticket wins - to find out exactly how far principles about the sanctity of investigations extend when a Democratic administration is under scrutiny.

If it's nonsense, the facts - emails - should be easy to disprove.  Either other addressees will confirm the truth, or deny it.

Or they ignore it as conspiracy and not worth replying to.  The unmasking thing was already a dud. The Clinton thing (she’s still not locked up) is looking to also go that way.  Why would this one be any different.
>The Clinton thing (she’s still not locked up) is looking to also go that way.

Pity she lost the election.
Remius said:
The Clinton thing (she’s still not locked up) is looking to also go that way. 

Some things never go away.  :)

Spotted in Erie, Pennsylvania. October 2020

Reminisent of the maga bomber van.

CTV News

"It's a reflex many Canadians can't shake; watching the U.S. election campaign is like rubber-necking a car crash across the highway. It's riveting, at times terrifying. Above all, you fear the debris could actually fall your way."

Hopefully the toxin will not spread to Canadian politics.

mariomike said:
Hopefully the toxin will not spread to Canadian politics.

Our toxin is just more insipid...and acceptable to the electorate, apparently.
Good2Golf said:
Our toxin is just more insipid...and acceptable to the electorate, apparently.

It is not perceived by everyone as a toxin....more like Soylent Green.
A stunning piece by the people that brought us the Lincoln Project - all of whom are former Republican's. 

Here is the link to their other work:(Info Ops done right...)


And here is the link to the OpEd originally posted at Wapo, but shared in good faith:


Republicans, it’s time to choose between autocracy and a republic

Opinion by Stuart Stevens, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt and Reed Galen
Oct. 20, 2020 at 4:52 p.m. EDT

Republicans Reed Galen, Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson are co-founders of the Lincoln Project. Stuart Stevens is a senior adviser to the Lincoln Project.

This is for the many men and women in Washington with whom we have worked over the past 30-plus years. Some of you hold elected office. Some are officials in the Trump administration. Many of you are members of the consultant and lobbyist class.

In two weeks, the most consequential election of our generation will come, and your time for choosing will arrive. As Republicans, will you stand with President Trump, or will you stand with, and stand up for, America? Will you protect democracy or protect a single person and his family?

We’re not merely talking about your vote.

We’re talking about what comes next.

Never before in U.S. history has an incumbent president refused in advance to accept the outcome of an election. In the days ahead, your party may call upon you to support efforts by a White House that refuses to transfer power after a loss at the polls. The weapons won’t be tanks but thousands of lawyers backed by an attorney general who works for the president, not the people.

This effort will succeed only if a Republican Party power structure offers blind allegiance to one man instead of the republic. Every Republican elected official, staffer, consultant, operative and sympathizer will face a choice: my party or my country?

To do nothing is a choice. Passivity may seem easy at first. Soon, though, what you’ll be asked to do to remain in favor will surpass your moral boundaries. By then, it will be too late.

And, by then, it will be anything but easy. Remember why you came to Washington. You came to serve, whether as an intern, young staffer or the most senior official in a government, with great hope and idealism. With time, all passions cool, but we hope that you have not, at your core, lost the beliefs that first brought you to the nation’s capital.

Trump, though, was never in anyone’s plan. From the moment he descended the golden escalator, you’ve seen him for what he is: a boor, incapable and unfit for office. His victory was an unwelcome shock. The Washington — the nation — you knew would soon be gone — none of us knew just how far gone.

Since taking office, Trump’s behavior has deteriorated. His contempt for the laws, traditions, rules and norms became breathtakingly evident. Hushed conversations over lunches and dinners became recitations of his latest outrage.

But what did you do about it? Nothing.

You know what Republican elected officials have said about Trump behind closed doors from the start because you are often — maybe always — behind those doors. You’ve seen the haunted look in a colleague’s or a boss’s eyes after a meeting with the unstable, unfit man who is our president. You know in your heart that Trump should not be president for another day.

We understand what we are asking: to choose between doing what’s best for the country and doing what’s best for your bank account. Many of you have “kept your powder dry,” waiting for the right moment to say or do something — preserving all the while the little transactional encounters that can mean the difference between failure and success.

We know what you stand to lose from taking a stand. Your phone calls and texts may go unreturned. The receptions, parties and dates on the social calendar may be outside your reach. You may be ostracized. You may lose business.

And it will be worth it.

To believe that your life or your business will continue as you’ve known them during four more years of the current administration is to close your eyes. You know what Trump is doing to the country you love.

As conservatives, we long argued that culture was the soul of America. We were right, but it is Trump who now assaults our nation’s soul.

The time for choosing is at hand. Will you choose a republic or an autocracy?

Some of you have chosen. You are already at work on this lawless and amoral project, litigating in the states to suppress the vote. Many of you are planning to replace slates of electors to win another term for Trump. Many of you are planning to snatch an election victory from the people by any means necessary.

Think hard before you continue.

Trump is collapsing. His campaign is leaderless and broke. His failures have cost nearly 220,000 Americans their lives and tens of millions their jobs. His instability is increasing; you see it every day.

Endangered members of the Senate are running from him as they finally realize that Trump will be their undoing. What are you waiting for?

None of us can choose history. History chooses us. If you ever wondered what side of the Edmund Pettus Bridge you would have stood on, this is your chance to choose. Those who went before faced dogs and fire hoses, and yet they did not flinch.

In war and peace, Americans have displayed unparalleled courage in the face of evil and injustice. It doesn’t take courage to stand up to Trump; it takes courage to stand up for your country. That is the legacy we inherited and are called to defend.

That is the choice. America or Trump? Now is the time to stand with the country you love.

And yes, I expect push back....
False dilemma.  Autocracy isn't on the table, and the Republican party as it currently exists (shorn of its ex-Democratic/neocon visitors) is the only major party in the US committed to preserving the structures and institutions of the republic.  (The Democrats, as some may know, want to overhaul the courts, the Senate, the House, the electoral college, and a few parts of the Constitution.)  To choose Trump is to choose republicanism and an incompetent blowhard president.

Here is one definition, from Wikipedia:

"Autocracy is a system of government in which supreme political power to direct all the activities of the state is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control (except perhaps for the implicit threat of coup d'état or rebellion)."

Trump does not, and never could have, such power.  He has neither attempted to amass it, nor has he the kind of focus it would take to do so.  Were he to start down that path, he would get the same push-back he currently gets from pretty much every agency and institution.  To summarize, he hasn't tried to yet; he lacks the skill and focus to succeed; and others would resist.  People wind themselves up one day over QAnon, and then the next fall in with bizarre theories about what they imagine Trump will do.

Ross Douthat's explanation.

The people now sitting in the political wasteland that used to be the right-hand side of the Democratic party are the ones responsible for the ruinous policies of the past two administrations (the tens of thousands of lives lost, the countries ruined, the trillions of dollars flushed).  They spend a lot of time articulating what they are against (Trump), and not much time articulating what they'd do with power.  Possibly that explains their support of Biden, who avoids answering important questions with clarity and decisiveness.  But I suppose there are some who like the fit of those shoes.
Actually, I think that the Republicans that are part of the Lincoln Project fear that if Trump wins another term that the Republican Party could be irreparably damaged so much so that the Democrats could rule for a long time after (and quite possibly before if both the senate and house go democrat, which is a real possibility).

While I find this whole debacle fascinating from political junkie point of view, I suspect we are in for years of more instability, false accusations and witch hunts regardless who wins.

If Trump wins, and he can, and if both houses are democrat I suspect he won’t be able to finish out his second term.

If Biden wins, and he can, and he has both houses, I suspect there will be a massive institutional change as you have mentioned.

PPCLI Guy said:
A stunning piece by the people that brought us the Lincoln Project - all of whom are former Republican's. 

Here is the link to their other work:(Info Ops done right...)


And here is the link to the OpEd originally posted at Wapo, but shared in good faith:


And yes, I expect push back....

That OpEd from Wapo is so rife with propaganda it doesn't even warrant a response.  This is the dying gasp of a corrupt establishment.  What is stunning is the media and political establishment's corruption.   

>Actually, I think that the Republicans that are part of the Lincoln Project fear that if Trump wins another term that the Republican Party could be irreparably damaged so much so that the Democrats could rule for a long time after (and quite possibly before if both the senate and house go democrat, which is a real possibility).

That makes no sense.  What the nominally Republican Never-Trumpers, including those of the LP and who write at The Bulwark and The Atlantic have called for, repeatedly, is for the Republican party to be torn down (defeated profoundly) and rebuilt (come crawling back for advice).  They don't fear it, they agitate for it.

What they fear is loss of power and access to power.  Republicans have learned that it is possible to control the presidency, Senate, and House without the conservative sub-faction known (or formerly known, if they choose to no longer wear the label) as neo-conservative.  The allegiances of the people in the different buckets into which analysts and operatives like to sort them are not fixed, and the partial shift of establishment players out of the Republican party and into the Democratic party is concurrent with the partial shift of formerly reliably Democratic constituents (working class, various minorities) into the Republican party.

An alternative is for the Democratic party to be torn down and rebuilt - to lose, and lose again, to prompt a re-thinking of its ideals - so that it can return to the centre, reoccupying the position which is now only sparsely held by the LP and associated hangers-on.
Brad Sallows said:
>Actually, I think that the Republicans that are part of the Lincoln Project fear that if Trump wins another term that the Republican Party could be irreparably damaged so much so that the Democrats could rule for a long time after (and quite possibly before if both the senate and house go democrat, which is a real possibility).

That makes no sense.  What the nominally Republican Never-Trumpers, including those of the LP and who write at The Bulwark and The Atlantic have called for, repeatedly, is for the Republican party to be torn down (defeated profoundly) and rebuilt (come crawling back for advice).  They don't fear it, they agitate for it.

What they fear is loss of power and access to power.  Republicans have learned that it is possible to control the presidency, Senate, and House without the conservative sub-faction known (or formerly known, if they choose to no longer wear the label) as neo-conservative.  The allegiances of the people in the different buckets into which analysts and operatives like to sort them are not fixed, and the partial shift of establishment players out of the Republican party and into the Democratic party is concurrent with the partial shift of formerly reliably Democratic constituents (working class, various minorities) into the Republican party.

An alternative is for the Democratic party to be torn down and rebuilt - to lose, and lose again, to prompt a re-thinking of its ideals - so that it can return to the centre, reoccupying the position which is now only sparsely held by the LP and associated hangers-on.

It won’t make sense to you if you assume the republicans won’t get blown out.  They are facing that reality.  The senate is looking like it will go democrat and so will the house in all likelihood.  So some republicans are distancing themselves from Trump. 

Then add a shrinking base and an unwillingness to expand that base then you have a slow death. Republicans are trying to avoid that but too little too late I think.

It’s not about power now.  It’s about survival.

Remius said:
It won’t make sense to you if you assume the republicans won’t get blown out.  They are facing that reality.  The senate is looking like it will go democrat and so will the house in all likelihood.  So some republicans are distancing themselves from Trump. 

Then add a shrinking base and an unwillingness to expand that base then you have a slow death. Republicans are trying to avoid that but too little too late I think.

It’s not about power now.  It’s about survival.

Wishful thinking. The polls are tightening just like 2016.
The Democrats have no message other than getting rid of fossil fuels and raising taxes. They hope for a miracle but Trump's base is solid and he is picking up votes in the minority community who are tired of watching their cities burn due to the George Soros backed antifa and BLM movements. Get ready for 4 more years of THe Donald.  ;D
tomahawk6 said:
Wishful thinking. The polls are tightening just like 2016.
The Democrats have no message other than getting rid of fossil fuels and raising taxes. They hope for a miracle but Trump's base is solid and he is picking up votes in the minority community who are tired of watching their cities burn due to the George Soros backed antifa and BLM movements. Get ready for 4 more years of THe Donald.  ;D

I didn’t mention Trump.  I was talking about the senate and the house.

I have no doubt that Trump can win.  I question though that his base is actually expanding.  But what if he doesn’t?  Or if he does how long does he last with a house and senate that might have democratic majorities?  3 years of pence? Assuming it takes a year to impeach trump.

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