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US Presidential Election 2020

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Remius said:
Yet strangely Trump seems to want to encourage mail in voting when it matters to him...

Or even vote twice if you can.


Don't let a little context interfere with your beliefs.
Donald H said:
Thanks, I sort of understand but not completely. So let's say the popular vote in Nebraska goes to Trump, say 51%. Nebraska awards Trump half of their electors (5 of the 10?) and the other 5 can go either way? So in fairness, 4 of the other 5 could go to Biden?  (just trying to come up with an example)

Nebraska has "5" electoral college votes (2 senators, 3 representatives in Congress).  They award 2 electors to whomever wins the statewide popular vote and the other electors are awarded to the winner of the popular vote in the 3 separate congressional districts.

It works the same way in Maine, which has 4 electoral votes (2 senators and 2 representatives in Congress).
Lots of examples like this. 

QV said:
Lots of examples like this. 


“... I still find Mr. Trump’s style grating, and I cringe at his narcissism. Some of his junior subordinates are wanting in talent or experience. His friendliness with the dictators of Russia and North Korea is wrong-headed, even dangerous. As for ethics, I believe he hasn’t sufficiently ensured that his hotel empire derives no profit from hosting U.S. and foreign government officials. And I think the president clearly doesn’t understand the principle of mutual gains from trade...”

Which pretty much defines ‘plug-your-nose’ voting.
A vote while the nose is plugged is still a vote. 

When you find the perfect candidate/human, let me know.
QV said:
When you find the perfect candidate/human, let me know.

Impossible. Perfect to whom?  Doesn’t exist.
Agreed.  There will always be someone plugging their nose.
FJAG said:
The man revels in attention.

My guess would be immediately that it's ultimately decided that he lost (and my guess is regardless, this will end up before the USSC) he'll start rallies to justify why he was cheated and start a campaign for 2014 - either for himself or Ivanka. As long as someone else ponies up the money for the rallies and advertising he'll continue to try to keep hold of the attention. There will definitely not be a graceful retirement to write his memoirs.


Would you be agreeable to adding?: And incite violence.
Because that's what I think he would do, while being cautious enough to stay within the law.
FJAG said:
The man revels in attention.

My guess would be immediately that it's ultimately decided that he lost (and my guess is regardless, this will end up before the USSC) he'll start rallies to justify why he was cheated and start a campaign for 2014 - either for himself or Ivanka.
As long as someone else ponies up the money for the rallies and advertising he'll continue to try to keep hold of the attention. There will definitely not be a graceful retirement to write his memoirs.

Pretty sure you meant 2024. And Ivanka Trump will never stand for President.
I remember this post from three-and-a-half years ago because I learned a new word on here,

Journeyman said:
"Predictable."  That's pretty rich, being posted in a Trump bukkake-fest.

My predictability does  become apparent when the Trump toxin spreads to Canadian topics.

I regret (more than you can imagine) that my preference for facts and thinking is at odds with the majority of group-think in this thread.  Yes, I've done a reality-check, wondering if I'm 'the only one in step,'  and while I can understand some of the emotions behind this 'movement' I just can't understand the suspension of thought that embracing it requires (unless that sort of thing was never one's strong suit anyway).  Oh well.

As I've stated before, I'm more than happy  to avoid this mess altogether..... if people would stop trying to drag Canada into the alt-garbage world -- in this, and other, threads. 

Some solutions are  pretty simple.  :nod:

Now that the election is two months away, have any of his cheerleaders had second thoughts about Trump deserving a second term - since the above was posted?

FJAG said:
My guess would be immediately that it's ultimately decided that he lost (and my guess is regardless, this will end up before the USSC) he'll start rallies to justify why he was cheated and start a campaign for 2024 - either for himself or Ivanka.

FJAG said:
Done Jr then?

Ivanka and Junior and Eric debate each other for the nomination?  :)
Neither Trump nor Biden deserves the next term, but except for voters willing to vote third party, necessarily it comes down to a choice between the two.  And as discussed repeatedly here, the reasons to vote for a candidate need not have much to do with the candidate.  People may vote against a candidate rather than for the other candidate.  People may vote on a single issue which separates the candidates.  People may vote because they don't like a general trend.  Etc.
Huge numbers Trump approval surges

QV said:

Huge questionable source.

I respect this source:

Disapprove :  52.2 %
Baden Guy said:
I respect this source:

Disapprove :  52.2 %

If accurate, then Trump is about where Obama was at same time in presidency. 
Weinie said:
What role/responsibility will a headline-seeking media play/accept in the aftermath of a scenario where the current POTUS loses on Nov 3? How much conjecture, completely separated from reality, will consume tons of trees/pixels?

Hi weinie

I understand that the WH has already set up a transitioning team in case he loses. And I think you're right on the mark with your question.
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