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US Election: 2016

An 11th hour attempt to derail his campaign?

Associated Press

Ohio Republican delegation gives cold shoulder to Trump

Dan Sewell, The Associated Press
July 16, 2016

CINCINNATI - Ohio's Republican delegation starting with Gov. John Kasich is giving Donald Trump the cold shoulder at the GOP convention in Cleveland.

Kasich, an also-ran in the presidential sweepstakes, hasn't endorsed Trump and won't speak at the convention, a stunning rebuke by the most senior home-state elected official. Sen. Rob Portman, locked in a tough re-election race, is planning other events in Ohio rather than speaking at the four-day festivities.

"We all share concerns about Donald Trump," said state Rep. Niraj Antani, a first-time delegate from southwest Ohio, where one of his legislative colleagues and fellow delegate, Shannon Jones, is staying home in an act she described as "conscientiously objecting" to Trump.

Kasich is a sore loser.Trump seems to have broad support that none of the other candidates except maybe Cruz,were able to achieve.He had democrats crossing over to vote for him.Hillary is not even sure she will have the support of her base.The establishment is out in the cold,a first.Gingrich even told the Bush clan to get "over it ".Of course the media eats this up,as they are an organ of the DNC.It wont do for the Donald to be President.Of course after 8 years of Obama,I doubt he could do worse.
Melania Trump gets some unwanted attention:

Canadian Press

Calls for firings erupt during Republican convention over Melania Trump speech

Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press
July 19, 2016

CLEVELAND - A campaign already notorious for infighting was riven by fresh calls for dismissals Tuesday in the midst of a nominating convention — the ill-timed fall-out from some paragraphs of pilfered oratory.

News that potential first lady Melania Trump had repeated near-verbatim snippets of an old speech from incumbent first lady Michelle Obama caused a bizarre bout of fingerpointing at the Republican national convention.

S.M.A. said:
Melania Trump gets some unwanted attention:

Canadian Press

This is becoming embarrassing. Trump is looking more and more unready, un-presidential, and ridiculous by the day. When your speech writer can't even write a new speech for your wife to give at a convention and includes "rick-rolling" the world you have moved past political maverick and right to embarrassment. After this election the RNC will, hopefully, take a good long look at itself and fix whatever went wrong that allowed this clown to be the nominee.
Politicians plagiarize each others speeches all the time.

Besides, there's only so many catch phrases for politicians to use, that they're bound to be repeated.

What is embarrassing is how the MSM is attacking and playing PR machine for the Clinton Mob Family and how little ammunition they have, on Trump, that they try make this something it's not.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
This is becoming embarrassing. Trump is looking more and more unready, un-presidential, and ridiculous by the day. When your speech writer can't even write a new speech for your wife to give at a convention and includes "rick-rolling" the world you have moved past political maverick and right to embarrassment. After this election the RNC will, hopefully, take a good long look at itself and fix whatever went wrong that allowed this clown to be the nominee.

At the same time, SHE IS NOT A POLITICIAN so why should she be held accountable for her speech.  If she were indeed a political figure, then it would be inexcusable.  However, you could also look at is as a "good thing" that she is removed from politics and reflects on the average person, who would not have access to researchers and political writers.  The 'appearance' that she did her own research and writing, finding words in other's speeches to press her points, may be what enamors her with the 'common people'.  That is where the Trump campaign has been getting its momentum.
If JFK can do it why can't Trump's wife?

JFK's famous line about asking America what it can do for you was actually plagerized from a 9012 speech.....JFK took it one step further, thats all
GAP said:
If JFK can do it why can't Trump's wife?

JFK's famous line about asking America what it can do for you was actually plagerized from a 9012 speech.....JFK took it one step further, thats all

Geeze, if he had a time machine you'd of thought he would have avoided Dallas that day.
jollyjacktar said:
Geeze, if he had a time machine you'd of thought he would have avoided Dallas that day.
Maybe he travelled back in time to shoot himself because he couldn't bear the thought of having plagiarized the speech?
There is a huge difference between building on a quote to make a point, and parroting someone else's words.

Plus,  once you get on stage to pimp your third husband, you are fair game.  You're not immune from public criticism once you present yourself to the public.
Really, that was a childish attempt by someone to sabotage Trump. It is also a perfect opportunity of the Legacy media to ignore everything else that is going on in the convention, the speeches by heavyweight politicians, business people, astronauts etc. and focus on picking fly s**t from pepper.

Frankly, if thats all they've got, we really should ignore the Legacy Media.

Of course the exact opposite will happen during the DNC: every gaff, misstatement or even bald faced lie will be quickly brushed over and never brought up again.
The media jumped on this speech to humiliate Trump and totally ignored the poignant speech given by the mother of one of the Benghazi victims.  Shows, like in Canada, a definite political bias in the American media. 
George Wallace said:
At the same time, SHE IS NOT A POLITICIAN so why should she be held accountable for her speech.  If she were indeed a political figure, then it would be inexcusable.  However, you could also look at is as a "good thing" that she is removed from politics and reflects on the average person, who would not have access to researchers and political writers.  The 'appearance' that she did her own research and writing, finding words in other's speeches to press her points, may be what enamors her with the 'common people'.  That is where the Trump campaign has been getting its momentum.

No but as First Lady (or potential First Lady) you might as well be.  Her position as First Lady will be scrutinised just as much as the pick for VP.  And if your very first speech is a repeat of a speech given by a former First Lady who happens to be on the other team, then yeah, that makes news.  It wasn't just the MSM reporting this.  EVERYONE was reporting this.  Even entertainment shows, and even conservative news stations.
So you're saying Trump doesn't hire very good people to work for him?  Not quite what folks are looking for in the POTUS.

At this rate, a write in campaign for Pikachu is looking more and more like America's best option.
George Wallace said:
At the same time, SHE IS NOT A POLITICIAN so why should she be held accountable for her speech.  If she were indeed a political figure, then it would be inexcusable.  However, you could also look at is as a "good thing" that she is removed from politics and reflects on the average person, who would not have access to researchers and political writers.  The 'appearance' that she did her own research and writing, finding words in other's speeches to press her points, may be what enamors her with the 'common people'.  That is where the Trump campaign has been getting its momentum.

Why should she be held accountable? She's on a stage, in front of the nation, commending reasons why her husband should be the President of the USA and can't come up with her own speech and you see no problem or reason for embarrassment in this? The "common person" giving a best man speech at a wedding did a better job of coming up with new material than her, and she was undoubtedly surrounded by hordes or hired speech writers. I also don't think anyone who watched that speech would think that she did her own research on it, unless of course she had been listening to Rick Astley earlier in the day and heard her inspirational bard. I don't think anyone was expecting a Gettysburg Address from her but to have basically copied Michelle Obama's speech (Michelle Obama! Their mortal enemy!) is past unfortunate and right into embarrassing.

On that, it's sad to see the Republicans, the party of great orators and introspective men such as Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan, reduced to this. The party has come a long way since the Gettysburg address, unfortunately the direction travelled has been down.
