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URINE Questions

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Roy Harding said:
Thanks for the link - but; it is on a site belonging to one of the aforementioned purveyors of this product, thus not (in my opinion) objective in the least.

While I agree that the article and information is not objective I do wonder if the Nutritional Facts label (if valid) should be considered objective material as I believe that they are mandatory by the Food and Drug Regulations. Are such labels checked by whichever governing body administers the Food and Drug regulations prior to being put on a product? or can a company pretty much say what they want as long as the label appears on their product?

I'll be honest - I visited that site, saw who it belonged to, and didn't pursue it any further.

I'll go back to it and read the information you've pointed me toward.  Thanks.

Regardless what I may find there to satisfy my curiousity - I'm STILL curious as to why the original poster began eating these seeds.
Roy Harding said:
Regardless what I may find there to satisfy my curiousity - I'm STILL curious as to why the original poster began eating these seeds.

severe case of "the munchies" ???
  Hi ,

I'm just wondering what exactly is tested during the blood  and  urine test?
  The reason I started eating the hemp seeds and flax seeds was because these are good sources  of omega 3 after I recently had an appointment with a naturopathic doc ! It would suck if I tested positive because I have never used drugs and don't ever plan on! Until my medical is over I plan on staying away from hemp , flax and sesame seeds just to be safe! I did some searching and found that sometimes  poppy seeds can test positive as well!
natalie23 said:
  The reason I started eating the hemp seeds and flax seeds was because these are good sources  of omega 3 after I recently had an appointment with a naturopathic doc ! It would suck if I tested positive because I have never used drugs and don't ever plan on! Until my medical is over I plan on staying away from hemp , flax and sesame seeds just to be safe! I did some searching and found that sometimes  poppy seeds can test positive as well!

Got ya'.

There are other good sources of Omega 3's which don't have the possible side-effect of causing you to test positive on a drug test.  I'm thinking Cod Liver Oil, or Salmon Oil - which are available in pill form.
poppy seeds....think morphine/heroin...they aren't made from the seeds, but there has to be something in their DNA to cause the munchies/vibrant colors  ;D....
So my test isn't until the 18th , do you think that the seeds would be out  of my system by then?
I read someplace online that THC stays in your system from 6 months+...I will try and find it and post the link.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I read someplace online that THC stays in your system from 6 months+...I will try and find it and post the link.

I can't find the link where I previously read this information (I also will try and locate the link), but It mentioned that THC will stay in the urine for 30 days, in the blood for 3-6 days, and in your hair for 4 years.

It seems that the actual time frames vary dramatically depending on whom you speak to, some sites have people saying it stays in your urine for only 10 days, others 30 days. Some say it can be detected in your hair follicles for 6 months, others 4-6 years.

natalie23, my suggestion to you is to be honest. Have you had your interview yet? filled out the drug questionnaire yet? If not then let the interviewer know honestly when the last time you had marijuana (if ever at all) and also that you ingest hemp seeds for (insert your reasoning here) and when the last time you ingested them was. If in-fact THC is detectable through hemp seed ingestion then the interviewer will inform you of the best course of action.
I am not a doctor (or pharmacologist/biochemist) and I don't play one on TV or the internet (I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn last night).  However, there are numerous articles available on-line that discuss this issue (including dubious schemes to beat drug testing).  These few may be of help in answering your questions.  But as already suggested, the best course of action is to inform the recruiting centre and discuss it with them.

Evaluating Interference of THC Levels in Hemp Food Products with Employee Drug Testing
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The objective of this study was to establish a correlation between extended daily ingestion of THC via hemp food and the likelihood of failing screening and/or confirmation testing of urine for marijuana. This involved a statistically significant number of persons consuming quantities of hemp oil that provided daily THC doses representative of the quality of hemp seeds now available from Canada.

. . .
Results and Discussion:
Analysis of the collected urine samples showed that even extended ingestion of up to 0.45 mg/day of THC is not likely to cause screening positives at the 50 ppb cutoff or confirmed positives at the 10 ppb cutoff. A daily dose of 0.6 mg/day may cause a screening positive at 50 ppb but not its confirmation by GC/MS at the 10 ppb level. The amount of hemp foods of commercially available quality, which is required to ingest 0.45 mg per day of THC is not impossible, yet also not likely to be ingested, even by avid consumers of hemp foods.

The results of this study indicate that even extended ingestion of currently available hemp foods is not likely to produce urine samples which exceed the 50 ppb cutoff in the immunoassay screening test. The occurrence of screening positives at the 20 ppb cutoff is conceivable. However, their confirmation by GC/MS at the 10 or 15 ppb cutoff is highly unlikely. These findings and conclusions indicate that the following measures will be effective in virtually eliminating the potential interference between consumption of hemp food products and workplace drug testing:

-  Implementation and enforcement of quality control measures aimed at limiting concentrations of total THC in hemp oil to 5 µg/g and in hulled seeds to 2 µg/g.
-  Adherence of employers and administrators of drug testing programs to established U.S. federal guidelines for urine testing. Notably, these require that any urine samples, which fail the initial screening test by immunoassay, must be confirmed by the more specific GC/MS (gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry) method.

And these are from a respected peer reviewed journal, Mayo Clinic Proceedings.  They date from last year and one is a rebuttal?/clarification of the original article.

Urine Drug Screening: Practical Guide for Clinicians
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The substance THC has high lipid solubility, resulting in extensive storage of the drug in the lipid compartments of the body. This lipid solubility is associated with slow excretion of the drug and its metabolites into the urine. A single use of marijuana can result in positive urine tests up to 1 week after administration, whereas long-term use can produce positive results in the urine up to 46 days after cessation.103
. . .

Researchers have evaluated whether hemp-containing foods (eg, hemp-seed tea, hemp-seed oil) can produce positive results from UDSs for marijuana. A study evaluating the consumption of a single drink of hemp-seed tea (12-24 oz; to convert to milliliters, multiply by 30) resulted in trace amounts of cannabinoids in the urine; however, none of the urine concentrations met the cutoff concentrations for both EMIT and GC-MS tests.48 Several case reports have shown positive results for cannabinoids with the consumption of hemp-seed oil. One study found positive results on RIA after a daily THC dose of 0.6 mg via hemp-seed oil; however, this specimen did not meet the cutoff value for GC-MS.45

“Practical Guide” to Urine Drug Screening Clarified
To the Editor: Moeller et al1 recently provided a timely and important review of urine drug screening. Drug abuse is a serious medical and social problem in the United States. Urine drug testing (UDT) to detect abuse and diversion of prescription controlled medications, as well as abuse of illicit substances, is increasingly important in clinical medicine. Physicians' ability to accurately interpret UDT results, however, is poor.2-4 Education is critical; equally critical is the dissemination of accurate information. We would like to address several inaccuracies in the review.

. . .
Cannabinoids. The authors perpetuate outdated information that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can produce false-positive results for cannabinoids on the Syva EMIT and other immunoassay systems. While this was once true (their reference is nearly 20 years old), Syva has solved this problem by altering the formulation of EMIT.6,7 This was never a problem for other immunoassays. The authors also state that hemp-containing foodstuffs can produce positive screens for cannabinoids. Again, while this was once true, a 2003 US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) ruling classified food and beverages containing any amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as Schedule I controlled substances, making it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, or import any such product without registration.8 This had an immediate effect on domestic manufacturers, whose hemp-containing products are now virtually free of THC.
From a major supllier, here in Canada;


Is Hemp Legal?
Absolutely YES. Every product we sell is completely and totally legal in Canada and the US. There is nothing about hemp that is illegal. There are no laws in the US or Canada that make possession of hemp illegal. This includes the sterilized seed, hemp seed oil, hemp seed flour, hemp seed cake, shelled hemp seeds, hemp hearts, hemp clothing, hemp fabrics, hemp fuel or any other product made from INDUSTRIAL HEMP.

While industrial hemp and the products made from it are legal, hemp's cousin, marijuana is in fact illegal. There are many strains of hemp that produce little or no THC. There are also strains of Cannibis Sativa that produce high levels of THC. These strains would be considered Marijuana. There is nothing similar between marijuana and hemp. They may as well be different plants as they are grown differently, processed differently, are made from different parts of the plant and have grown so far apart genetically that they are, for all intents and purposes, completely different plants.

Will you test positive if you eat hemp?

The subject of drug tests have come up many times in the past and we are of two minds on the subject of positive results. Health Canada, which is the governmental body that regulates the hemp industry in Canada, states that we cannot sell a hemp oil product that contains more than 10 parts per million THC. Therefore the oil we sell we can guarantee contains less than 10 PPM THC. We actually test to levels of 4 PPM to be sure that we do not sell products with measurable levels of THC and our oil has consistently tested with non-detectable levels at 4 PPM.

For arguments sake, we'll say that the oil you ingest has a THC level of 1 PPM THC (though the actual levels are probably a lot lower). It would then become something probably around the 1 part per billion in your body (we presume). If the level of accuracy of the drug test allows for concentrations in the parts per trillion range, you might test positive, though you could have picked up that kind of concentration touching someone's hand that had traces of THC and then putting your fingers in your mouth.

We then cannot guarantee that if your drug test is able to detect levels in the parts per trillion that you would not test positive because we only guarantee that our oil is less than 10 PPM. Do we think this is possible, yes we do, it is possible to detect parts per trillion THC in blood. Do we think this is likely, no we don't, but it is up to you to decide.

We have heard that NY police have been told not to eat poppy seed bagels because it is causing false positives for opiates in drug tests. We don't know if this is true or not, but if there are such severe, draconian testing where you work, we do not recommend that you consume hemp products and risk losing your job. Someone has emailed in and mentioned that the US Air Force does ban consuming hemp food products and poppy seeds by military due to the "possibility" of a false positive drug test.

We would recommend not risking your career over eating hemp. While it is good for you, it is still frowned upon by the US establishment and there is a chance you would test positive, while remote.

On another note, we have done tests with an old distributor of ours who got his paralegal secretary to consume 3 pounds of hemp seeds and then go for a drug test. She tested negative for THC in her blood. Sometimes hemp oil tests higher than the hemp seed because it is a concentrated version of the seed but with our rigorous testing, we are confident that our oils have low enough percentages of THC as to not cause a false positive with respect to drug tests but we cannot guarantee this.

In the early 90's someone was buying Chinese seed, exporting it to Brazil where they were pressing it for oil and then importing the oil into the US. This oil was notorious for false pee positives because it was 1200 to 1600 PPM THC. The Chinese seed was and still is poorly cleaned. Our Canadian seed is cleaned to 99.99% and cannot come off the field if it is more than 4 PPM THC or 0.00% THC.

During the high THC oil level days, that was when the idea of using eating hemp as an excuse to beat drug charges began. Because of this, the US Govt. initiated this Zero tolerance for THC in hemp and we settled for 0.00% which it is today.

So the long of the short of it is, no, probably not, but it is possible.
PMedMoe said:
Sometimes they will ask you to come back and provide a sample when your period (we're all adults here....well, most of us are) is done.  If you read some of the other threads, it seems they may not even ask for a urine sample.

As much as I hate admitting to things like this in an open forum, routine urines aren't done on everyone anymore at the CFRC - certain applicants do have to do urine testing as well as blood tests however.  So unless you're in one of those trades that require a load of biochemical testing, stop giving yourself high blood pressure :).  Be warned though, as your career progresses, you'll have plenty of medicals to do and you will be peeing in a cup for some of them, not to mention if you end up having to have drug screening done.  I'll just leave it at that.  Mods, feel free to lock it up.

I think medicineman makes an excellent suggestion regarding lock-up

Plenty of information has been provided for the original poster, and I don't want to see this spiral.  I'm actually amazed (and proud of the membership) that it hasn't spiralled already.

If anyone has anything to add - the usual caveats apply (PM a Mod).

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

What trade did you choose Chrome? Maybe they conducted a urine test because you're in the 35 or over category.
I did my medical yesterday, and had to submit a sample for a quick test, and later was told that I will have to again when I get my blood work done at another location. Yet, probably base on what I wrote on the drug questionnaire form.
Yes, that's probably it Krieger1989. I'm going Nav Comm. My BMQ starts October 5th.
I did my medical in late June, 2009. I did not have to provide a urine sample. I'm going infantry.
My medical was done on Sept 2 and I was not required to provide a urine sample.  I agree with mellian that it must have something to do with your responses to the drug questionaire.  The only item that I had an answer for was alcohol (hell, I did not even recognize most of them on the list to begin with).

Have a great day everyone
