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URINE Questions

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Randifur said:
I was not asked aswell, but :salute: they will probably before basic training, like right before basic, so no one shows up with contraband in there blood stream, which is good I really don't want any druggies standing with a c7 next to me.

I remember being told to drop all our druggie things the the box at the door when we entered the H huts at Cornwallis.  I was surprised at how much there was in the box. We had not trouble with druggies on the range, or anywhere for that matter.
Same here, I had my medical on April 22, no pee test. But since I'm aircrew I had to give blood and a urine sample for the aircrew portion of my medical. Which of course I had to make another appointment for. ;)
jerrycan said:
Same here, I had my medical on April 22, no pee test. But since I'm aircrew I had to give blood and a urine sample for the aircrew portion of my medical. Which of course I had to make another appointment for. ;)

AES Op Direct Entry type?  If so, good luck in your BMQ and hope you make it to Winnipeg.  Check out the AES Op Lounge if you haven't already.

Back on topic...the change to taking/not taking a urine sample is not necessarily directly tied to drug testing.  It may be for other medical reasons I won't guess at...however, once you are sworn in, QR & O Vol I, Chap 20 applies to all mbrs of the CF.

Specficially, Chap 20, Article 20.06 (1) states:

Every officer or non-commissioned member shall provide a sample of urine when ordered to do so pursuant to any of articles 20.08 (Deterrent Testing) to 20.13 (Blind Testing).

Bottom line...not being tested during the recruiting process is not a reason to assume you won't or can't be LAWFULLY tested from the moment you are sworn in, on order, at any time, IAW the QR & O and any other regulation, policy or directive issued by the proper authorities in the DND/CF chain of command.
AESOP was my second choice (image tech my first, no position open this year yet), as I dont have grade ten advance math(only have grade ten general) I was not able to apply as direct entry(I'm thinking of remustering in about 4 years if I get in) so I went with my third choice AC op, which I'm pretty happy with anyways.
Had mine May 27th didnt have to provide one.
Maybe if you have used a drug previously they test you to make sure you haven't recently. (MY OPINION)
I had my medical about a week ago and didn't have to give a urine sample. I'm aircrew though so I did have to give blood and urine today but it wasn't a drug test.
Did my medical recently and didn't provide a urine sample nor blood sample.....I find it kinda weird but then again, i was honest and said  I don't do any drugs...guess they believed my honesty.

Just wondering if any females had any trouble with your urine test when it was scheduled  during  "that time of the month" ? Just wondering if I will have to schedule a diff. date?

Sometimes they will ask you to come back and provide a sample when your period (we're all adults here....well, most of us are) is done.  If you read some of the other threads, it seems they may not even ask for a urine sample.
  I recently started eating hemp and flaxseeds , could the hemp show up in the urine test as marjuana?

                          Thank You
Google can be your friend. - Results of search on hemp seeds urine test


Marijuana-positive urine test results from consumption
of hemp seeds in food products
Fortner N, Fogerson R, Lindman D, Iversen T, Armbruster D
PharmChem Laboratories, Inc.,
Menlo Park, California 94025, USA
J Anal Toxicol 1997 Oct; 21(6):476-81


    Commercially available snack bars and other foodstuffs prepared from pressed hemp seeds were ingested by volunteers. Urine specimens were collected for 24 h after ingestion of the foodstuffs containing hemp seeds and tested for marijuana using an EMIT immunoassay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Specimens from individuals who ate one hemp seed bar demonstrated little marijuana immunoreactivity, and only one specimen screened positive at a 20-ng/mL cutoff. Specimens from individuals who ate two hemp seed bars showed increased immunoreactivity, and five specimens screened positive at a 20-ng/mL cutoff. A single specimen yielded a quantitative GC-MS value (0.6 ng/mL), but it failed to meet reporting criteria. Several specimens from individuals who ate three cookies made from hemp seed flour and butter screened positive at both 50- and 20-ng/mL cutoffs. Two specimens produced quantitative GC-MS values (0.7 and 3.1 ng/mL), but they failed to meet reporting criteria. Several specimens also tested positive with an FDA-approved on-site marijuana-screening device. Hemp seeds similar to those used in the foodstuffs did not demonstrate the presence of marijuana when tested by GC-MS. In this study, ingestion of hemp seed food products resulted in urine specimens that screened positive for marijuana. No specimens gave a GC-MS quantitative value above the limit of detection for marijuana.


Hemp urine testing | Cannabis Culture Magazine
Lab tests from 1996 and '97 showed that eating hemp seeds and hemp seed oil can cause positive results in THC urine tests. This apparently happens because ...
www.cannabisculture.com/articles/1442.html - Cached - Similar
natalie23 said:
  I recently started eating hemp and flaxseeds , could the hemp show up in the urine test as marjuana?

                          Thank You

Michael has given you the answer, but I'm curious.  Are there perceived values of some type related to hemp seeds?  All I know about hemp is that it makes good rope.

As I said - just curious.
Roy Harding said:
  All I know about hemp is that it makes good rope.

Oddly enough, smoking said rope does not produce the effects one would expect.

Just sayin........
CDN Aviator said:
Oddly enough, smoking said rope does not produce the effects one would expect.

Just sayin........

Speaking from experience?  ;)

'Cause regarding the good rope - I am. 
Roy Harding said:
Speaking from experience?  ;)

I aint sayin' nothin' .........

'Cause regarding the good rope - I am.

I spent many years building brigdges and various field machines using hemp rope. It is good stuff.
I knew the answer (and your background) before I posed the question, Cdn Aviator!

Back on topic - to the original poster.  I'm STILL curious about why one begins to eat hemp seeds.  I'm not saying it's a good idea - or a bad one, I'm just wondering what the perceived benefits may be.

Yes - I could google the question, and I have - and I'm not satisfied that I'm getting good, reliable answers from internet purveyors of the product - or a Wikipedia article which references no reputable medical source for its information.
This is the reason I am aware of for why it is used in smoothies/shakes in addition to flax seeds


not that I have ever used hemp seeds but I always thought that them giving you a positive result for marijuana use was an urban legend, kind of on the same lines as testing positive for heroin after eating a poppy seed muffin.
JBoyd said:
This is the reason I am aware of for why it is used in smoothies/shakes in addition to flax seeds


Thanks for the link - but; it is on a site belonging to one of the aforementioned purveyors of this product, thus not (in my opinion) objective in the least.