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Uniforms at RMC

Calgone said:
Another question though, at any point in time do the cadets at RMC wear CADPAT?
At the current point in time, Mondays and Wednesdays are designated as Operational Dress for Dress of the Day. What this means is that naval personnel wear Naval Combat Dress, Aircrew personnel who have been issued flightsuits wear flightsuits and the remainder of the Air Force personnel and Amry personnel wear CADPAT.
MedTech said:
Agreed! The US Army shirts looks pretty sharp ;D they look pretty similar too!

I have to say that the US Army shirts are pretty much as ugly as ours.  They are getting rid of them though, to switch to a grey shirt as part of their blue (the traditional colour of the US Army) ASU.  As mentioned in a Uniform thread, I would like to see the Army adopt a Khaki service dress.  It looks "Army" and is the tradional colour of Commonwealth armies since the beginning of the 20th century.
Calgone said:
Thanks for your answers BF, thy are much appreciated.

  Baaahaha sorry Calgone I don't mean to make fun, but for a second I thought you were speaking in Ye Olde English.

  Agreed to the khaki service dress DirtyPat, I think that would be sharp, but that's for another thread.
Dirty Patricia said:
I have to say that the US Army shirts are pretty much as ugly as ours.  They are getting rid of them though, to switch to a grey shirt as part of their blue (the traditional colour of the US Army) ASU.  As mentioned in a Uniform thread, I would like to see the Army adopt a Khaki service dress.  It looks "Army" and is the tradional colour of Commonwealth armies since the beginning of the 20th century.

It's true that they're as ugly in colour but they fit so much better! I would like the khaki service dress as well, and a return to patrols for the Army.
benny88 said:
  Baaahaha sorry Calgone I don't mean to make fun, but for a second I thought you were speaking in Ye Olde English.

  Agreed to the khaki service dress DirtyPat, I think that would be sharp, but that's for another thread.

OK I just have to make a funny comment about the word "Ye" because my professor made a long rant about it last week. One of the people in my class used that word, and when he read his essay out loud he pronounced it "Yee", just like it's spelled right? Wrong! We found out it is actually pronounced "The" even though it is spelled "Ye" because in Olde English there are a few extra letters that no longer exist in modern English. One such letter looked a bit like a "Y", but it made a "Th" sound.

And that is your random lesson of the day :D Now back to your regular posts!
Yep, khaki looks amazing:


I mean, for all those who watched the feature film of Shake Hands with the Devil, the uniform Roy Dupuis(LGen Romeo Dallaire) wore when addressing the people before the UN flag was hoisted. It looked stellar...

If they're goin to have khakis then they should bring back the waist belt too. I know... I'm stretching it but the Sam Brown isn't bad either ;)
bms said:
Yep, khaki looks amazing:
I mean, for all those who watched the feature film of Shake Hands with the Devil, the uniform Roy Dupuis(LGen Romeo Dallaire) wore when addressing the people before the UN flag was hoisted. It looked stellar...

I haven't seen the film, but I hear that the uniforms are accurate.  From contemporary photos and the few times I saw him over there, Dallaire usually wore "tropical tans".  This is still an authorized order of dress and still issued (?).  I've still got a duffle bag full of it, they even gave me more when I went to Texas for a US Army course.

A-AD-265-000/AG-001 Canadian Forces Dress Instructions, Chapter 2, Section 1
19. When authorized, special tropical clothing shall be issued to all personnel upon posting or deployment to a tropical or hot climate location.  Special tropical orders of dress include:

a. No. 3D tropical tan service dress; and
b. No. 5D tropical shipboard, operational dress.
College to implement changing of the garb
Cadets at Royal Military College will be getting a makeover this September.

The college is changing its standard daily uniform for cadets, moving away from the daily dress that indicates the branch of the service they will be entering in favour of a new standard uniform that all cadets will wear and that will only be worn by RMC cadets. The new uniform will be black pants or skirt, a white shirt with a black top for colder weather and a forge cap.

Cadets will wear the new uniform four days a week and, on the fifth day, which is devoted to their individual military training, they will wear the uniform of their branch, whether that be army, navy or air force.

Maj. Bruce MacLean, who oversaw the committee of cadets who recommended the new uniform, said the change was ordered last year by Brig.-Gen. Tom Lawson, the commandant of RMC, and was intended to create a spirit of cohesion among cadets.

"It was the cadets themselves who designed this uniform," MacLean said, noting that the group of 13 was heavily weighted toward third-year officer cadets, who were at the college the last time the dress of the day was changed in 2006 and will be wearing the new uniform during their senior year.

"I'm actually impressed by what they came up with - I think it looks pretty sharp."

The committee evaluated four designs, including the cadet dress that would be familiar to longtime Kingstonians of a blazer, grey pants and a tie, which was abandoned years ago.

The uniform, which will be issued to all cadets at the school as early as this fall, was judged on comfort, appearance, cost and ease of issue. The prototypes are currently at DND headquarters in Ottawa in preparation for manufacture.

The uniforms will be visible around town: first-year cadets are required to be in uniform at all times, while more senior cadets are allowed to wear civilian clothes into the city. In previous years, only the fourth-year cadets had the privilege of wearing civilian clothes off-campus.

While anyone who owns a black jacket or a sweater is keenly aware that the fabric shows up every loose piece of lint or dirt, MacLean said it won't present an undue burden on the cadets, who are accustomed to keen-eyed inspection.

"They're used to it," he said with a laugh. "When you wear a uniform, you get used to keeping it a certain way."
The newest issue of the RMC Club's online magazine, eVeritas, had an article about the new uniforms. eVeritas allows anyone to post comments on these articles. The head of the RMC Club, Bill Oliver, sent an email out to the cadet wing here at RMC asking cadets to comment on the article, because the ex-cadets wanted to know what we thought of it. A few ex-cadets had already commented, but after the e-mail was sent out, the number of comments increased dramatically. While the initial comments by ex-cadets were definitely for the new college uniforms, the opinions of the current cadets was not so 'uniform'...ha I just made a pun! Anyways, it turned into an intense debate between cadets who were glad to see a new uniform, and cadets who are absolutely appalled at having to wear anything else but a CF uniform on a day to day basis. There were many good points by each side, but in the end if you did a count--and counting only RMC cadets, not the ex-cadets--it was about 60%-40% against the uniform. The real interesting thing is shortly thereafter the comments were removed and replaced with a message by Bill Oliver stating:

Thanks to all who submitted feedback on this article.

We have now received sufficient comments.

Bill Oliver

Justs how much is a sufficient amount of comments? Or did they not expect us (that a general 'us', not me specifically) to be so vehemently against a college uniform, and now they are censoring the comment section to avoid giving the ex-cadets heart attacks?

EDIT: I'm not positive Bill Oliver is the head of the RMC club, but he is certainly very involved in it. I've searched but can't find out exactly what his position is.
Lumber said:
Justs how much is a sufficient amount of comments? Or did they not expect us (that a general 'us', not me specifically) to be so vehemently against a college uniform, and now they are censoring the comment section to avoid giving the ex-cadets heart attacks?

I don't see a 60/40 split being vehemently opposed.  Actually, It's probably a very good sign that in a few years, it will turn on the pro side.

As for removing the posts, maybe it has something to do with not wanting to start a flame war or lack of bandwitdth.  Seems to make sense to me.

By the way, those uniforms are earily similar to what I wore when I went through.  The only problem we had was having shiny pants because we used too hot a setting on the iron.  Now, if they would only bring back the cape!  That things was the bomb!
Back to the future?  It's pretty similar to the early 90's, except the FS cap didn't have the red piping, and there were navy blue/black battledress blouses instead of the more modern looking jacket.
The shoulder sash represents a 3-bar position and the waist sash is a 4-bar position.
As an RMC hopeful, I must say that I really like the uniform. It gives some distinction to the cadets of the RMC and it looks quite sharp.
Just me or are the only people who like this thing the ones not wearing it, I joined the CF, not RMC. I want to dress like a member of the CF, not a member of a boys club.
Marksman said:
Just me or are the only people who like this thing the ones not wearing it, I joined the CF, not RMC. I want to dress like a member of the CF, not a member of a boys club.

You haven't heard?  ;)