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Trying to start a reserve unit

In our CBG, in the third quarter of the fiscal year, there is always a re-distribution. Units that have not been using their 'quota' of cash (due to low attendance, etc), have it clawed back. It is then given to Units that can show a viable reason why they have run short (training, max attendance, etc). I'm sure there are many fine intricacies involved that I'm not aware of, but on the face, that's how it seems to work.
recceguy... why would you want to wait till 75% of trg yr to "spot" the units. Even if they are spending the money on great exercises - if the unit has trouble maintaining it's strength, they the $ should be clawed back - before it is spent on "great" training that only some people benefit.
As someone with more than a passing familiarity with the funding model ;), let me provide a bit more information:

At the sub-unit level, attendance is assumed to be 90% for MCpl through MWO, and for Lts through Maj.  Ptes, Cpls and 2Lts are assumed to attend at 80%.  However, the 37.5 days is increased for MCpls and above, as there is a "Command Presence" factor applied- essentially, the assumption that plannign and preparation requires additional time and effort.

The problem ,of course, is that the current reserve establishment totals roughly 25000 positions, with funding for 16000.  The less than elegant solution is to pro-rate the funding determined for each area:  If Land Forces Southern Area, for example, has an establishment of 5000, and a target strength of 3000, the funding required for the 5000 is multiplied by 60% (3000/5000) to determine how much gets allocated to the area.

Hopefully, the current review of the Army Reserve Establishment will lead to a much more realistic establishment that will let units be properly resourced.

geo said:
recceguy... why would you want to wait till 75% of trg yr to "spot" the units. Even if they are spending the money on great exercises - if the unit has trouble maintaining it's strength, they the $ should be clawed back - before it is spent on "great" training that only some people benefit.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger! How would I know why the people in CBG HQ do anything, I don't work there. They and their antics remain as much of a mystery to the majority of us as they do to you.
Wow.  This is an even bigger funding problem than I had estimated.  I can see why there is great reluctance to pony up with capital expenses on infrastructure.  This is a political problem; it is well beyond being a military one.
DAP.... From one puzzle palace fella to another - glad you're still out there for us :)

Redleaf.... oh yeah. Things will change, they have to change - just no telling when it will happen.
Wow ! I never expected someone would be trying to start a new unit (or expand) in these years of cutbacks, you have a lot of gumption. Hats off to you for your effort. Now I didn't read through all the 9 pages of posts, but I am reminded of the humble origins of my own Reserve unit, Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal and I imagine the lot of many other units of those times.

In the late 1800s, local businessmen raised (private) funds to build the Armory that still houses the unit (minus the stables). The necessary funds were also required to dress & equip the soldiers. Those wanting to join as officers had to put up as much as 300$ (a lot of money then) for the purchase of their kit.

Certainly today, a few million dollars would be required to start a unit from scratch, which is unrealistic for a population of 80 000 people. But identifying & cataloguing the available resources for lodging accommodations, training, vehicle & equipment storage & maintenance etc. will certainly help in presenting your case to DND.
Pls note that things are changing, funding models are being changed. Though not very quickly......
10 EG is being grown into an Engineer Regiment for 35 Bde & will be named 35GRC (CER).
R de Mais is to grow by a company, detached and operating out of South Shore Montreal - in rented facilities.

Many other units have submitted plans to grow - some models are being retained..... others aren't.
Hey there just found this thread. Wondering how things are coming along, if at all....

With the new budget just a little way's off and the government looking to increase the size of the reserves , money and political will might not be to far away...
Encanna spends more money in the NE of BC than all of the logging companies in BC put together. I suspect that if a decent case was put to industry to create Engineer units in places like Prince George, Edmonton and few others, they would contribute a fair whack of funds. In BC there is quite a bit of used infrastructure around mainly in the form of schools and old Ministry of Forest/highways buildings. The parts of the puzzle are there, some more money and a lot of will is needed. 
Here is a brief update.  The Chief of Land Forces (Army Commander) has declined the Mayor's invitation to come to Prince George to see the potential of the area for a reserve company.  Reasons cited included other priorities for the military, such as current operational requirements.  Also the formation of Territorial Defence battalions and readiness for the 2010 Olympic games were cited as higher priorities than forming a new unit in Prince George.  The MND was given a briefing paper by Jay Hill, MP on the Prince George situation after the letter from LGen Leslie but there has been no change as of yet.

The process tends to make one somewhat cynical about being up north and out west.
The Cdn population has migrated to many places since WW1 & WW2 when the current batch of Militia units were raised.  Unfortunately,  there has been no mechanism or desire to raise new units where the population resides...... leaving large parts of the urban & rural landscape deovid of a Military presence.
It would make it interesting if there was ever to be a need for more troops, or say, some sort of war...
redleafjumper said:
It would make it interesting if there was ever to be a need for more troops, or say, some sort of war...
As a fellow resident of Prince George I applaud your efforts. I would love to see this go through, but it's sad to see there's not much interest. I think if cities such as Kelowna, and Kamloops which have comparable populations can do it, I don't see why Prince George couldn't. Anyway, keep up  the good work.
Thanks Ruez.  It has been a long slog, and it isn't over yet.  The one thing I am having trouble accepting is that a two week sporting event in 3 years has such a dominant influence on defence policy.

I would have thought with the Conservative win and their desire to rebuild the military, this would have been a much easier sell. They even made the promise of bringing more of an army presence back to BC. This almost sounds like a no brainer to me. Of all the places in BC to set something up Prince George has one of the lowest real estate prices for purchase or rental. I remember about ten years ago they started a Ranger program in the smaller communities of Vanderhoof and Fraser Lake, and probably others, I know people who joined and it was a popular program. Even the community of Trail with a population of 7,500 has a reserve Engineer unit. Anyway glad to hear that you are continuing to push for this, Northern BC needs some for of military presence.
I would contend that while the CF has nothing against having an establishment in Prince George (Prince Rupert & many other places) they prolly feel they do not have the resources this very minute AND considering how stretched some of our resources (cash, stores & personnel) are, they don`t want to go to Prince George (Prince Rupert & any other place) unless they absolutely have to.
geo said:
I would contend that while the CF has nothing against having an establishment in Prince George (Prince Rupert & many other places) they prolly feel they do not have the resources this very minute AND considering how stretched some of our resources (cash, stores & personnel) are, they don`t want to go to Prince George (Prince Rupert & any other place) unless they absolutely have to.
I'm sure you're right, I think Harper is re-evaluating a lot of the promises he made regarding the military, and this is certainly not important enough to be considered right now. Hopefully people keep working at it, I'd love to see this come to pass.
Don't think it's Mr Harper that is holding back... think it's more the CF that has it's plate full...
After the CSOR that they are still fleshing out, they add the Marine Commando Regiment (SBS? or Marines?) that will have to be built from scratch, while looking after retention AND incremental growth to the existing Reg & Res units.... think PG is stuck - having to wait it's turn.....
Well hopefully something happens up here before I get to old and frail to try and join up.  :) :warstory: