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Trump administration 2024-2028

an applicant country must demonstrate commitment to: democracy and democratic processes, including free and fair elections and representative legislatures; the rule of law and independence of the judiciary; good governance, including a well-trained public service and transparent public accounts; and protection of human rights, freedom of expression, and equality of opportunity
Well, that should kill it right there.

Trump just wants another forum he can sit in the centre of and spout off to.
Aaaaaand who else weighs in?
I have never wished so hard for an alternate tragic outcome in a drunken boating accident in Ontario a few years ago.
I guess we won't know for sure if it's post-democratic unless a fair democratic election does not happen in 2028. 2026 will be its bell weather.

I think its a tad early to call it "post-democratic" when you consider that 77 million Americans voted for a man who is actually implementing the draconian initiatives that so many wanted to see implemented. It's not like he was keeping this a secret although for many of us its far worse than what we ever expected. Its not like his lying wasn't patently obvious.

If democracy is state power vested in the state's people through their duly elected representatives and the people wanted this representative as their head of state then this is still democracy in action. If Americans didn't get the message after his first ineffectual term then they really shouldn't have expected anything less than a doubling down.


The US of A is exactly where John Adams wrote about when he argued (successfully) for separation of powers (administration, legislature and judiciary) and where he was an early writer warning quite explicitly of a “tyranny of the majority” without these 3 powers being separate and balancing out. A few decades later, de Tocqueville came around to study American politics ( Democracy in America ) and he warned the American nation was evolving into a social construct where the executive and legislative branch was starting to act upon majority demands to the detriment of a sensible minority which the judiciary might not be able to hold sway. The result of a tyrannical majority, he wrote (along with John Stuart Mill sometime later) was pleasing to emotive politics “like sugar on the nipple” but not rational at all- a lack of utilitarian empathy replaced by demands not of the greater good but the greater self serving electoral strength.

Ideally, a President should not belong to any political party and the legislative majority need not operate beholden to a President.

Donald J Trump, the Republican caucus and the wilful ignorance of the US electorate have blown every safeguard to smithereens. There is no Abraham Lincoln on the foreseeable future. If the Trump family install themselves one way or another in 2028, the situation may not be recoverable.

That being said, we’ve got our own political governance problems here to also worry about. This is not a country without a history of rebellion caused by power imbalance.
That being said, we’ve got our own political governance problems here to also worry about. This is not a country without a history of rebellion caused by power imbalance.
True, but returning to Adams’ point of concern…the equilateral triangle of Executive, Legislative and Judicial is becoming a lop-sided Troika… 😔
I have never wished so hard for an alternate tragic outcome in a drunken boating accident in Ontario a few years ago.

The US of A is exactly where John Adams wrote about when he argued (successfully) for separation of powers (administration, legislature and judiciary) and where he was an early writer warning quite explicitly of a “tyranny of the majority” without these 3 powers being separate and balancing out. A few decades later, de Tocqueville came around to study American politics ( Democracy in America ) and he warned the American nation was evolving into a social construct where the executive and legislative branch was starting to act upon majority demands to the detriment of a sensible minority which the judiciary might not be able to hold sway. The result of a tyrannical majority, he wrote (along with John Stuart Mill sometime later) was pleasing to emotive politics “like sugar on the nipple” but not rational at all- a lack of utilitarian empathy replaced by demands not of the greater good but the greater self serving electoral strength.

Ideally, a President should not belong to any political party and the legislative majority need not operate beholden to a President.

Donald J Trump, the Republican caucus and the wilful ignorance of the US electorate have blown every safeguard to smithereens. There is no Abraham Lincoln on the foreseeable future. If the Trump family install themselves one way or another in 2028, the situation may not be recoverable.

That being said, we’ve got our own political governance problems here to also worry about. This is not a country without a history of rebellion caused by power imbalance.

There may be problems with "the tyranny of the majority" but equally, and as is being currently being demonstrated in many countries, you can't govern unless you carry the majority with you. Without the majority then Peace, Order and Good Governance is not possible. Coercion by the minority may result in Order for a period but it can't sustain Peace and therefore is the anti-thesis of Good Governance.

The best politicians get the balance. The poor ones get turfed. The worst ones get the system turfed.
Aaaaaand who else weighs in?
This quote actually made me laugh out loud:

In one move, says O'Leary, Trump could create the world's largest economic engine - one that is dedicated to freedom of speech and democracy.
I'm sure glad I never said anything supportive of Trump or rooted for him winning the election, that guy sucks :rolleyes:
Holy fuck lol - I bet Waltz and Vance are going to have an interesting conversation with the Boss.

Tagging Kevin because your perspective on this will be interesting, in your knowledge, has there been a similar breach to this in the past?

Holy fuck lol - I bet Waltz and Vance are going to have an interesting conversation with the Boss.

Tagging Kevin because your perspective on this will be interesting, in your knowledge, has there been a similar breach to this in the past?

I was just reading this and came to post if it wasn’t already here. This is just… I don’t even know what to say. It’s such a ludicrous and flagrant breach of a lot of different and very serious laws and policies, that it would be hilarious and farcical if it wasn’t so awful. It’s such a ghastly and cavalier mishandling of classified information and war plans. I struggle to believe this is the kind of bush league bullshit running the most powerful country in the world.
I was just reading this and came to post if it wasn’t already here. This is just… I don’t even know what to say. It’s such a ludicrous and flagrant breach of a lot of different and very serious laws and policies, that it would be hilarious and farcical if it wasn’t so awful. It’s such a ghastly and cavalier mishandling of classified information and war plans. I struggle to believe this is the kind of bush league bullshit running the most powerful country in the world.
At least we'll know the attack is coming well in advance 🤣
Holy fuck lol - I bet Waltz and Vance are going to have an interesting conversation with the Boss.
You assume he wasn’t sitting on the call, I mean he hasn’t exactly always followed mandates security protocols before…

Tagging Kevin because your perspective on this will be interesting, in your knowledge, has there been a similar breach to this in the past?

Similar breaches, well other than HRC’s private server when she was Secretary of State…

JFC, folks act like Signal is secure, because it’s end to end encryption, and while it’s better than nothing, it’s not an NSA certified program for even SECRET let alone potentially TS-SCI matters.

As far the law goes, they breached a bunch of them, and in any other administration, a bunch would be fired and awaiting charges.
You assume he wasn’t sitting on the call, I mean he hasn’t exactly always followed mandates security protocols before…

Similar breaches, well other than HRC’s private server when she was Secretary of State…

JFC, folks act like Signal is secure, because it’s end to end encryption, and while it’s better than nothing, it’s not an NSA certified program for even SECRET let alone potentially TS-SCI matters.

As far the law goes, they breached a bunch of them, and in any other administration, a bunch would be fired and awaiting charges.
So basically if not fired, any reasonable senate would potentially impeach members of cabinet for this?