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Trump administration 2024-2028

Again. That argument shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how the border works. If they think there is such a massive amount coming in they should be allocating more resources to the northern border but they are not. Because they know we are not the problem. Securing their border is there responsibility if that is the case. The border issue is just an excuse to be able to declare an emergency to get his tariffs out legally.
How do I fundamentally misunderstand how the border works? I've done Sovereignty/Border Patrols myself. Mostly MDA patrols but that is border security. I've also worked at border crossings before in my current line of work.

I want less restrictions at the border and I want free and unrestricted trade. Fortress North America if you will. People here should want more money for the CAF, RCMP, etc... more capability, start taking shit seriously. We should be lock in step with the Americans, this is our paradise continent, keep the fuck out.

We are a fucking joke and I am glad we are getting taken to task for it.

Sure. That isn’t the argument though.

I’ve said it before. It does not matter what we do. These tariffs were happening regardless of any of that.
We haven't actually done anything. The Govt put some shine on shit that was already happening. They appointed a Fentanyl "Czar" with zero authority to do anything. Again 100% reactionary with no actual plan or forethought.
That’s not what your premise was or what you said. You said it was about getting rid of the libs.
That is an objective because they are the sitting government. We have no idea what the Cons or NDP would do because they have not had the opportunity. We know in the past the Cons have talked a big game but also been found wanting.

Get rid of the current Regime to force a political change is 100% an American objective.
I said I buy it. But it is likely not enough of a reason to declare an emergency legally
Canadians are so naive and stupid, they are talking about joining the EU, a Political/Economic Union that would be worse in every single way imaginable than a similar agreement with the United States.

If Canada joined the EU, that would arguably be a Casus Belli for the US to militarily annex Canada.
How do I fundamentally misunderstand how the border works? I've done Sovereignty/Border Patrols myself. Mostly MDA patrols but that is border security. I've also worked at border crossings before in my current line of work.

I want less restrictions at the border and I want free and unrestricted trade. Fortress North America if you will. People here should want more money for the CAF, RCMP, etc... more capability, start taking shit seriously. We should be lock in step with the Americans, this is our paradise continent, keep the fuck out.
Lock Step for NA defense - I can no longer agree you should follow us blindly everywhere else due to our Russian overlords.
We are a fucking joke and I am glad we are getting taken to task for it.

We haven't actually done anything. The Govt put some shine on shit that was already happening. They appointed a Fentanyl "Czar" with zero authority to do anything. Again 100% reactionary with no actual plan or forethought.

That is an objective because they are the sitting government. We have no idea what the Cons or NDP would do because they have not had the opportunity. We know in the past the Cons have talked a big game but also been found wanting.

Get rid of the current Regime to force a political change is 100% an American objective.
Be careful of what you wish for - we got what many thought they wanted...
And seizures are a US responsibility. They haven’t really redirected anything north. That should tell everyone how serious this problem really is at our border.

And aside from mentioning cartels operating inn Canada they haven’t made much noise about that either. The goal posts keep moving.

I don’t think they give a f**k about our political direction. Trump hasn’t really been flattering to the CPC. He could care less who is in power.

I can buy the Chinese Angle but even then.

The US/Canada border is the largest undefended border because it is too costly and difficult to defend due to it's length and the historic lack of need due a history of friendly relations.

Under Trudeau Canada has enabled more unvetted/unscreened migrants on a per capita basis than the US (10% of our entire population). These migrants are taking advantage of the loose entry requirements into Canada and this is a threat to both Canada and the US. The US is not happy with this increased risk as we have enjoyed a relatively unguarded border. Locally this has contributed to a housing crisis, overloaded healthcare and other services, and a money pit to support these new arrivals. More to the US concern, it has also enabled bad actors to act with near impunity, such as the cartels and the drug problem, and terror affiliated arrivals to get into the US easier.
Canada left the back door to North America open on purpose and our flat mate is pissed.
The US/Canada border is the largest undefended border because it is too costly and difficult to defend due to it's length and the historic lack of need due a history of friendly relations.

Under Trudeau Canada has enabled more unvetted/unscreened migrants on a per capita basis than the US (10% of our entire population). These migrants are taking advantage of the loose entry requirements into Canada and this is a threat to both Canada and the US. The US is not happy with this increased risk as we have enjoyed a relatively unguarded border. Locally this has contributed to a housing crisis, overloaded healthcare and other services, and a money pit to support these new arrivals. More to the US concern, it has also enabled bad actors to act with near impunity, such as the cartels and the drug problem, and terror affiliated arrivals to get into the US easier.
Imagine if we joined the EU?

What a security nightmare that would be 😄

I picture the French and Italians buying all their illegals a one way ticket to Toronto 🤣
No evidence this will actually happen. The temporary boost they've received from this will quickly turn when the bread lines start.
If Carney wins the leadership and then somehow pulls off an election victory, I'm not too sure he and Trump would get along very well. I don't think PP winning would result in much of a different result either. Maybe, maybe Doug Ford because he's a bit rough around the edges much like Trump is, lol. Though I have to say Dougie does seem to have some morals....
Although we can't control who and what the US lets in, we can control who and what we let in. Enforcement problems should mostly be solved at our entry points other than those along Canada-US borders.

Exactly! We've shit the bed on this. It was bad policy to open the flood gates.
Imagine if we joined the EU?

What a security nightmare that would be 😄

I picture the French and Italians buying all their illegals a one way ticket to Toronto 🤣

The peddling of a Canada/EU union over more integration with the US is peak stupidity and just highlights the natural anti-american sentiment that is barely below the surface in Canada.

Fortress North America is the only solution to a secure and economically stable Canada. We would prosper and so would the US. Misplaced ego and emotion are preventing serious analysis on what that could look like.

If Canada had a CPC government and the POTUS was anyone but Trump, this would get more serious consideration by the left leaning crowd in Canada.
# of seizures is not necessarily a reflection of how large or small a problem is. Rather, it's a reflection of how many resources have been allocated to tackling the problem.

Canada has been an organized crime haven for ages, it's well documented:

It's just that not much has been done about it.

That being said, this isn't really about Fentanyl though. In our case, it's about getting rid of the Libs and getting the Chinese influence out of the Canadian Government. The Americans want a change of political direction in Ottawa and they are going to Squeeze Canadians to do it.
I again humbly disagree -

Your argument that '# of seizures is not necessarily a reflection of how large or small a problem is" - sorry but a 99 to 1 ratio of fentanyl seizures between the Mexico to US border vs the Canada to US border speaks for itself. Or, are you suggesting that the US border agents on the Canadian border are completely incompetent and/or under control of foreign drug cartels?

As for organized crime in Canada vs the US - there is no comparison between the 2 countries - the 'World Corruption Index' ranks the US much farther behind Canada year after year in terms of corruption.


Have a look - substantial difference in overall organized crime in the 2 countries.

As for 'this really isnt about fentanyl though, in our case, its about getting rid of the libs and getting the Chinese influence out of the CDN gov't' - have a watch of this interview on CNBC with the former US Ambassador to Canada - he plainly, openly comes out and says that this is about 'a cash shortage' in the US, meaning Donald needs ALOT of cash coming into the US in order to cover his massive tax cuts to the rich that he wants to implement. Think about that for a few minutes - watch the entire interview before responding back on this point.

Although we can't control who and what the US lets in, we can control who and what we let in. Enforcement problems should mostly be solved at our entry points other than those along Canada-US borders.

This recent episode of border security theatre is next to useless, in terms of addressing smart American national security and law enforcement experts’ concerns on Canadian security issues. This is something we should be improving, but no one should think that Trump really cares about this. He hears snippets of truth from the experts, but then mashes them together in an incomprehensible mash to justify his fetish for tariffs.

I firmly believe that if we implemented the smart national security and law enforcement measures at our ports of entry (which we should do regardless), he would concoct some other justification for these tariffs. Or the threat of tariffs, since I believe that the destabilization of our markets is the point.
As for 'this really isnt about fentanyl though, in our case, its about getting rid of the libs and getting the Chinese influence out of the CDN gov't' - have a watch of this interview on CNBC with the former US Ambassador to Canada - he plainly, openly comes out and says that this is about 'a cash shortage' in the US, meaning Donald needs ALOT of cash coming into the US in order to cover his massive tax cuts to the rich that he wants to implement. Think about that for a few minutes - watch the entire interview before responding back on this point.
If you follow some of Elon Musk's ravings, he also wants to smash the middle class down here -- to re-build America "correctly". My belief is that he wants a German Circa 1932/33 type situation - where he can come in and be Führer.
I again humbly disagree -

Your argument that '# of seizures is not necessarily a reflection of how large or small a problem is" - sorry but a 99 to 1 ratio of fentanyl seizures between the Mexico to US border vs the Canada to US border speaks for itself. Or, are you suggesting that the US border agents on the Canadian border are completely incompetent and/or under control of foreign drug cartels?

As for organized crime in Canada vs the US - there is no comparison between the 2 countries - the 'World Corruption Index' ranks the US much farther behind Canada year after year in terms of corruption.


Have a look - substantial difference in overall organized crime in the 2 countries.

As for 'this really isnt about fentanyl though, in our case, its about getting rid of the libs and getting the Chinese influence out of the CDN gov't' - have a watch of this interview on CNBC with the former US Ambassador to Canada - he plainly, openly comes out and says that this is about 'a cash shortage' in the US, meaning Donald needs ALOT of cash coming into the US in order to cover his massive tax cuts to the rich that he wants to implement. Think about that for a few minutes - watch the entire interview before responding back on this point.

One last point - Please watch the interview to its end - Have a look at what the former US Ambassador to Canada is wearing on this label - this fellow is showing where his feeling lay.
If you follow some of Elon Musk's ravings, he also wants to smash the middle class down here -- to re-build America "correctly". My belief is that he wants a German Circa 1932/33 type situation - where he can come in and be Führer.
Luckily, under 'current' US legislation he can never by US President thanks to the fact that he was born outside of the US.

He should have a long talk with Ted Cruz - funny, Canada had a role is screwing both of them over in this regards, lol
Fortress North America is the only solution to a secure and economically stable Canada. We would prosper and so would the US. Misplaced ego and emotion are preventing serious analysis on what that could look like.
"Fortress North America" for a "secure and economically stable Canada" only works if the US is willing to deal with Canada on an equitable basis, not if they are openly trying to destroy Canadian industry in favour of exclusively US production.

Securing our own borders (both militarily and more broadly against illegal immigration/smuggling/organized crime/money laundering, etc.) is definitely in both our own national interest as well as in the US interest. Doing so will also reduce the risk of the US feeling they have to pressure us in order to ensure their own security.

However, as long as the US is unwilling to have fair shared access for our industries and openly has the intention of using "economic force" to achieve our annexation the the United States then there is no partnering with them that will create an "economically stable Canada".