I’ll ignore the passive insult of being uneducated. Yes It’s definitely different circumstances. But I will say what I said then. It’s legal and valid parliamentary procedure. The voters will determine eventually if it is worth the risk.For the uneducated, yes. The nuance is that Harper prorogued parliament to stop a coalition that none of the 3 parties had campaigned on just a month and change before. His party wasn't falling apart, his polling numbers weren't taking. I much would have preferred he just call an election instead of proroguing to call the bluff of the Lib/NDP/BQ power grab.
In this circumstance, the only reason to prorogue is to prevent an election that Canadians and a majority of MPs clearly want. Not a single opposition party has talked about a coalition to take over governing, they want it sent to the electorate where it should go. For Trudeau to prorogue to hold onto power in this way would be wholly undemocratic but very on-brand for this current iteration of the LPC.
People did warn that it would set a precedent back then. And here we are.
Like it or not, JT is in the driver seat. He’s headed for a cliff drop but he’s still driving.