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Training at Fort York (meeting)

thursday ill be there for the swear in ...see ya soon
real name?

im zack ...soon to be known only as pte. kallish
holy you guys are lucky, heff and i still are waiting for the confirmation about our meds, :( i dont think well be getting in on this weekends bmq training but well have back to back some other time i was told, im pissed
Real Name: Hasan.. i‘ve already been told I‘m private Aygun

So we get cool nick names right?
Hey Waltz dont hate the player hate the game. As for the crawling through the mud i might as well look good doing it. jokes bud.
As josh said im still waiting i guess ill see you all next week.
take care!
Yeah what‘s wrong with being a soldier and being sexy. Is there some rule that says you need to be ugly if you‘re going into the army?

I hope you guys are going to get in, in time.
hmmm.. ‘tis a dangerous game... you wouldn‘t want one of your instructors to find out that you guys thought of yourselves as sexy now do you? oh imagine the fun to be had...heh. ;)

And Arty, yes you‘ll be a private until you pass your gunnery course. After that you‘ll be a gunner.
lol yea man no need to hate, we are all friends here ;)
and thanks arty i hope we will get in on time aswell
haha yea man, heff your gonna get **** :p your such a pretty boy and waltz dont hate, we are all friends here
lol yeah that‘d be pretty freaking funny... for others, then later in life to us.

Hey those Chevrons aren‘t worn on the shoulder/arms anymore right. I thought they looked pretty cool on the arms. But the army‘s not about looking cool. lol.
haha sorry man, I tend to jump subjects. No I dont have A.D.D.

What I was talkin about was the Rank signs (chevrons right) how i‘ve seen them worn on the middle of the chest, Instead of the arms. I was just thinking how good it looked on the arms.
on the OD‘s they go on your shoulders.
on your cadpats they go on the slip in the middle chest thingamajig. you have ODs right? you better lol. we have to wait a while before being issued cadpats.
Pretty sure i‘m getting OD‘s on thursday I dont think they‘d waste the good stuff on us for basic.
well it seems that the army has thrown another wrench in the gears...

I got a call this morning to return all of my regmental kit...because....They just realized i wear glasses and because of it i cant be and armoured soldier....

They are trying to get me another position ASAP. that way i can still get into the course and sworn in within the next two days oh and dont forget COMPLETELY rekitted for course...

As for me...im mighty pissed....some of you might see me tonight at dennison...if ya do...dont hesitate to say hello!

aighty well thats it for my lil rant. Im gonna go write my stats exam....talk to you all later
I got a call this morning to return all of my regmental kit...because....They just realized i wear glasses and because of it i cant be and armoured soldier....
eh what? I know at least one person who wears glasses and is in an armoured recce unit. How bad is your prescription?
Well, it now looks like I‘m going to be sworn in around 5pm on Friday, due to the long weekend and all. So hopefully I‘ll be okay to go start BMQ, but without my kit. However I heard that a lot of us won‘t have kit because of the huge rush of people this week to get fitted out.

I heard that we can‘t get CADPAT until we‘re trained. No point giving it to a newbie.

Tpr. Orange, what level of sight are you? I believe it‘s okay as long as you‘re not V4.