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Training at Fort York (meeting)

I‘m 132 lbs, where would you go to give blood anyway. I guess it‘d be better if i could find out my blood type and give blood, for the id disc, I‘d have to do it within 3 or 4 days tho unless I can hand in the id disc forms later.

There are a couple of clinics on Tuesday and Wednesday. Go and they will test for blood type.
Wait a second...people actually train at FT. York?
Yep. I was shown the video, from what i‘ve seen we‘re going to sleep on those little stretcher style beds, on friday and saturday nights.
ARTY AYGUN, you are 17, 132lbs, just going into training, and you have "Gunner" written under your name???

I am 16, turned 16 Sept. 23th, weigh 150lbs., 5‘10", and am currently enlisted in the local cadet organization. We‘re supposed to shoot guns this Tuesday. I could probably handle a real rifle, but there are some 10-13 year old‘s there, and I wouldn‘t really want to get shot by one of the youngsters, so I hope were going to fire air-guns. I donno yet though...

I cannot wait to get out of here and actually into the army. I really wish I could make a difference overseas in those desolated places when I‘m in. i.e. de-mining mines, fragging terrorist organizations, cleaning up the streets... but nevermind that, that‘s just my thoughts.
Is this a size competition alright im in. Im 5"11 just turned 17 sept 23 and weigh 170. Im just joking around with you guys. How are you all doing? anyone at all closer to geting sworn in? Its geting down to crunch time and i havnt heard yet. see you boys friday hopefully.
Take care!
Hold on, is this army or cadets? I am enlisted in the :underline: cadets: underline. I didn‘t realize there was the option of the army for me.
Heff, I‘ll be checking with my recruiter Wednesday night, so hopefully all of the paperwork will be couriered over in time and I can do my thing. Even if I have to skip school on Friday I will do it to get sworn in. Only takes 10 minutes, right?

Waltz, we‘re all joining the Reserves, which you can do at the age of 16 with parental permission. You can also join the Regular force at the age of 17.

However you have to ask yourself whether you are ready mentally and physically for the challenges of the military, Regular or Reserve.

What rank and unit are you in the Cadets? I‘m assuming this is the Army Cadets you‘re talking about.
I have joined the Army Cadets 2 weeks ago. However, I‘d rather be enlisted in the army instead of the cadets; the cadets is a good fundamental course, but I wouldn‘t mind anything more serious, I think. I could always wait until next year though...

I suppose you server regularly, while still attending school.

What happens to your education if you‘re in the army. Would one get a chance to go to RMC, or would he/she automatically join as a low-ranking officer?
ARTY AYGUN, you are 17, 132lbs, just going into training, and you have "Gunner" written under your name???
Meh what‘s a guy to do.

I‘ve been missing school to do some of my necessaries, today I‘m gonna go over to Clothing supply base, and then Moss park I‘ll hand in what I was able to finish. Hopefully Clothing base can/will give me my kit.

The reason you haven‘t heard anything was because it was a weekend.

Man you guys make me feel like crap about my weight.
I can‘t remember exactly but i‘m
5‘11, 132 lbs and sexy.
Waltz, I recommend you read the Recruiting FAQ and look at the following link for more information:

If you want to be an Officer, you‘ll need a degree. You can join as an NCM with Grade 10 finished, but I would recommend a High School Diploma.
lol, this thread has been amusing.

Ok, if you‘re going to try to do some sort of challenge procedure at least do it right.

The first part of the pass word should be said twice, followed with the response also to be said twice. Ergo, the proper challenge would be "flash flash" and the proper response would be "thunder thunder." Of course, there is more to it than that, but you‘ll learn it all in basic.

One of my seargents is going to be an instructor for your course (you‘ll be lucky if he‘s your section commander). Since you all seem pretty eager, I‘ll try to see if I can get him to throw in something special ;)

Don‘t worry about kit. If by the time the course starts and you don‘t have your kit yet, bring some your civvies and PT gear. Your kit will get sorted out during the weekend. Oh, I just remembered that each candidate has to bring in their own cots. So if you don‘t have it, make sure to get one from your units.

Bring loose change as well. I don‘t recall if I ever saw any vending machines at Fort York but if there are you have a break, you‘ll most likely want to get a snack or two (trust me, it‘ll help).

Have fun!
lol well orange i think you win this, im also around 511 170, and thanks for the tips kurokaze ;)

im still waiting on the call from my recruiter :confused: i wonder what will happen if we dont get a call by the time training starts?
Tpr Orange you win. ill look for the sexy big guy and then you can protect me.....right?.....right?......come on man....!
As for me im a decent looker oh who am i kiddin im sexy.
See ya all soon
Take care!
Heff, if yar so secksy then get the he11 outta the army and go to some "fashion recruiter" or designer. The better part is that you‘d get to meet pretty women, not crawl in the dirty with a bunch of people across the field whose objective is to kill you. :rocket:

"When you are content to be simply yourself and don‘t compare or compete, everybody will respect you." -Lao-Tzu
well i got partially kitted today at dennison...

I met 2 guys that are going to be on course with me...thursday ill be back at dennison to pick up some more kit and then ill see you all friday!
Alrite so we‘re going to be the sexiest BMQ group ever!

thanks kurokaze...

I was at Denison Armory monday morning, I‘m also getting my kit on thursday, so I‘ll propably see you there Tpr. Orange.