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Tories move to raise age of consent

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Well I'm "politically right" and i don't want to see it removed.   You got any proof/ links to this, ..whats that thing again??...oh yea, hidden agenda? ::)

I've spent two hours looking for proof of my statement that th religious right would be happy to remove sex education.  I can not find any credable proof to back that up.  Just speeches from churches,  no politicion on the right that I can find has touched this issue,  but they do seem to deal with the matter once in office.  I base my statement on conversations that I've had with the political right grass roots (Yes I am from Alberta and know many) and the sermons I've heard in churches.  (Yes I go there too) And the actions of the political right in our neighbouring country - which do influence the political right in this country.

August 29/September 5, 2005, issue of The Nation " money from the Federal Government used to create high school abstinence clubs was being used to train "young abstinence advocates", who were being encouraged to engage in politics and support right-wing issues like overturning abortion. The article states that although the program's official language has been secularized, a list of its grant recipients "reads like a who's who list of the religious right.""

http://www.democrats.reform.house.gov/Documents/20041201102153-50247.pdf  <--interesting read on Right wing sex education.

This isn't the smoking gun that I wanted,  but I don't think that I'm being tendentious when I say that the religious right want to remove sexual education as we know it and replace it with information that would lead people into behaviours they find more acceptable.
I think it would be adviseable to distinguish between the "political right" and those specifically who wish to disallow sexual education, or change it to reflect their own beliefs. 
Perhaps some people would prefer to deal with the issue of sexuality and "sex education" within their family rather then having the government teach it.
As an alternate to a fixed age for consent, what about the golden rule of "half your age, plus seven".  Thus:
14/2=7+7=14.  Therefore a 14 year old can only "be" with another 14 year old
26/2=13+7=20.  So, 26 year old cannot "be" with a 19 year old (though, now we're talking adults, so....)
Going in reverse.  17+7=24/2=12 (?)  What the....?
OK, was trying to see what the "oldest" a person of 17 could consent to be with.
OH, I did a boo boo (thank God I took arts at University!!!)
17 MINUS 7=10 x 2 = 20
Now, for the litmus test:
A 20 year old may "be" with a 17 year old (assuming consent all round)
and so on and so forth
How could this work?
Well vG not to point out the obvious...but if you found your own concept to be confusing perhaps it wouldn't be that user friendly...lol

Do you really think products of the Ontario education system could manage the math?
vG I could've sworn I've heard that exact same idea for this subject sometime previously in my life. It's baffling my mind trying to think of where  ??? ??? talk about deja vu
vonGarvin said:
As an alternate to a fixed age for consent, what about the golden rule of "half your age, plus seven".

WOOHOO! I can stay with my girlfriend....who happens to be 16 years younger than I.  ;D

(No worries, we're both of "consenting age." If I'd been with her when I was 20, there may have been talk - - no wait, she's from Quebec >:D )

I guess I was confused about how the consent laws worked. I THOUGHT 14 was supposed to be the cut off age for *any* sex, and that the two year difference rule was for when one or both partners was between 14-18. Guess I was wrong. Wow. I'm really glad they are introducing this bill. I agree with the person who said 5 years is too much for the exemption

I guess I can't go around calling myself "jailbait" anymore lol
When I was 17, I dated a 23 year old for a little while. (I'm 27 now)
My parents STILL don't know about that... :P
Maybe I didn't have to worry after all... but I kind of wish the law worked the way I originally thought it did
Futuretrooper said:
Perhaps some people would prefer to deal with the issue of sexuality and "sex education" within their family rather then having the government teach it.

Indeed, many would. That is why you are allowed to opt out of sex education, at least here in Alberta, though it is strongly discouraged.

Unfortunately experience from the past has taught us that in too many cases parents fail to discuss it in a meaningful manner, or end up conveying good natured, but ultimately incorrect or harmful information (all you parents don't get offended, I'm sure you're all fine and the such, but there are many who are not so comfortable or informed).

Thus, for the good of the child and for the good of his or her future relationships, our education system has taken it upon itself to educate individuals regarding this topic. The lessons themselves, at least that I was exposed to or have later on read about are pretty innocous. Structure of male and female reproductive systems, birth control and family planning (and yes, they do convey 100% that the only way to ensure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex), biological process of reproduction, exploration of different types of sexuality, what is rape and sexual assualt, what do to in those cases, etc.

It's not some pagan discussion of how group sex is best; it's a frank exploration of human sexuality which is an integral part of any human being.

In the end, out of my own curiosity, why would you not want to allow your child to be exposed to this beneficial information?
couchcommander said:
Indeed, many would. That is why you are allowed to opt out of sex education, at least here in Alberta, though it is strongly discouraged.

Unfortunately experience from the past has taught us that in too many cases parents fail to discuss it in a meaningful manner, or end up conveying good natured, but ultimately incorrect or harmful information (all you parents don't get offended, I'm sure you're all fine and the such, but there are many who are not so comfortable or informed).

Thus, for the good of the child and for the good of his or her future relationships, our education system has taken it upon itself to educate individuals regarding this topic. The lessons themselves, at least that I was exposed to or have later on read about are pretty innocous. Structure of male and female reproductive systems, birth control and family planning (and yes, they do convey 100% that the only way to ensure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex), biological process of reproduction, exploration of different types of sexuality, what is rape and sexual assualt, what do to in those cases, etc.

It's not some pagan discussion of how group sex is best; it's a frank exploration of human sexuality which is an integral part of any human being.

In the end, out of my own curiosity, why would you not want to allow your child to be exposed to this beneficial information?
I really like how you've managed to completely twist the original topic around, until it's an entirely new one. And a blatantly false one at that.

Not every person who is against sex education is a prudish Puritan. Some simply don't want strangers promoting their agenda or idea about sexuality onto their children. The "Right" is not against Sex Education. Some are. Some are not. And for a variety of reasons. Nice of you to so completely buy into Leftist propaganda like that, though.

Concept of Ops:  Good.

Higher Commanders intent:  Clear

Endstate (complete with route recce):  Lawyers (read The Court) to advise.

Other than what I have stated above (legal input), why do we need to talk about this?

2 cents from me
on guard for thee said:

Concept of Ops:  Good.

Higher Commanders intent:  Clear

Endstate (complete with route recce):  Lawyers (read The Court) to advise.

Other than what I have stated above (legal input), why do we need to talk about this?

2 cents from me
if they're all like that, you should post more often
on guard for thee said:
2 cents from me

With this quote, I would suggest "on guard for thee" visit  the thread "Would Canada go to war over water. We need new blood....his

I wish I had time...but thanks.

As for the new blood comment,

PM me anytime. This can be addressed offline (as I don't have an officer door here).
Just trying to lighten things up and get new wit into the thread.... ;D
on guard for thee said:
As for the new blood comment,

PM me anytime. This can be addressed offline (as I don't have an officer door here).
I think you misunderstood. It was a complement.

Ack. If that was the intent, I apologize.

Long week...kids gone for sleepover...dad having a refreshment or two...

I will lurk back into the corner now !