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Time for Christmas already

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Army.ca Veteran
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cough .. something about fair dealings act.

Christmas may seem a long way away, but a website for military families is urging Canadians to make plans to send gifts to soldiers who will be stationed overseas during the holidays.

Angeie Zuber, site manager of MarriedtotheCanadianForces.com, says members of many military families have told her that soldiers deployed overseas want some fun, and that's what she wants to give them.

Zuber, who is based at Canadian Forces Base Shilo in Manitoba, is seeking fun, shoebox-sized items — such as balloons, silly putty, paddle balls or music CDs.

    'It's important to know that the people back home are thinking about them and they support them.'-Rachel Lambert, military spouse

She is asking businesses and recording artists to make donations to her "Adopt-a-Soldier" program, so they can be sent to soldiers deployed overseas.

"It's not just going to the soldiers in Afghanistan. It is going to every single deployed soldier, whether they are in Afghanistan or whether they are … on a ship," Zuber told CBC News.

She is asking corporations for 3,700 donations of each item, to ensure no soldier is left out. She said the responses she's received so far have been encouraging.

"We have received letters or e-mails back almost immediately, saying, 'Your request has been sent along,' so at least they're paying attention," she said. "We hope [the response] will be fantastic."

Gift boxes will be shipped in September

Zuber faced a number of hurdles setting up the program, notably concerns about operational security. However, with some persistence, she has obtained permission from military and government officials, and has arranged to have the shoeboxes sent to the troops along with other shipments.

Now, military spouses across the country are helping the group to solicit donations.

"It's important to know that the people back home are thinking about them and they support them," said Rachel Lambert, who lives in Edmonton.

"To get these little items, I think, will be a big boost at Christmas time, especially being separated from their families."

The donations will be packed and shipped from Montreal in September.
Zuber, who is based at Canadian Forces Base Shilo in Manitoba, is seeking fun, shoebox-sized items — such as balloons, silly putty, paddle balls or music CDs.

You know what I regret not bringing with me to Afghanistan? A water-gun... I would have loved to have had a miniature super soaker.. *evil laughter*
Thanks Trinity for posting this its going to mean a great deal to all our serving members at Christmas. And Roko are ya still there? Pm me your mailing addy and I will send you a couple we did for our son and hes having a blast.
Thanks for the offer, but I was there with the PRT last roto.. I got back in February. Thanks, though.. It's good to know there are good people out there like you supporting our troops oveseas.
WOW!  I was popping in for a second and i saw this, thanks for posting it.

I am pleased to give you some updates on the program, but shhhhhh, don't tell ANYONE who's going over...

The Barenaked Ladies, Brothers Creeggan, and Shawn Hlookoff (check him out on myspace) are donating 3 700 CDs each! and I am in talks with other Canadian artists about donating their CDs as well.

So things are going along very well.  If anyone is in the Winnipeg area, check out City TV tonight as they are airing a segment about the campaign or pop into www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com for more exciting updates!

Now, if Apple comes through with IPods, I am going to deploy my husband myself!

Oh, and about the water guns, I tried that angle but was not approved to ask for them, but I am trying for water balloons, would that work?  LOL

My family decided last year to donate to charity instead of purchasing presents for each other; at the hospital where I work the unit adopts a needy family each year and so I gave my Christmas money towards food in the form of gift certificates. Was rewarding.

I think tokens to soldiers overseas at Christmas is a great idea but I'd humbly suggest gifts for overseas be modest and done in conjunction with helping truly unfortunate families here in Canada - military or otherwise. While our troops will surely be appreciative to know we care, they are after all with their comrades and being paid for their service. Some families and individuals here in Canada will be in more dire circumstances of loneliness and financial need.
Michael Dorosh said:
My family decided last year to donate to charity instead of purchasing presents for each other; at the hospital where I work the unit adopts a needy family each year and so I gave my Christmas money towards food in the form of gift certificates. Was rewarding.

I think tokens to soldiers overseas at Christmas is a great idea but I'd humbly suggest gifts for overseas be modest and done in conjunction with helping truly unfortunate families here in Canada - military or otherwise. While our troops will surely be appreciative to know we care, they are after all with their comrades and being paid for their service. Some families and individuals here in Canada will be in more dire circumstances of loneliness and financial need.

:( :(

I don't even know where to begin so I won't.

Angeie.. ignore that post... and carry on.
Donating to a charity is a very honourable thing to do.  We all do what we can and this is what I, Rachel, and Robin have chosen to do.

While there will always be needy people throughout the world and we can't give to all of them, I applaud your efforts to spread the wealth around.  These people who are donating at no cost are doing so because they felt it worthwhile, thought it to be a wonderful way to repay our men and women who can't be home for Christmas.

And like the Barenaked Ladies said," (we) are extremely appreciative of the sacrifice that the Canadian men and women overseas are making and are happy to do whatever we can to make their Christmases a little merrier"

Me too!
The campaign has been going extremely well with the Canadian Idols sending off their music today.

I would LOVE to hear from and keep in touch via email with a couple people who will be deployed this holiday season.  It would be nice to hear about your reaction (and no, contrary to the rumour, Nintendo said no to the Gameboys...sorry :()
I think sending c.d.s is an excellent idea. It's good to know that people appreciate all that our troops are doing for our country over there.
i think this is an awsome idea to support the cf. good moral booster though, i couldn't imagine 20+ year olds playing with silly putty ( though it is pretty fun ;D hahah)

When I first read that article, I was wondering if it was our very own Angeie or not....WOOHOO!
What a fantastic idea, Angeie!

If you need any help, don't hesitate to let me know.

When abouts are the parcels going to be shipped?
Maybe I can organize something through my kids PTO committee.
We are a small school, but we have alot of heart!
I laughed at the silly putty too, but it kept coming up on the research as something they like...turns out it is a great stress reliever!

Thre will be some great items in the boxes, some of them special secrets as we were only able to get one of them, so there will a very lucky person(s) out there.

If you know of any company or corporation that would like to donate, please contact me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com and if you are an individual or group who would like to send a package, I have a wonderful contact who is attempting to do just that.  Right now, she is accepting quilts or blankets, like the homemade kind, for injured soldiers.  Feel free to contact me at the same address and I will put you in touch with her.

;Djust thinking about the water balloons they asked for as well :o ;D
angeie said:
I just thinking about the water balloons they asked for as well :o ;D

I thought those were the condoms we discussed in another thread  ::)
angeie said:
Right now, she is accepting quilts or blankets, like the homemade kind, for injured soldiers.

Would items like hand knittted face cloths, scarves or hats be good to send? I have a few people interested but no one knows where to send anything.
TMM said:
Would items like hand knittted face cloths, scarves or hats be good to send? I have a few people interested but no one knows where to send anything.
Have you contacted me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com
Yes angeie, I have emailed. In the meantime I have 5 face cloths - a drop in the bucket but a start.
Whoo hoo, 5 down.  That is an amazing start.  If you can get 3 700 by end Sept and are near a base, I can get them shipped for you.  Just put me in contact with the base traffic there and I will send them my fin code.

If anyone wants to help her, jump in.  Perhaps they could mail them to you and you can keep stock of them.  I have not done anything like this, but hey, it's worth a try.

Thanks so much, those cloths are awesome!
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