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Time for Christmas already

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Angeie I have emailed from my hotmail account and not heard back yet.

Oh, and it's up to 6 now. I know I am not the only person on this board who knits LOL.

Is there some way of posting notices at the MFRC, perhaps even having a CF stitch n bitch night? I'm a mere civi and have no official CF contacts. If you want I could dig up the names of yarn shops in Winnipeg to see if they'd be willing to help out. With a force of 60 000, if only 6% play with sticks and string or know someone who does, that's 3600 items right there. These items really don't take very long to make - 2-4 hours depending on skill and speed.
Sorry.  I haven't checked my staff account for about a week now because I took a part-time job that turned into full-time, so between the kids during the day and full-time nights, I dont know which end is up...LOL

You are doing amazing.  I have a tonne of room, so if people want to send the cloths here, they surely can.  I have a FIN code that i can use, so shipping from here is really easy.

If anyone is interested in helping out making 3 700 knitted face cloths for our troops, let me know by emailing angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com

I promise to check my staff email at least once a day or so.  If you would like to post the information on a website for knitters, let me know and I can write something up for you really quickly.

thanks everyone, you are all so amazing!
No problem Angeie.

Helmet liners are also a great item that can be used anywhere.

I just had one yarn shop owner donate a few balls of yarn to me.

More info here:

Adopt-a-Soldier is now accepting Walmart Gift Cards.  Many Walmarts across the country have already donated gift cards and quite a few indiciduals too.

If you would like to adopt-a-soldier by donating a gift card, please contact me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com or visit www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com for more information.  Click on Contact Us for a mailing address and on supporters to see who has offically supported us thus far (no companies or bands are listed yet)

** the original receipt must be sent with the gift card.  Walmart will tally and re-distribute 3 700 gift cards for all of the soldiers.

I am sure our soldiers will appreciate everything and I applaud you for your efforts. This is my personal opinion on this matter. I have had the pleasure or dis taste to listen to one of your members interview with a media outlet. I have felt ashamed that this individual was asked about our recently fallen comrades and she made it a point to Plug the site. I found this to be not very respectful to the fallen families.

I am not here to say this site is better of your site. I am also not hear to "trash" your spousal support site either. However I am getting sick of the plugs of other peoples sites. Every site is unique in what it offers individuals and each individual has the choice. But I have read most of your posts and they all seem to plug your site. I do not see myself going to your site and plugging army.ca. I wonder if I were to do that like some have in the past. Would my post be deleted?

On this particular site as you can see some members have also started an adopt a soldier or in fact a platoon such as Trinity and his church are doing.


This post is not meant to offend but however these are my personal views and I felt a need to document them as such.

Edit for structure
I cant say it is shameful for the MF site to have been brought up during an interview.  THE MCF site is extremely helpful to us wives, ESPECIALLY when we have to endure the pain and torture of our Husbands being hurt overseas!  Being a military wife and being moved around because of our husbands jobs, its not easy to make friends and develope close ties with anyone, but the website enables us to make friends with other wives who help us thru everything we endure as military wives!  I dont see anything wrong with letting wives know we are 'here' and that we can help!  How is offering a hand to fallen families disrespectful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, yes there are other 'adopt-our soldier' programs, but Angeie is busting her arse with ours, with absolutly incredible results, do you really need to comment on it as tho there is no need for her to do it??? Come on now!

FInally, if MCF wasnt plugged, i wouldnt know about it, and i would be on my own not knowing heads nor tails of th life i married into,  I have scrificed everything for my Soldier!!!!!!  There is no longer any self regard for what i want because i am a soldiers wife.  And no thats not an invite to tell me to 'like it or lump it'  I know i made my choice!  and i am proud to support a man who serves his country.  MCF provides me commradery, friendship, understanding and support in my journey!

Keep up the great Work Angeie, i know your awsome and Booked_Spices comments wont slow you down..WOOHOO for MCF! :cdn:

OH YEAH>>By the way....Army.ca WAS plugged on our site by one of our members and thats how i found ARMY.CA!  :nana:

I wouldn't worry about it armywife/cadetmom.

This thread was started back in May 2006 and the other thread was started Aug 2006.
This thread was actually started by Trinity, too.
Well that was rather nice but BEFORE you accuse me of such trash first of get your facts straight. Oh please check your pm. I will also like you to talk to Natasha on Married to the Forces. Because MY Nick on that site is BRI PRI11. Natasha and I have made great strides in trying to link the sites together and not step on anyones  toes. I will not go into my reasons but please feel free to check your PM and get all your facts straight before accusing me of this.

Thank you.
Booked_Spice said:
Well that was rather nice but BEFORE you accuse me of such trash first of get your facts straight. Oh please check your pm. I will also like you to talk to Natasha on Married to the Forces. Because MY Nick on that site is BRI PRI11. Natasha and I have made great strides in trying to link the sites together and not step on anyones  toes. I will not go into my reasons but please feel free to check your PM and get all your facts straight before accusing me of this.

Thank you.

Booked spice,

dont worry, this support website stuff is, IMHO getting out of hand.  As a serving soldiers, its realy starting to annoy me. Its turned more into a pissing contest between little cliques of wives more concerned about self-agrandizement that showing support.  The endless plugging of web sites everywhere and the non-stop fighting on various web forums ( always having the result of the site shutting down) realy waters down your message.  Its starting to look like you are all doing it to make yourself feel better insted of making the troops fell better.  If i was overseas right now, all i would want is letters from home and the occasional goodies.  Red fridays, adopt-a-soldier and all that jazz, i could do without.

Folks, I've locked this one and don't ask for it to be reopened.  Any other threads that turn into pissing matches between proponents of these spousal support sites will be locked and/or deleted without warnings.

If anyone continues to start such threads, or turn existing threads into this type of exchange, be prepared to meet the warning system (see the Conduct Guidelines) which may also be without warning or further explanation.

Michael O'Leary is too nice to say it the way it needs to be said, but we all know I'm an asshole, so:

This crap stops now. No more dragging ANY sort of conflict from other sites to this one. That goes for more than just the Spousal Support sites, but they're the worst offenders. Any more of this sort of behaviour will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including instant banning, and a complete moratorium on any mention of those sites, period.

That includes using the chat room, pms, or any other part of this site. It stops. Mike created this site for better things than petty squabbles, especially ones brought here from elsewhere.

We have more than enough to occupy our time without this ridiculous drama, on top of babysitting children, catching trolls, and refereeing people intent on solving the Middle Eastern crisis armed with 20 minutes of perusing headlines.
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