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The US Presidency 2020

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I despise JT and gang of Elitists and I disliked Obama as well. However I realize that I cannot hold either of them directly responsible for every decision made, you can go after the PM/POTUS when a clearly unfair issue appears due to the daily grind of bureaucracy and they flip it off or don't deal with it when made publicly aware of it.
Any leader of a government is likley aware of perhaps .001% of what the government did each day. Only major issues generally reach that level and in the form of a 3 page briefing note at best for the majority of them.     
mariomike said:
I understand he has cheerleaders on here. So this may come as a disappointment for some,

That's not something Trump would give a dam- about. He's even declared it so to gain more support from his base.

It will be interestig to see the if the results of DOJ investigations into the rioting bear fruit early enough to influence the election. This tweet shows a video of a parked U-Haul van being descended upon and being unloaded of premade signs and other supplies for a "mostly peaceful" demonstration. This certainly speaks of higher level coordination, planning and resources - the question is "from whom"?

Of course any investigation needs to find sufficient evidence to establish linkages as a "balance of probabilities" for civil cases, and "beyond a reasonable doubt" for criminal cases. One can only hope this can be done quickly for the sake of the suffering people in the affected American cities:

Thucydides said:
It will be interestig to see the if the results of DOJ investigations into the rioting bear fruit early enough to influence the election. This tweet shows a video of a parked U-Haul van being descended upon and being unloaded of premade signs and other supplies for a "mostly peaceful" demonstration. This certainly speaks of higher level coordination, planning and resources - the question is "from whom"?

Of course any investigation needs to find sufficient evidence to establish linkages as a "balance of probabilities" for civil cases, and "beyond a reasonable doubt" for criminal cases. One can only hope this can be done quickly for the sake of the suffering people in the affected American cities:


I doubt it.  I think we are in the entrenched phase.  It’s about getting out the vote now.  How motivated both sides are to go vote against the other guy.

These are the things most of the MSM don't want you to hear about.
QV said:

These are the things most of the MSM don't want you to hear about.

The article brings up very valid points but it highlights that what a President does at home can override all the good he does abroad. 

When times are tough at home, deal with things outside the country.  Trudeau did that exact thing before the last election when plagued by scandals.
Remius said:
The article brings up very valid points but it highlights that what a President does at home can override all the good he does abroad. 

When times are tough at home, deal with things outside the country.  Trudeau did that exact thing before the last election when plagued by scandals.

I would suggest that Trump's foreign policy successes are illusions being promoted for political purposes. And the very title of the story blows me away in disgust!

Trump’s Underappreciated Foreign Policy

Nothing he does even comes close to the Democrats' claim of his unrelenting buddying up with Russia/Putin.

Discuss each apparent accomplishment in turn for a thorough discussion of the suggestion. Or just wait until after the election for the facts to come out, regardless of whether he wins or loses.

>Discuss each apparent accomplishment in turn for a thorough discussion of the suggestion.

What's been done speaks for itself.  As you wrote, "the Democrats' claim of his unrelenting buddying up with Russia/Putin."  The onus is on you to prove the "claim".  Don't waste time with the handful of favourable remarks about Putin that Trump has made; those are just fluff.  Provide examples of how the Trump administration's foreign policy regularly supports and favours Russia economically, diplomatically, and militarily.
Brad Sallows said:
>Discuss each apparent accomplishment in turn for a thorough discussion of the suggestion.

What's been done speaks for itself.  As you wrote, "the Democrats' claim of his unrelenting buddying up with Russia/Putin."  The onus is on you to prove the "claim".  Don't waste time with the handful of favourable remarks about Putin that Trump has made; those are just fluff.  Provide examples of how the Trump administration's foreign policy regularly supports and favours Russia economically, diplomatically, and militarily.

If that's your choice of the question to analyze then maybe we can do that. I'm willing. But I feel that the choice isn't yours, it's QV's or Remius's I would suggest. Be patient.
Just saving time.  Whatever it is you want to "suggest" or propagandize, go ahead and substantiate it.  Ball's in your court.
Donald H said:
If that's your choice of the question to analyze then maybe we can do that. I'm willing. But I feel that the choice isn't yours, it's QV's or Remius's I would suggest. Be patient.

Mueller with all his vast power as Special Counsel couldn't find Trump colluded with Russia.  Make no mistake, there was collusion with Russia, but it wasn't Trump. 

In an effort to depict Donald Trump as if he were in an espionage conspiracy with the Kremlin, the Obama administration used bogus information, from a man the FBI suspected was an actual Russian spy, to brand as a suspected Russian spy a former U.S. naval intelligence officer who had actually been a CIA informant.  Your head spinning? Mine too.
QV said:
Mueller with all his vast power as Special Counsel couldn't find Trump colluded with Russia.  Make no mistake, there was collusion with Russia, but it wasn't Trump. 

Yes, there was collusion and crimes committed by a half dozen or more of Trump's close associates and 6 or so were found guilty and punished. I think that Trump would have also been convicted of related crimes too and punished accordingly has he not been protected by him being the president.

In America there are many laws that don't apply to the president.

If Trump loses the presidency I think he could be charged with some of those crimes, but it's not certain. America has a tendency to forgive and forget their outgoing president's crimes.

Bush2 and Iraq would be one of the best examples!
Donald H said:
Yes, there was collusion and crimes committed by a half dozen or more of Trump's close associates and 6 or so were found guilty and punished. I think that Trump would have also been convicted of related crimes too and punished accordingly has he not been protected by him being the president.

In America there are many laws that don't apply to the president.

If Trump loses the presidency I think he could be charged with some of those crimes, but it's not certain. America has a tendency to forgive and forget their outgoing president's crimes.

Bush2 and Iraq would be one of the best examples!

If after all this time you are still locked on that fallacy then I know you are not read into this and any further discussion on this topic will be pointless. 
Trump’s old tweets coming back to haunt him...



The stuff writes itself.
QV said:
If after all this time you are still locked on that fallacy then I know you are not read into this and any further discussion on this topic will be pointless.

O.k. and so even though I think you are wrong I will move on.
Donald H said:
Yes, there was collusion and crimes committed by a half dozen or more of Trump's close associates and 6 or so were found guilty and punished. I think that Trump would have also been convicted of related crimes too and punished accordingly has he not been protected by him being the president.

In America there are many laws that don't apply to the president.

If Trump loses the presidency I think he could be charged with some of those crimes, but it's not certain. America has a tendency to forgive and forget their outgoing president's crimes.

Bush2 and Iraq would be one of the best examples!


So sorry but you're wrong!

The ones who got charged, convicted, etc had nothing to do  with trump
Chris Hedges, a very well known award winning journalist with his analysis of the current situation in America and his predictioins that come across as about the worst I've heard so far. Hedges isn't the type that beats around the bush and that's gained him a lot of both love and hate.


He nails it on about 90% of it in my opinion but can be criticized on the remaining 10%.

Not a very optimistic view for the future.

One point being made by Hedges on the Corona virus that may be questionable is his predictions of 300,000 Americans dead and then later 400,000? It's a risky prediction at best but I wouldn't bet against him, knowing his track record.

And of special interest to me is his opinion of Biden, which I am pretty convinced is correct. Sadly so.


It would be reassuring at least to hear somebody put down some or even one of his points with a specific convincing argument.
shawn5o said:

So sorry but you're wrong!

The ones who got charged, convicted, etc had nothing to do  with trump

Sorry Shawn, but you're wrong:

Paul Manafort: Donald Trumps Presidential campaign manager from June to August 2016.

General (ret'd) Mike Flynn was Trumps National Security Advisor, albeit for a very short time.
Breaking news involving Brad Parscale, Trumps former campaign manager. I wasn't sure which thread to post it to, whether, here or under the Presidential election thread or even the WTF! thread. Mods can move as they see fit.

Police: Friend convinced Trump ex-campaign boss to surrender

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A standoff between South Florida police and President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale ended after an officer who was friends with Parscale convinced him to surrender, officials said.

September 29, 2020

Fort Lauderdale Officer Christopher Wilson wrote in a report that he had just finished a shift Sunday evening when a mutual friend called him and told him that a SWAT team was at Parscale's home, and he was refusing to come out. When Wilson arrived at the Fort Lauderdale home, he was able to persuade Parscale to come outside. Body camera footage released Monday shows officers rushing Parscale and knocking him to the ground before taking him into custody.

The standoff started earlier Sunday after Parscale's wife fled the home and asked for help from a real estate agent showing a nearby house, officials said. They called 911, and officers responded. The wife told officers that Parscale had been stressed out recently and that he had made comments about shooting himself, according to a police report. Investigators said 10 guns were later removed from the home. The wife also said that Parscale drinks and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.

One of the responding officers reported that he witnessed bruising on the wife's arm and face. She told him that the injuries had come from an altercation with Parscale earlier that week, according to the police report. The officer called Parscale and asked him to leave the house unarmed, but the report said Parscale remained in the home for about an hour, until Wilson arrived and convinced him to come outside.

Parscale was hospitalized Sunday under the state’s Baker Act. That act allows anyone deemed to be a threat to themselves or others to be detained for 72 hours for psychiatric evaluation. Parscale was demoted from the campaign manager's post in July but remained part of the campaign, helping run its digital operation.

Standing 6’8” and with a distinctive beard, Parscale had become a celebrity to Trump supporters and would frequently pose for photos and sign autographs ahead of campaign rallies. But Trump had begun to sour on him earlier this year as Parscale attracted a wave of media attention that included focus on his seemingly glitzy lifestyle on the Florida coast that kept him far from campaign headquarters in Virginia.

Over the summer, he hyped a million ticket requests for the president’s comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that ended up drawing just 6,000 people. A furious Trump was left staring at a sea of empty seats and, weeks later, promoted Bill Stepien to campaign manager.

Parscale was originally hired to run Trump’s 2016 campaign by Jared Kushner, the president’s powerful son-in-law. While the Republican National Committee owns most of the campaign’s data, voter modeling and outreach tools, Parscale ran most of the microtargeted online advertising that Trump aides believe was key to his victory four years ago.

Under the state's Red Flag Law, officials could ask a judge to bar Parscale from possessing any weapons for up to a year.

Retired AF Guy said:
Breaking news involving Brad Parscale, Trumps former campaign manager.

Bodycam video, if interested,
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