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The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

Pusser said:
Shaving is overrated.  Just say no!

How about we get some Army.ca members (Obedientia Zeluim, for example) to try this out with their local RSM/Coxn?  We can then all view the results here.

Just a thought.....
To inject a bit of realism here, has anyone stopped to consider that the thing called a salary, which is one of the highest throughout the world when compared to other militaries, is meant to cover things like that?

The growth of benefits and allowances makes me wonder what a salary is meant to remunerate the soldier for....
Infanteer said:
To inject a bit of realism here, has anyone stopped to consider that the thing called a salary, which is one of the highest throughout the world when compared to other militaries, is meant to cover things like that?

The growth of benefits and allowances makes me wonder what a salary is meant to remunerate the soldier for....

I so agree, we just had a young lady writing a letter to the editor claiming that she was entitled to a PMQ because her husband was in the military and that CFHA had no right to kick them out for misbehavior.  It is the continuous belief that we (soldiers) are entitled to stuff at the tax payers expense  that scares me more than all the Canadians that want to get rid of us.
57Chevy said:
Can you actually compare this ? :facepalm:

We all know paratroopers will PAY $200 a month in order to jump out of planes-and tell everyone about it  ;)

Haggis said:
How about we get some Army.ca members (Obedientia Zeluim, for example) to try this out with their local RSM/Coxn?  We can then all view the results here.

Just a thought.....

I accept! I won't shave for the next month.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I accept! I won't shave for the next month.

I started a week ahead! I predicted this thread it seems.  >:D
Skip the blades and shaving gel. 

Go to Costco.  Buy an electric razor with Li-ion battery.  Plug it in.  Shave every day for one month on the one charge.  Then, plug it in again for 8 hours.  Repeat.

Or, you could just join the Navy.  8)
Give one of these a try: http://www.razorpit.ca/ 

I did and then after a few months I bought one for each of my sons.  It does an amazing job at cleaning the blade.

[quote author=ObedientiaZelum]
What about an allowance for razors?

Military Factor - your razor, haircut, dry cleaning are already part of your pay.

Edit- fixed link. Many thanks.
You know what I'd like to see the army issue while deployed? Watches. I had one watch fry in an explosion, and another just died while in Panjuai. Luckily I convinced the ANA to go buy me Casio's for 1 dollar each time.

Watches and timings are important!!
Simian Turner said:
Give one of these a try: http://www.razorpit.ca/ 

I did and then after a few months I bought one for each of my sons.  It does an amazing job at cleaning the blade.

That looks interesting, especially seeing as cleaning and drying your blade is supposed to increase its life by 50%.

Personally, I'm hoping these guys get their act together soon, as they state that "We do not yet ship to Canada."

Okay that is it....

-When a member joins the CF, they should have laser hair removal process during their Basic Training. Funding by the CF.

-For other CF members, report to your local CDU for the treatment. Wait out for the new CANFORGEN.

-Retired members can have it done on their dime, then submit a claim to Vetran Affairs. They will also retro the cost from your enlistment date until you got out. And the pain and suffering of shaving in the field.

Think about it? We want efficient soldiers. The RCR's will be all over this one.

*See, I think outside of the box*

Macey for CDS!!!
Pusser said:
Shaving is overrated.  Just say no!

Only works for pseudo-sailors who don't go to sea.

In fact, you don't need the SSI to tell who's been to sea the most - if they have a beard, they're landlubbers.  Real sailors shave.

Quite effective trick to extend the life of your disposable blades.
dapaterson said:
Only works for pseudo-sailors who don't go to sea.

In fact, you don't need the SSI to tell who's been to sea the most - if they have a beard, they're landlubbers.  Real sailors shave.

Nonsense.  I haven't shaved regularly for 25 years and I've spent a good chunk of that time at sea.  This BS about having to shave while posted to ships is recent and unneccessary in my view.  Never once in the last 25 years have I ever had problems achieving a seal on a chemox set or a gas mask (just did the gas hut last month).  This whole anti-beard hysteria is probably being pushed by a bunch of fit-testing fanatics who can't grow one!  But I digress... 
Pusser said:
Nonsense.  I haven't shaved regularly for 25 years and I've spent a good chunk of that time at sea.  This BS about having to shave while posted to ships is recent and unneccessary in my view.  Never once in the last 25 years have I ever had problems achieving a seal on a chemox set or a gas mask (just did the gas hut last month).  This whole anti-beard hysteria is probably being pushed by a bunch of fit-testing fanatics who can't grow one!  But I digress...
Recent?  In the context of 25 years, yes.  But it has been around for quite a while now.  We don't tuck our socks in our pants anymore either, or use the old methods of FF either.  Things have evolved, and the attitude has moved on from what was.  Beards are not a big issue with the younger generation of sailors today.
Pusser said:
Nonsense.  I haven't shaved regularly for 25 years and I've spent a good chunk of that time at sea.  This BS about having to shave while posted to ships is recent and unneccessary in my view.  Never once in the last 25 years have I ever had problems achieving a seal on a chemox set or a gas mask (just did the gas hut last month).  This whole anti-beard hysteria is probably being pushed by a bunch of fit-testing fanatics who can't grow one!  But I digress... 

This is the single most idiotic statement I have ever seen on this forum, and I find myself having to wade into the recruiting threads quite often.

Just because you achieved the seal under training conditions doesn't mean a damned thing. And arguing your point based on tradition or what you have done for 25 years, rather than best practice is both infantile and stupid.

You're an educated man, and a beard trips you up? The curb ain't that high.

jollyjacktar said:
Recent?  In the context of 25 years, yes.  But it has been around for quite a while now.  We don't tuck our socks in our pants anymore either, or use the old methods of FF either.  Things have evolved, and the attitude has moved on from what was.  Beards are not a big issue with the younger generation of sailors today.

Careful, you're bucking tradition. You might just find yourself turfed or tied to a yard arm or flogged with executive curls or something.

Very nice to see someone who is actually in touch with reality, thanks.