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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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FutureQYR said:
For god sake, get it through your head!, I am not saying he can't join the Canadian Forces, but rather not in the sense he is thinking. He Cannot, regardless of what you may believe, participate in a Coop program at the age of 16. Again I am currently in line to begin a Coop program in February, they only reason I am able to complete the course in the 11th grade is because I turn 17 right before the course begins. And after listening to the other 15+ odd people that I know that have completed this course, and also had to wait till they were 17 to PARTICIPATE, I think this young man would be in good order to completely disregard anything you have to say, as you seem to have a problem comprehending common conversation.
Wow that's kinda hostile. I know a guy who is 16 who did it so i no that's your info is wrong
RHFC_piper said:
Okay... I'm going to explain this one last time.

1) I am the unit recruiter for my regiment.  STOP TELLING ME MY JOB.


3) Looking into my recruiting files, we had eighteen students who started the program at age 16.  We have eight who have completed the Co-op program at age 16.

I'm pretty much done with this...  If there are any other CF Recruiters out there, feel free to argue with this moron... but I doubt he'll listen... he's too thick.

I'm out.
I believe you could you tell me more about the coop program
Hmm...Let me see...

I know someone who got into the co-op at the age of 16.   I also know someone who straight out joined the reserves at sixteen.
And at such an age in the CF, I do believe that you can do anything they ask of you, short of being deployed.  I may be wrong, forgive me, and publicly correct me if I am.  haha

I dunno...I'm thinkin' the guy who does this stuff for a bloody job knows his s***.

And the co-op is only for a shorter period of time.  I personally don't know how it works, but how much do you think can be done when you are only in the program for a semester (I think it's just one).

*Not directed at Steve*
Koenigsegg said:
Hmm...Let me see...

I know someone who got into the co-op at the age of 16.  I also know someone who straight out joined the reserves at sixteen.
And at such an age in the CF, I do believe that you can do anything they ask of you, short of being deployed.  I may be wrong, forgive me, and publicly correct me if I am.  haha

I dunno...I'm thinkin' the guy who does this stuff for a bloody job knows his s***.

And the co-op is only for a shorter period of time.  I personally don't know how it works, but how much do you think can be done when you are only in the program for a semester (I think it's just one).

*Not directed at Steve*
I know a guy who joined the reserves when he was 15 but now you have to be 16 which kinda sucks
I've wanted to join since I was very young, and I never thought the age requirments sucked.
The age limits are there for reasons.  And most 15 year olds aren't mature enough for any real (hard) job.  You may be, but our society is of the majority rules philosphy.  So of course...the good ones miss out, or have to wait sometimes.  haha
FutureQYR said:
For god sake, get it through your head!, I am not saying he can't join the Canadian Forces, but rather not in the sense he is thinking. He Cannot, regardless of what you may believe, participate in a Coop program at the age of 16. Again I am currently in line to begin a Coop program in February, they only reason I am able to complete the course in the 11th grade is because I turn 17 right before the course begins. And after listening to the other 15+ odd people that I know that have completed this course, and also had to wait till they were 17 to PARTICIPATE, I think this young man would be in good order to completely disregard anything you have to say, as you seem to have a problem comprehending common conversation.

I was enrolled into the Canadian Forces, and begun my Basic Military Qualifications while I was 16. You, are incorrect, I suggest you listen to what the members that have more then a few months in the military have to say, trust me they know, and you don't.
  Read my profile, it's filled out for a reason, I recommend you fill yours out. What province I am from is irrelevant, the rules and regulations, and enrollment requirement are the same nation-wide.
Well, I gotta tell you I'm not sure , perhaps there is some sort of out of this world conspiracy in order to keep me from PARTICIPATING in the CF until I'm 17 through a co-op... Sounds like a job for Mulder. I'm not sure how you would have COMPLETED co-op at the age of 16. Perhaps the entire Toronto Recruitment centre should be talked to, because they told me I could enroll but not participate, or complete the co-op at the age of sixteen regardless of credits, I would have to wait till I was in the 11th grade, and 17 to start and complete the co-op. I'm done trying to explain to people what has been explained to me from people holding the rank of Pte. to Captain. I will not re post on this thread, so please stop replying to me.

I'm only saying this once. Quit acting like your avatar. You're out of your lane, and any more bovine excrement along the line you're walking will get you a warning for trolling and inflaming. Drop it now.

Milnet.ca Staff
It seems to me like, where I went to high school at least, you had to be a senior student to get a co-op anywhere.  The program was only open to Gr.11s and Gr.12s.
And in order to get into the CF you must have completed Gr.10...Which from your post, it seems like at the time you hadn't.

I would have to wait till I was in the 11th grade

Maybe I'm missing something, but from what you said, it would make sense if that was the reason.
Stevedude19 said:

Well thats just too bad. We  have enough people in the CF who act like children without resorting to enrolling actual children.

CDN Aviator said:
Well thats just too bad. We  have enough people in the CF who act like children without resorting to enrolling actual children.

um... ok i hope your joking

He's not.

He may be very sarcastic, but this isn't one of those times.

*bummer...I'm slow*
Stevedude19 said:
no it just seems like you don't like it when 16 year olds join

If i did have a problem with 16 year olds joining then that would be my own buisness now wouldnt it ?

I know it sucks for you because you arent old enough to join yet but to be honest, i dont want 15 year olds watching my back. You will be old enough to join soon enough, use the time to prepare yourself and quit the "it sucks" attitude, Good luck.