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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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argylls_recruiting said:
You must be thinking of cadets.
Excuse me but, you learn a hell of a lot more than just marching in Cadets.
The point is that, if you want to make money and get some training done, plus test the waters (so to speak) about the military, the best way is to join the reserves now.

Yes, it is a pain to transfer from ResF to RegF. I've talked to people that said it's taken serveral months (even a year), but I know a few people who have been transfered (from my unit to the RegF) within a couple of months.

That aside, joining 1.5 years from now does not mean you will be on basic in 1.5 years.

If you intend to apply in 1.5 years (actually hand in your file to CFRC at that time), it will take a number of months to go through the application process, and then you need to be selected for your MOC, and then you have to wait-out for course-loading and training.

All that said, if you submit your application in 1.5 years, than you will likely not be in the CF, on course, and actually training for approx 2.0 years or so.

Again, why waste the time? If you have extra time now, it's best to join and then transfer.

Ultimately, it's your decision.
As I look into the near future, I would say that you would do well to join the Reserves now.  With the proposal to recruit another 5000 into the Regs, I would think that they may streamline the CT process in a year or two to take some of the load off of the Recruiting Process.  I don't think they will hamstring the Reserves by doing this, as I also see them pumping more into the Reserve Recruiting and Training Systems to help with the Recruiting of 3000 Reservists and more in order to take some of the pressure off the Reg Recruiting and Training Systems. 

As what has already been pointed out several times in this thread and several others, it may be a good idea to join the Reserves now to 'wet your feet' and 'test the waters'.  Perhaps you are not the 'military type', and it is easier to find that out in the Reserves than to sign a contract for the Regs and then find out.
hi im new to this website so i'll introduce myself first of all. im 19 years old from toronto, ontario and thinking about joing the army reserve. i have done some serious research but i am still confused between the army reserve and the canadian army. i plan on joining the infantry and have some questions.

1. can i choose how long i plan on staying in the army reserve or is there like a certain amount of months or years i must stay before i can leave?
2. will the recruitment centre send me to the nearest base close to my home and if they send me somewhere far away will they pay for my travel expenses?
3. do i get to choose how many days a week i can train at the base or is it just a weekend type schedule. is it possible to work at the base monday through friday and have the weekend off?(please explain this to me. i have no clue how the schedule works.)
4. what are the living conditions like at the base? do we have to share beds with our fellow soldiers or is it 1 person per bed? is it like simpsons where we sleep inside a wooden cabin or is it a actual facility?
5. do i have to shave my head or just cut it short? also what is the uniform like?
6. how much will i get paid as an infantry if i worked over the summer time?
7. what percentage of infantry are youths? (16-19 year olds)
8. what percentage of infantry include women? (im just asking.)
9. do we get to keep any piece of equipment after training like a machine gun or something?
10. what is training like?


Go to the nearest Recruiting Centre and speak to them about where you live and what Reserve Unit to join, or if you already have one in mind, go there and ask for the Recruiting NCO. Normally during the day, or phone them.
These are the BEST people to ask your questions to. Also please read the previous links provided.

Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my question.

I am currently in grade 10, and was curious if I could join the reserves during highschool.  Would it be possible, and still complete my diploma on time?

I am undecided to what my future career will be, but I know I will serve in the armed forces at some point in my life.  I'd like to go to RMC, and I believe this would be a good idea to see how I like the armed forces, and if it would be the correct career path for me.

Thanks for the help,

Spencer Ronan

Thank you, I will make sure to make full use of the search function in the future.  Sometimes I just get a bit excited when a question pops into my head.  I've actually got another question, but I will search it first.  If I don't find an answer, i'll ask  :)


Spencer R.
I am looking to join the Reserves I just VR`d from Reg force because Of my Daugther but I still want to be Military,  Can anyone tell me how I go about joining part time.

Thank you,
.... you can either walk into the local armoury of the unit you are interested to join and see the nice people in the recruiting office OR.... visit the local CFRC and they will do what the usually do.

Good luck!
ottawaguy25 said:
I am looking to join the Reserves I just VR`d from Reg force because Of my Daugther but I still want to be Military,  Can anyone tell me how I go about joining part time.

Thank you,

If you went on the SR you can approach any reserve unit and they will handle it.  If not come go to CFRC Ottawa.  What trade are you?  (that will impact where you might want to go)

Also note, there is no longer a 6month waiting period for people who release and want back in.
As you just joined the CF and have now VR'd from the Jan 29 BMQ, your records should still be fairly up to date.  No doubt, there will be many questions as to your choices.  There will also be the time consuming process of retrieving your documents/file.  The sooner you get started, the sooner you will get processed. 

If you have a Reserve Unit in mind, contact them and see if they have any vacancies.  Your docs will still have to be processed through the CFRC, no matter what route you try.
I was able to get my pers file from CFLRS.  So that might help.  Where can I get information on Reserver training?  And thank you for the info
The CFRC can give you a list of all the Reserve Units and their contact numbers and addresses.
heh... recruiting centre is a "crap shoot" and you never know in advance if it will work out well or not so well in advance............

Good luck!

Well your from ottawa I am guessing

Go to 66 slater street, thats the recruting office. Walk in and tell them " I want to join the 33rd Engineers!!!", thell give you all the papers and tell you everything you have to do.

I have tried searching but can't really find a specific answer to the questions I have. I am almost done high school (in my last year) and was thinking of joining the Reserves after. I have a few questions relating to the reserves:

- Once completed and qualified can you choose where you are deployed too? Are they always needing people to serve inside of Canada?
- I am not in that great of shape, im not fat by any means im actually very skinny however I am just not in that great of shape fitness wise and wondered if the reserve training can get you into shape within the 20 days of training? (20 days is what I read)
