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The most dangerous things in the Army ... (besides Vern ;-) )

Expired Cabbage Roll IMP's.  It's like having a 5th columnist right in your own platoon! :-[
Reccesoldier said:
4.  The Turret Monster.  :o

Ive put up with 3a/b/c/d/e, not even sure what the heck some of those things are or why they are dangerous, but this I have to ask about.

Is this talking about the mythological beast, or a reference to some person's turret-occupancy habits, or the turret itself?
I'd have to say My top Vote Goes for
** Torpedoes, ( you know the old bars we used to lift road wheels off the ground on the M113's)
Man could they fly.
I only had it once every other time I traded it to the weird cadet that liked it. It tasted like cardboard and cranberries.
Greymatters said:
Ive put up with 3a/b/c/d/e, not even sure what the heck some of those things are or why they are dangerous, but this I have to ask about.

Is this talking about the mythological beast, or a reference to some person's turret-occupancy habits, or the turret itself?

Yes...  ;D
how about the LS spare tire mount/suprise catapult? that one scares the hell out of me.
Someone who thinks you crack open the pressure cooker lid to let the steam out....................
When I was fresh new private I was posted to HQ & Sig Sqn.  This was the time of the LONG training exercises, when we set up a tent city in the middle of no where and stayed there for 6 - 12 weeks at a time.  Being HQ & Sigs, the Bde Comd (a BGen at that time) was bivouacked in our unit lines.

One of the duties of the Fire Piquet was to light the immersion heaters at Oh Dark Stupid before reveille.  Being new, I wasn't familiar with immersion heaters so I asked my Fire Piquet Comd about it, as I was on the shift involved.  My instructions were:

"Starting at the General's area turn on the gas tap, proceed to the next heater around camp until they are all turned on.  On the second go round, throw a lit match down the hole.  Don't look into the hole, there MIGHT be flash that MAY cause burns to your face"

Being a good and obedient Private, I followed these orders to the letter.  Only one heater was lit that morning - the General's.  The launching of the chimney pipes, which landed (still burning) on the canvas attached to the General's office/bedroom van was a sight to behold.

Later investigation (after we in the Fire Piquet performed our primary function of evacuating the occupant (the General) of the General's van and putting out the fire) revealed that the MCpl who was Fire Piquet Commander had a history of such practical jokes.  The RSM and the CO took over from there, with the General as an interested onlooker.
Roy -- notwithstanding the coffee I just circulated through my sinuses -- thanks for that; your story was a badly needed belly-laugh.
I was about to say Roy..

Immersion heater going "BOOM"

Been there many times..  ;D
fbr2o75 said:
Do they still use those death traps?

Imersion Heaters ?

Death traps ?

Only people who called them death traps are those who didnt know how to light them properly.  Imagine that, in 11 years in never once had one go boom on me.
uncle-midget-boyd said:
So, there was always someone lower on the CoC nearby when needed?

I spent alot of those 11 years in the lower levels of the CoC so nice try
CDN Aviator said:
Only people who called them death traps are those who didnt know how to light them properly.  Imagine that, in 11 years in never once had one go boom on me.

Bah, where's your sense of adventure?
Yup.  Blowing them up is by choice.  Ya gotta wanna do it and if ya don't they're a breeze to light. (rolls of TP make excellent projectiles too  ;) )