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The most dangerous things in the Army ... (besides Vern ;-) )

George Wallace said:
Unfortunately, this person being a Reservist, may explain a lot.  There are some very rare cases, where members of the Reserves, although dedicated, have been unable to get the time off to attend that "Career Crse" that will get them qualified QL3, or in some Trades QL5.  Twelve years is a long time, and today many would have been classified as NES and Released, or offered another Trade, if this were to happen.

George: Limited courses available for (band / drummer). Eventually changed to supply tech. after band was disbanded & got promoted to corporal. I instructed on her CLC which she passed, but ended up releasing due to family issues be fore getting promoted.

X Royal

As I said, it is a rare case.  I also know a girl who has been bouncing around from one Trade to another, and has had difficulty finding the time to get fully qualified.  Although she doesn`t have twelve years in, it is fairly close, and now she has done a CT and is on ROTP.  These cases are rare, but not unheard of.
I knew a no hook private in Greenwood who got her CD (back in '87-'89 time frame).  She joined in her late twenties and her time as a Cadet instructor counted for her CD.
I think we had a Pte in my unit with his CD as well....

one of those things where civi work got in the way, and he got tugged around over a bunch of courses.... for one reason or another he never did get his 2nd hook...

good guy though.
five bored corporals expending t-flash's and arty sims after an ex. :D
Hmmm.... Firing paraflares in an heavily built up, urban (downtown) environment  :o
geo said:
Hmmm.... Firing paraflares in an heavily built up, urban (downtown) environment  :o

Watching a girl having a blond moment in the field. She was about to fire the para flare, then sees a Griffin flying really low, above us. So what does she do? Looks at it then somehows fires! I have never seen a Griffin peel out like that before. I sure heard a lot from Range Control after that.  ;D
... this goes back a number of years but... here goes...

Sentries at a roadblock during an internal control ex...
The dirver slows down his 3/4 ton SMP as he approaches the chicane and the sentry is standing in the middle of the path... suddenly the driver guns the engine and "runs" thru the roadblock.

The sentry is incensed by the driver's lack of good manners.  He pulls out the paraflare from his cargo pocket, flips off the two endcaps, lays down the paraflare tube on the ground, holds the tube down with his foot & pulls the cord.... wosh!... rocket goes streaking down the road & goes "clang" against the 3/4s gas tank...

Repentent driver stopped, got out of truck, after pert well peeing in his pants.

Heeey... I was only a witness.... :warstory:
Heh.... Nope... wish that I was... sorta.... but was a lowly Sapper at the time and they didn't filter down that low on weekend exercises back in 70/71 time frame
I got something that tops all that...

Get ready....

Air Cadets with walkie-talkies camping. Seriously never forgot the story of my flight seargeant told of a cadet who wasnt an NCO but brought walkie talkies anyways asking every hour almost "permission to do radio check, over." Needless to say after a while my flight seargant said "permission denied" and I think he was told to turn his off the rest of the time there.
Uhhh.... Yawn!
Rayman.... that one was Booooring!
Rayman said:
I got something that tops all that...

How did you come to that conclusion ?

I only ask because that story was.......well.......not much of a story.
Well maybe it doesnt top setting off flares at helicopters.... I found it funny though....err yeah.
CSA 105 said:
P.S.  Rayman, I have you tell you straight, your story sucked.  Just saying what everyone else is thinking. ;)

edit to slag Rayman...

Thanks... ::) j/k