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The most dangerous things in the Army ... (besides Vern ;-) )

TheHead said:
Even if an Infanteer wore that shirt it would still be very unprofessional and borderline disgusting. 

Others who think it is professional to label fellow soldiers as "WOGs"; having no clue as to their background, where they've been or what they've done, or even what SIs they've been involved in.  ;)
Infanteers saying "your job is my secondary duty" to a "WOG" Angry

How about zero trades who assume incorrectly that no WOG ever leaves the wire ... or that they have never been involved in an SI??  Wink

Others who think it is professional to label fellow soldiers as "WOGs"; having no clue as to their background, where they've been or what they've done, or even what SIs they've been involved in.  Wink

I'm becoming uncomfortable with the direction this thread is taking.  A couple more cracks like this and I may take offense and be forced to vent my frustration, and it most likely won't be pretty or make much sense.  Lets leave the "0 trade" vs. "WOGs" for another time and place.  Thanks.
RCR Grunt said:
I'm becoming uncomfortable with the direction this thread is taking.  A couple more cracks like this and I may take offense and be forced to vent my frustration, and it most likely won't be pretty or make much sense.  Lets leave the "0 trade" vs. "WOGs" for another time and place.  Thanks.

And, that was exactly the point of our posts. The little cracks of "WOGs" seemingly being OK.

Your post below would have been even better had you chosen to include TheHead's post in it. Nice one to leave out -- the one that started it all. It's OK though -- I already consider him corrected with his misnomers.

It is a two-way street. Period.
It's very unusual to quote a PM in the public forum. However, in this case, I will do so as I was asked to do this publicly:

PM in:
RCR Grunt said:
I didn't include his post because he wasn't knocking trades, he was knocking unprofessional slugs who think they are cool by wearing shirts proclaiming their superiority to others on a large coalition base.  You and your friends however ignore that fact and start in on the "dumb infantry guy" line of bashing.  I demand a retraction of your public insult to me and my integrity.

My response:
ArmyVern said:
No. He was knocking support trades wearing the shirts. "WOGs."

WOGs (you know & I know) does not refer to us non-zero trades. When he got nailed on it -- he added his bit about it would be just as "unprofessional" for an infanteer to wear it.

Lest there be any doubt in your mind .. we "WOGs" take being called WOGs by our fellow soldiers as unprofofessional and as a direct insult to our not being of the zero type.

You may not think it's offensive -- but we certainly do.


Now, I'm very sorry RCR Grunt if you think that I've bashed your integrity or done some "dumb infantry bashing" ...

I'm going to beg to differ. I certainly qualified MY remarks back to TheHead with "others who think it's" ... I certainly didn't tar all infanteers with the same brush -- or any brush for that matter. I tarred the ones who believe that it it is professional to label support trades as "WOGs", while bitching about their "unprofessionalism."

I didn't call him because he was a zero trade; I called him because he made an unprofessional statement ... be it about any trade.

As I said above in my PM response to you, I consider calling me a "WOG" (which is total bullshit BTW) -- to be very unprofessional. Fair enough?
Fair enough.  But it shouldn't be me who has to drop in here to ask that it be put to a stop. 
This is radio chatter - people (including me) say silly things here.

RCR Grunt - you've made your point.  For what it's worth I was uncomfortable with some of the "officer bashing" going on earlier.

ALL - let's keep the derogatory remarks down, before this thread - which was rather fun - gets locked.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
Any one who has served in a place requiring one to defecate in a plastic bag can relate to the following:

I was in Cyprus, early 80's. I received 30 extras from my BSM.  Completing one extra was accomplished by emptying the honeybuckets in all the OP's manned by Ledra Bty. I had a jeep and trailer, and in the trailer was a steel garbage can tied down and all the honeybuckets were dumped into the garbage can.  I would then drive through Nicosia to Blue Beret Camp where I would dump the garbage can in their sewage lagoon.  I did that 30 times, and never had a problem with traffic in Nicosia!
geo said:
Considering that promotion from Lt to Capt is usually a "time in rank" + "Med fit" + "PT fit" + Formation commander's Okie-dokie, I can't fathom how you'd be able to get one CD wearing Lt

(forgot.... must not have been caught peeing in COs corn flakes)

Certainly not common but I would not rule it out as impossible.
Have you ever seen a CD with private on it? And I'm not going back pre-unification. I was on the parade in the mid 90's when it was presented. Also this person was never busted in rank. Spent over 12 years as a private before getting promoted. The fact this happened in the reserves may be part of the explanation. It may be hard to be retained in the Reg. Forces that long as a private.
X Royal said:
.... Spent over 12 years as a private before getting promoted. The fact this happened in the reserves may be part of the explanation. .

Unfortunately, this person being a Reservist, may explain a lot.  There are some very rare cases, where members of the Reserves, although dedicated, have been unable to get the time off to attend that "Career Crse" that will get them qualified QL3, or in some Trades QL5.  Twelve years is a long time, and today many would have been classified as NES and Released, or offered another Trade, if this were to happen.
I should have stated ANY trade waring the shirt would have been dangerous than, I didn't mean to get VERN all pissy.  The thing is though NO Zero Trades wore those shirts over seas.
TheHead said:
I should have stated ANY trade waring the shirt would have been dangerous than, I didn't mean to get VERN all pissy.  The thing is though NO Zero Trades wore those shirts over seas.

TheHead:  Drop it.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
TheHead said:
The thing is though NO Zero Trades wore those shirts over seas.

"zero" trades......

Please, use the term combat arms (which is what you mean i think). I'm a "zero" trade (081) and so are lineman (052) and Flight engineer (091)

If you are going to pick at other trades ( regardless of reason or intent) i dont want to be mixed in because my MOC starts with a zero
We could always poke at those good ol IMP things. In cadets (my first year at that) I was told by a Sgt. that the meatballs in the stew were horse meat, that all these IMP's the cadets are given are from the 1980s, not to mention that the small piece of bread you got was a whole loaf of Wonderbread shrunk down to that size. Dumbest thing I found was the fact they'd give you chicken breast, and make you eat it with a spoon. I think that was my first IMP and I remember how annoyed I got with that.
Rayman said:
Dumbest thing I found was the fact they'd give you chicken breast, and make you eat it with a spoon. I think that was my first IMP and I remember how annoyed I got with that.

I always took the chicken breast out , cut the bread in two and put the chicken in between.
I suppose I could have done that or pushed it out towards the top of the package and used the package to hold it per say.

TheHead said:
I should have stated ANY trade waring the shirt would have been dangerous than, I didn't mean to get VERN all pissy.  The thing is though NO Zero Trades wore those shirts over seas.

That is simply your opinion. There is no way you can state that categorically or as fact. Truth is, your making an unsubstantiated statement to try and further your partisan dislike for non combat trades.

I suggest you drop your veiled sparring and innuendo, and move on. Slagging of other trades, openly or suggested, is not allowed and against the guidelines. That should be pretty clear by now, even to you.
So...uh.... how about those arty sims? Having one dropped about 4 ft from your head and then being told to "move it" seems pretty dangerous to me.
rmc_wannabe said:
So...uh.... how about those arty sims? Having one dropped about 4 ft from your head and then beong told to "move it" seems pretty dangerous to me.

I am sure it was "you" and not the "Arty Sim" that was implied there.    ;D
Hmmmm, there's nothing more dangerous than Dangerous Dave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...  ;D

The stories I could tell...
George Wallace said:
I am sure it was "you" and not the "Arty Sim" that was implied there.    ;D

Ofcourse :P I don't think my luck would be too good if i did things the bass ackward way round ;)