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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

  • Thread starter Thread starter cf_2000
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All right everyone. It's not fair to keep beating him up. He's on a Time Out and can't respond. Let's just leave him be for now so he can read the Guidelines and some quality posts.


Good day folks,

A question to anyone who would like to answer. I plan on joining the Military Police next year,NCM, application going in May of 2007.

1) What would be an average amount of time from application submission to start of BMQ? Average, I know it depends on a truck load of variables, but what are some of your times from submission to BMQ? (Military Police I know can take longer, but on average, what would I be looking at.)

2) Would anybody have any idea on the number of spots they are looking to fill next year, or 2008? An estimate, or does it really change from year to year?

3) My age. I have asked this before, but for Policing, does it have an impact? I will be graduating in May 2007 at the age of 33. While many services are hiring in Ontario, I have my heart set on becoming an MP.

4) I am taking a 1 year, program through a community college, It will provide me with a Police Foundations diploma. Starting May 8th 2006, and again, graduating May 18th of 2007. Would I be able to submit an application for the CF as an MP early? Say in December of 2006 with an anticipated graduation date of May. Or do I need my Diploma, in hand at time of application submission?  Found the answer in other posts

Any answers to these, or one or two would be great. I am not looking for specifics, but an estimate would give me a good idea.

Thanks much.

One more question, does the MP application process require candidates to undergo a polygraph test as apart of the application process? Not that I have anything to hide, it's just a general interest question as the RCMP now conduct a polygraph on all applicants.
I remember when I was posted at Edmonton Garrison I saw a Military Policeman and his service dog at the Canex in about 2002. It was a huge German Sheppard and I believe its name was Zento. The MP was a Sergeant or Acting Sergeant I think he told me. Went back just this past fall and he is no longer posted in Edmonton apparently. Last I heard he was the last K-9 handler in the CF.

I think the guy you are talking about in Germany is the same person. I remember him with two police dogs in Boden Boden.
1) What would be an average amount of time from application submission to start of BMQ? Average, I know it depends on a truck load of variables, but what are some of your times from submission to BMQ? (Military Police I know can take longer, but on average, what would I be looking at.)

- You're looking at doing your aptitude, fitness, medical etc. before you head off to the three day Military Police Assessment Centre. If successful at the MPAC, then you will go to BMQ, finish your BMQ and probably wait some time for your MP QL3 six month course to commence.  Now, the timeline may/will be anywhere from at least a year from enrolment and up until you're out on the road. 

2) Would anybody have any idea on the number of spots they are looking to fill next year, or 2008? An estimate, or does it really change from year to year?

-  We are hiring alot this year, not sure on exact numbers but quite a substantial amount from what i've been told.

3) My age. I have asked this before, but for Policing, does it have an impact? I will be graduating in May 2007 at the age of 33. While many services are hiring in Ontario, I have my heart set on becoming an MP.

-  Police agencies desire many attributes from their members.  If you are mature, have life experience and a good head on your shoulders, then it shouldn't be an issue.  Be honest, show integrity (big one) throughout the process (and your career)

One more question, does the MP application process require candidates to undergo a polygraph test as apart of the application process? Not that I have anything to hide, it's just a general interest question as the RCMP now conduct a polygraph on all applicants.

-  No.  But you will be subjected an in depth background investigation and be required to pass and hold a security clearance.  It is in your best interest to be honest and forthcoming with the recruiters during the process.

Good luck in your endeavours.  Hope this helped.

I got in to have my tests done ... well shock me, shock me when I heard that they need more tests done. This will be the 5th set of tests I have done for them. I have been told all of my tests are coming back fine so what more can they want from me? Now I go in on May 15th for more tests. And depending on how these ones turn out, I know I am looking at atleast one last set of tests.

I went into the recruiting center to let them know what going on (I was told if I keep them informed my file wont be closed). Well the guy working at the center gave me another set of application forms. Why would I need those? And I dont really want to rewrite my CFAT since I have already qualified as an MP. I cant say I will be in the best of moods if I do all these tests (the only reason I am in because I too, have my heart set on becoming an MP) just for them to tell me that I have to rewrite my CFAT and am not offered MP. Its been almost a year now since I submitted my application. Everything was going fast when I first put my application in. I submitted my application the end of September and by October 13th (I believe was the date) I was in writing my CFAT. I wasnt happy with the outcome from it so I waited the 3 months and rewrote the test. I did much better, contacted 30 MP Platoon and have been playing these silly test games since.


I have a few questions regarding the Military Police recruitment process.

An update on my status:
I applied in February for MP, and I have successfully completed my CFAT, Medical, & Physical. My first interview, at my local recruiting office, is on Monday, May 15th.

1) I was told recently by recruiters that the 2 single paged reference forms which were required when joining the military are no longer required. All that is required now is the names and contact information for your references. My question is: has the requirement for the 3 Military Police reference booklets changed, or are they still required?

2) I was recently told that the MP selection board will sit this June and again in September, but that it is too late for my application to be forwarded to them for this June. Seeing how my application won't be considered at the first MP selection board meeting for this fiscal year, and therefor I won't be attending the first MPAC, will my chances of getting a job as an MP (this fiscal year) decrease?
I am aware that there are 89 positions for MP this year; will the selection board attempt to fill all of these postions ASAP (in June) or are there many people sitting on a list who have already attended MPAC who will be given these postions?

3)How long is the first interview for MP's which is held at your local recruiting center? What should I expect?

If anyone has any last minute advise for me I'd really appreciate it!
I've spent a lot of time searching this board and reading every thread on Military Police I could find. A lot of your posts have been very helpful!  :salute:
1) I was told recently by recruiters that the 2 single paged reference forms which were required when joining the military are no longer required. All that is required now is the names and contact information for your references. My question is: has the requirement for the 3 Military Police reference booklets changed, or are they still required?  There is still some debate about this but since the MPs used them as part of their selection process they will most likely be needed.  Bring them to be safe.

2) I was recently told that the MP selection board will sit this June and again in September, but that it is too late for my application to be forwarded to them for this June. Seeing how my application won't be considered at the first MP selection board meeting for this fiscal year, and therefor I won't be attending the first MPAC, will my chances of getting a job as an MP (this fiscal year) decrease?
Of course it will.  With less positions means more competition.

I am aware that there are 89 positions for MP this year; will the selection board attempt to fill all of these postions ASAP (in June) or are there many people sitting on a list who have already attended MPAC who will be given these postions?  The reason they decided to have a MPAC in Jun was because there was about 47 merit listed applicants for MP that had been processed over the past year or two.  Not all of these applicants will be offered positions so figure about 55 positions available for the next MPAC.

3)How long is the first interview for MP's which is held at your local recruiting center? What should I expect?  Anywhere from 30 minutes to a hour and a half.  Depends on well you are doing.  You should expect to be asked everything that any other applicant would be asked (check the interview threads) and you had better know all you can about the occupation that you are going into.

Remember there is the recruiting interview and if you are successful in the recruiting process then you file will be sent for consideration for the MPAC pre-selection and if you are successful you will be selected to attend the MPAC. Good Luck.
Hello to all!

I've been browsing this forum off and on for a few months now, and have been seriously considering joining the CF for several years.

I'll try to be brief, after reading the FAQ's..( and boy there seem to be alot of them!) I was unable to find a satisfactory response to my question.

Basically, I am interested in two professions within the CF: Military Police Officer and Pilot ( order of desire respectively). I am entering the second year (This fall ) of my studies at the University of Ottawa, majoring in Criminology. I realise this is not the most functional degree for a prospective member of the CF, but I was wondering if there are MP units in all three forces, Army , Navy, and AF, or if they are all Army units stationed on those respective forces bases?

It seems like there is a large quantity of young people who want to be pilots.. and I'm debating what profession to attempt to be recruited for. I'm in good physical shape (everyone says that i know.. i play rugby , hockey, run, and train on a bike both outdoors and at the gym), I also completed my Extended French program in high school.. and hope to become functionally bi-lingual, rather than have a working ability as is the case now. ( Understanding French is fairly easy for me, speaking it however, I lack confidence in doing, because I do not have a great accent)

I should also mention I would like to enter the CF as an officer, so I believe I will be looking at ROTP or DEO .

So if anyone has any suggestions for reading material or links to helpful threads, or has their own first hand advice to give me, it would be much appreciated!

EDIT: I found the answer to my question.. did not see the Military Police Branch sub-forum prior to this. Still looking for advice however.
Based on the questions you asked I don't think you did much research on this site or the CF/DND recruiting site.  However, I'll bite.  You're going into 3rd year Crim so you're well suited to apply for MPO, but you could also apply for Pilot.  When you apply, put both in your order of preference, but be prepared to accept either one.  If you only want one, only put one down.  Keep in mind there is far fewer MPO positions than Pilot, but both are equally competitve due to the MPAC and Aircrew selection testing.  I think applying for ROTP would be pointless at this point as you would only get one year of subsidy before graduation.  So DEO is probably your best bet.  Make sure you apply well in advance of graduation because the application process will not go quickly.  Apply about 6 months in advance if you want a job shortly after graduation.  Also, it may be a good idea to join a reserve unit to get a taste of the life.  The Governor Generals Foot Guards would be a great start and a good summer job if you want to pursue that and it will look good on an application.  Also, if you decide to do the reserve thing, do it as an NCM so you get taste of the people you will one day be responsible for as an officer.  That's about as much info as I can pass on without stepping out of my knowledge base so I hope it helped.
blueboy said:
As a past Officer in the Security Branch it is interesting to read  the recent posts regarding the trade and it's present direction. It seems that the more things change the more they stay the same. The Branch has always had the problem of attempting to keep up with the times but as the present jr NCM's and Officers become pormoted into positions of power over the years they attempt to put their "stamp" on the trade, and change things from within. For instance, the concept of dogs and close protection goes back to the 60's when the Air Force MP's were tasked to secure aircraft on the bases. They utilized dogs for that tasking and it worked very well. Now it appears that we have come full circle and are back in that position again. I also strongly believe that all support trades should be dressed in the Army environmental clothing. Only those trades which are strictly Navy or Air Force would be blue/black respectively. For example the MP's and Logistics/ Administration etc would all be Army. Just think of the savings that would result by not needing stock piles of DEU's awaiting to be issued in all three environments respectively.

No way an MP is a position of authority and considering the power they have, I think they should look different also...Besides the black uniform looks much sharper but I suppose I am biased to MP's  8)
Found out yesterday that I passed my breathing tests with flying colors. I knew I would but you never know if they should stumble upon something that I never knew I had. Now I go see Dr.Michaels again on the 4th and 26th of July. Both are follow up appointments and then I can FINALLY get in. Its been almost a year since I submitted my application to the military (Sept/05).

Does anyone know if I will have to resubmit my application?

Well Im off to the gym. Can't get in shape sitting around a computer desk snacking on Bits & Bites LOL

Hey Shari,

good to hear! no idea if you'll have to redo any testing but if its been active this whole time i dont see why not.
Streeter, here's  :cheers:  to hoping, hun. This has been a LONG drawn out process. I dont know how many times I have posted all the nonsense I have been dragged through. Oh well ... almost there now and then you have to deal with me at the unit  :P   

LOL Enjoy! (J/K)

Take care

Been awhile since anything was posted in here. I always manage to wake up the quiet ones  ::) Oh well ......

Got my news back from the breathing specialist yesterday. NOT the news I wanted to hear. I was told that my breathing is in the mild to moderate category. What that means for me now? I have no idea. Now I have to wait for my paperwork to go to my family doc, who inturn sends it to recruiting and then it goes BACK to Borden for more weeks on end, where it will become nothing more than a paperweight for the rest of their files. This is foolishness. If it wasnt for my ambition to get in (Streeter you know how bad I want this) and my thickhead to drive for what I know I want, I would be flipping burgers at some dive in the middle of nowhere by now. I have posted soooo much about everything that has happened over the past 10 months. The day Borden tells me I am in (I wont accept any other answer  ;) ), I will get down on my knees and Thank God for all this nonsense. In the meantime, I keep on pushing and waiting!

Streeter, Thanks for dealing with me and my "noise" through all of this. I appreciate it more than you know    :)

Okay .... so it's been 11 months and Im STILL not in    ::)    I was told I should have my answer back from Borden by the end of the month. Here's to hoping  :cheers:  because I just want in so d**n bad.

Streeter, keep your fingers crossed for me, ok? And I'll catch up with you later on MSN.

Good luck to everyone else waiting to get in. I know how long the process can be drawn out. Stick with it and dont give up! Good things come to those who wait .... Don't they Streeter?    ;)    ... heheh!

Ok, I know that a similar question was asked, answered, and locked back in december 05, but mine is slightly different.

On the forces website, it states that related work experience would be considered for MP in lieu of a PF or LASA certificate.

My question is this; how 'related' does the work experience need to be? I have not gone to school for LASA or PF (probably should have, as I'm not currently using my schooling in machining), but I have worked for the past year in the security industry.

If I may, I would also like to ask a follow up question for any of the members of law enforcement, both military and civilian, on the board.

What is your opinion of the requirement for a LASA or PF diploma for entrance to a police service? Are you for, or against it, and why? Personally, and from the various people in law enforcement I have talked to, I get the impression that it is not as great a benefit as the college would have us believe, for various reasons, including, but not limited to; false confidence and arrogance, improper training, and repetition of material that will be covered at either police college, or during MOC training.

Okay, third part, and I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

Would it be possible to join as infantry, and after my first contract is up, transfer to 811, or do the same qualification requirements apply then as well?

Thanks for reading, and any information provided, I ended up going on longer than I anticipated.
You don't need LASA Or PF for policing, all you need is a grade 12 education, I also wouldn't recommend either one of those course's because they don't teach you anything that you wont be taught anyways when you get hired. If you want to be an MP, then LASA or PF is needed, and i am pretty sure 1 year of security experience wont let you by pass the educational requirements for MP.