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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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Futuretrooper said:
Thanks, I heard that they required a member of the CF to have some post secondary. What are the chances for a person considering OTing to the trade after a few years in a different trade?

You do need at least two full credit post secondary courses in a police related study and the more you have the better your chances are.
I received a letter from Ottawa regarding my medical. They want me to go see a respirologist on the 23rd of February. I have an inhaler that I take only for the soul purpose of when I get a bad cold. I have never been diagnosed with asthma. I am wondering if this will hinder my chances of getting in. I was suppose to start training this week, however, now I have to wait for atleast another month. It will take 10-14 days for my family doctor to get my results back and then they have to be mailed to Ottawa and sit there for another 2 weeks. Just when I thought I was so close to getting in, I have to take another 2 steps back. Has anyone else had to have this test done? If so, did it effect you getting in? I was so thrilled to find out I qualified for MP and now this ...

Has there been any talk of implementing a K-9 unit?  If they did and I got on as an MP I would probably never leave  ;D
I also strongly believe that all support trades should be dressed in the Army environmental clothing. Only those trades which are strictly Navy or Air Force would be blue/black respectively. For example the MP's and Logistics/ Administration etc would all be Army.
I'm a Sup Tech and I couldn't agree more. Can't speak for you folks, but the three uniforms has done nothing for our Log Branch identity or belonging and if anything, has fostered a false sense of securiity for many (i..e the young Sup Tech wearing an Air uniform and finds himself/ herself posted to an Army base after 15 yrs).
Scott57 said:
I'm a Sup Tech and I couldn't agree more. Can't speak for you folks, but the three uniforms has done nothing for our Log Branch identity or belonging and if anything, has fostered a false sense of securiity for many (i..e the young Sup Tech wearing an Air uniform and finds himself/ herself posted to an Army base after 15 yrs).
Glad to see it doesn't just happen to us, the three uniforms as done nothing but encourage the little "empire builders" out there, (you know the "adults" who are so busy trying to protect their fiefdoms by blowing sunshine and BS up their respective commands A$$e$ that they fail to see the big picture). I get particularly tired of listening to the AF.
aesop081 said:
May i ask why ?
First of all nothing against members of the CF who are actually in the AF, however if you were to listen to some of my peers you'd think that their MOC (yes I know we don't use MOC anymore) started with a 5 instead of an 8.  You know the type....."I had a ride in a CF 18 once, I wear a wedge so I'm HARD air and that's why the CM can't post me to the field".
Jumper said:
First of all nothing against members of the CF who are actually in the AF, however if you were to listen to some of my peers you'd think that their MOC (yes I know we don't use MOC anymore) started with a 5 instead of an 8.  You know the type....."I had a ride in a CF 18 once, I wear a wedge so I'm HARD air and that's why the CM can't post me to the field".

Thanks, was just currious

Poppa said:
While I'd agree to a point...we do have some tossers in the trade so does everybody else. My whole philosophy has been that of a steel fist in a velvet glove. Of the soldier for the soldier.
If I and my troops do their job right no one gets in crap...or hurt (Force Protection anyone?)
Just remember you may be slagging us (me) now...but when you're in a jam that red hat looks pretty good.

Alright well I have a few more months and 3 courses under my belt.  Jesus, looking at the way I posted that was pretty stereotypical of me. 

I haven't really had to deal with the MP's in my unit too much.  I've seen em around, but we're always on good terms...Most are good buddies of the more experienced troops (They even went to DP1/2 together.)

Joining Reg Artillery this summer (Transfer from 5th Field Artillery Reserve) so back to SQ/DP1 I go  :salute:
I just had a few questions, with regards to the educational requirements for becoming an mp, it's my understanding that it is a 2 year law and security diploma or police foundations diploma...but what about "law and security administration customs and immigration"???

I also wanted to get a general sense from other mp's on what my chances are of becoming an mp, I'm a cadet rsm, and i speak a little bit of french, would they hire me? i know its based on a lot more then what i say over the internet, but i wanted to find out if because i am young white and probably  one of many young white folks applying to this position, just wondering if i should be getting some other skill or something that would help me stand out from the crowd

Thanks Adam
Got in the Febuary 14th for my testing. Now Im waiting for the results. I should have them this coming week. Then they have to go back to Medical and they will tell me if Im "fit" to be in or not. Then I need to finally do my PT and interview. My last scheduled PT was cancelled due to the big snow storm we had on Feb 1. Heres hoping for the best

There's serious talk about re-intergrating K-9 back in to our trade.  We currently "borrow" dogs from other countries while overseas, mostly for detecting explosive devices.

I think we'll see them back within 2-5 years.

So Yeah. I'm in highschool and cadets and yeah I'm really into the army. I plan on going to college for police foundations. Most people commonly associate me with Pte. Benjamen you know the ditsy girl who joined up because she thought there were condos and yacht clubs. Anyways I'm really gun ho about it and wanna know the best way possible to get in. God Bless the Patricias. Duty First.

Love Gunner Girl
Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

You will also find threads on Military Police in this board - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,54.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.
Law & Order said:
There's serious talk about re-intergrating K-9 back in to our trade.  We currently "borrow" dogs from other countries while overseas, mostly for detecting explosive devices.

I think we'll see them back within 2-5 years.

Definitely disagree with you on that one - a drug/bomb or whatever dog involves significant trg and $ - not to mention the fact that generally it is one dog to the handler - I can't see the branch allowing a MCpl or Sgt remain in one posting for a career simply because they became a K9 handler... the branch would have to stand up an entire organization such as the RCAF Police used to have - K9 unit that was very well run back in the 50s/60s. honestly, however, I see it as completely impractical given the current structure of the CF and the numbers within the MP branch. It's much easier to continue to 'borrow' K9 from civilian/RCM police sections for domestic purposes and from other countries while overseas than it is to create that capability internally. Just my opinion...


So what about the polygraph section?  They don't just do a couple years and leave.  A posting as a K9 handler doesn't have to be a whole career.  It could be 8-9 years, or the useful duration of the dog.  I know of many people who spent that much or more time at one job at one posting in this branch.  I know several people that were at ONE base and all had between 7 and 12 years at that one base!!  Furthermore it is rather annoying and embarassing borrowing resources from other agencies/countries when we should have our own.  If we were able to increase our numbers and create dedicated positions for K9 it would benefit in the long run. 
Apollo13 said:
Wrong. A Metropoliton Toronto Police Officer does not have any jurisdictional  responsibility for the City of Ottawa, nor Sault St. Marie, his area of Jurisdictional responsibility is the city Limits of Metropoliton Toronto. If he needs to arrest anybody outside of that area, he can, with the assistance of the police service responsible for that juristdiction, wheter it be the Ottawa Carlton Police Service, Sault Police, or the Military Police if on a Federal Military Establishment.

NO!! Actually YOU are wrong and he is right...A civi police officer can act as so ANYWHERE in Ontario if his service is situated in Ontario...Read the police services act...
QV said:
So what about the polygraph section?  They don't just do a couple years and leave.  A posting as a K9 handler doesn't have to be a whole career.  It could be 8-9 years, or the useful duration of the dog.  I know of many people who spent that much or more time at one job at one posting in this branch.  I know several people that were at ONE base and all had between 7 and 12 years at that one base!!  Furthermore it is rather annoying and embarassing borrowing resources from other agencies/countries when we should have our own.  If we were able to increase our numbers and create dedicated positions for K9 it would benefit in the long run. 

Hey I love dogs, but unless your in a big city police dept you don't need a K9 unit. How many times in the run of a shift have you required a dog?......thought so. A polygraph operator on the otherhand is a highly trained expert in interrogations, interviews and an excellent resource for solving crime.  They stay at their jobs considerably longer than 2 or 3 years. I've requested a dog maybe 3 times in my career, I was never embarrassed to call on a city force for that resource, so I don't know what the problem is. We've been down this dog route a few times and it's always proven more trouble than it's worth. The cost/results just doesn't make it practical. You haven't really explained how having a dog unit would benefit the MP  branch or the CF.
It goes beyond just garrison policing.  Having our own dog units would also benefit camp security over seas, without having to beg borrow or steal all the time.  My reference to the poly section was in response to the comment that the branch wouldn't want anyone at one post for an extended time. 
QV said:
It goes beyond just garrison policing.  Having our own dog units would also benefit camp security over seas, without having to beg borrow or steal all the time.  My reference to the poly section was in response to the comment that the branch wouldn't want anyone at one post for an extended time. 

Well I don't know how many times we have to borrow dog units over seas, and how they would aid in camp security (besides barking a lot) is beyond me. A dog unit is an expensive proposition, Fido has to be fed, housed, trained and besides who is going to fix him if he gets sick? Are we going to bring vets with us too? You see where I'm going? The long and short of it is, our branch is not big enough to commit highly trained MPs to a limited role like a dog handler.