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The Manly Thread

Shared a can of Strongbow with my newly minted 18 year old.  Brought some goodies to 9D while she's on watch on the floating can.

daftandbarmy said:
Today I did not cry, again.

ALthough watching the Japanese earthquake footage made that tough to do!

I think in this case, a few manly tears can be allotted for Japan.
medicineman said:
Manually removed about 8" of snow from the communal driveway (in a duplex). 


I just stare at the snow and it removes itself out of fear.
You do realize that putting all that snow under a heat lamp to make it move is cheating right?  :nod:

medicineman said:
You do realize that putting all that snow under a heat lamp to make it move is cheating right?  :nod:


You have just given me a manly idea for a project. Heated driveway...
daftandbarmy said:
I agree. This was a tough photo to look at.

Sometimes I wonder how people can take pictures like that, all I want to do is give that person a hug.
Got a haircut the other day that didn't turn out so well, so today I went back and had them buzz it all off. 1 on the sides, 2 on the top.

My head feels aerodynamic now.
HavokFour said:
Got a haircut the other day that didn't turn out so well, so today I went back and had them buzz it all off. 1 on the sides, 2 on the top.

My head feels aerodynamic now.

Reminded me of the last time I got my hair cut (yes, I have only one left on my head, the rest migrated down to my back  ;D).

Sat in the chair and held up two fingers. 'A number 2 it is" said the barber, and away he went. The barber shop is the only place that I can use hand signals and get what I want.
A downloadable textbook license agreement which is for real men (and women):


Textbook license demands that you live a good life
Cory Doctorow at 5:32 AM Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011
The license agreement for Eugene Blanchard's 2007 textbook "Introduction to Data Communications," is a rather extraordinary document: Mr Blanchard will let you do whatever you want with his book provided you live a fairly ethical and honest life. I like the idea, and it's quite a cute provocation in light of the abusiveness of your average EULA.

Introduction to Data Communications since Revision 2.0 has the following licensing agreement. You are allowed to use it, view it, modify it without permission of the author Eugene Blanchard, provided that you agree to the following:
* That you will try to be a better person today than yesterday.
* That you will exercise your body as well as your mind.
* That you will tell the persons dear to you that you love them.
* That you will defend the rights of those who are unable to defend themselves.
* That you will not hurt your family members emotionally or physically.
* That you will respect your elders and care for them in time of need.
* That you will respect the rights of others in their religious beliefs.
* That you will respect the rights of others in their sexual orientation.
* That every man, woman and child has the right to be here and is equal regardless of race, creed or color.
* That you will act honorably in all aspects of your personal and business life.
* That your family is first and foremost the most important thing in your life.
* That when you make a mistake, that you admit it and make amends.

This book is available online in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
I've just had a drink at a bar named after me. I invented it, the bartenders liked it, so it went up on the menu named after me. It's the only thing I'll drink that has mix in it... but that's just fine with me.
I got my taxes today, but there is a problem...

It was mailed to the wrong address...

On the 17th...

It's 13 days late...

I put my boot through the drywall, was this the appropriate manly course of action?

I saw this and fell off of my chair laughing... yes, really:

daftandbarmy said:
I saw this and fell off of my chair laughing... yes, really:


I had a look as well. He is not long for this world. Poor little bugger. :'(
Successfully fought off a raccoon from getting into our composter by throwing the green bin at it (the only thing it's good for!).
HavokFour said:
Successfully fought off a raccoon from getting into our composter by throwing the green bin at it (the only thing it's good for!).

Don't antagonize them, they learn fast. Next week they'll be tossing green bins at us.
Jim Seggie said:
Ha!! I was called "hot" by a 25 year old woman, who is pretty hot herself.


Go get 'em tiger!  ;D

Danjanou said:
Don't antagonize them, they learn fast. Next week they'll be tossing green bins at us.

When that day comes, we will fight hand to hand as equals.