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The Manly Thread


The mild steel is to be replaced prior to even cutting it....I tracked down some 3/8" spring steel at $7 per 6 foot length.  Picking 2 pieces up tomorrow evening, and no work will happen tonight due to other plans.

Life is good.

NavyShooter said:

Friggin' outstading!
Really great look at "start to completion" as well....

Is the tank RC?
(If so, it must have some really heavy duty servos!!!!)

Jim Seggie said:
daftandbarmy when I think about what you just wrote, its true......no wonder the late 20s/early 30s ladies all go for the older ones!!

Speaking from experience?  ;)
Jim Seggie said:
As a matter of fact......

That article burned my bum bad, D&B......
This "lady" wants a manly man, who prizes success & career....

OK...fine, let's all get in the time machine & head back to 1943....when Men were "Manly Men".

-Your husband works 60 hour weeks, and you don't really know what he does, (except for the grunted bits about, "that Bill's an *******, I swear, I'll send him to the MOON!)

-Oh, and by the way...he's eating a dinner you cooked for 6:00, but had to keep warm, (and keep the family from eating until your workingmanlyman got home), at about 9:00pm...he had to work late....and it's none of your Goddamn business why he was working late.

-BATH & STORYTIME for the kids!.....enjoy lady...you're doing it by yourself. Manly men of the era do not participate in child-rearing, or housekeeping.....just so ya know.

Good enough, Newspaper lady?
Let's fast forward to now....

I'm a 31-year old guy, that got married at 22....because I wanted to....BTW.... :D....And had a beautiful little girl at 25...
I have a job.
It's a job.....not a "career".....but I work hard, and they give me money in exchange for me working hard. (Sometimes, lotsa money).

After I've made dinner.....and cleaned up.....and made school lunches for D9 and the little one.....the Wife and I both do stories/toothbrushing/bedtime.....after that, I get to take my work clothes off.....
When my wife and little girl are asleep....I TURN ON THE VIDEO GAMES, AND WATCH THE STAR WARS.....sometimes simultaneously......how's that hit 'ya?

F-you and your diatribe about "slacker boys". Just because I don't wear a tie to work doesn't make me a second class citizen.

P to the S.....you're not gonna find a Doctor with a Justin Beeber hairdo....sorry lady.

No, I don't have cool big-square-thick-rimmed glasses like you.....but I'll work on it.


(I think I need to refill the meds......)

edit to add underline/bold, & "toothbruing" is not a word
Hammer, I think D & B was referring to the "slackers" or whatever they are called that live at home with Mom and Dad well into their 30s. I do not think he was referring to you or men like you. 

You are manly...I can tell you that.

Now....back to those late 20s early 30s women....lol ;)
Jim Seggie said:
Hammer, I think D & B was referring to the "slackers" or whatever they are called that live at home with Mom and Dad well into their 30s. I do not think he was referring to you or men like you. 

You are manly...I can tell you that.

Now....back to those late 20s early 30s women....lol ;)

No, he's got a good point there. I've been conflicted about the 'Star Trek follower' vs. 'manly man' thing myself.

I've come to the realization that if you are a supporter of the ORIGINAL series, like myself of course, then you are officially manly - viz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytbkGPAopC4

However, if you are a supporter of later embarrassments, like Start Trek Voyager, then you definitely need some testosterone injections - viz:
Jim Seggie said:
Hammer, I think D & B was referring to the "slackers" or whatever they are called that live at home with Mom and Dad well into their 30s. I do not think he was referring to you or men like you.

Oh, definitely seen!
I do have to say I agree with the article, with regards to the seeming gross overage of "slacker-types " these days, but the lady writing the article wants to have her cake and eat it too.
She seems a little confused....IMHO

Jim Seggie said:
Now....back to those late 20s early 30s women....lol ;)

Agreed....this pleases me......... 8)

Hammer Sandwich said:
Friggin' outstading!
Really great look at "start to completion" as well....

Is the tank RC?
(If so, it must have some really heavy duty servos!!!!)


Yeah, it's RC.  Think I'd let the boy drive 200+ pounds of tank around the room like it's shown in the video?  Can you say smash n dent furniture sale???

The motor controller is from a Robot Warfare system, 80 Amp, Dual channel with mixing, meaning it's designed for a tracked vehicle, letting you actually properly pivot the tank and everything.  :-)  Much fun.

I picked up the new steel for the torsion bars this evening.  More to follow.


I'd hate to ask what the total investment is in terms of cash money.... I would lie and say I want to build one for my son, but I want to drive it myself.  ;D
About $1k.  Ish.  Give or take....I've stopped adding it up. 

And, as a followup to the "20-30's" part of the thread....here's a little older twist on the theme...

NavyShooter said:
Yeah, it's RC.  Think I'd let the boy drive 200+ pounds of tank around the room like it's shown in the video?  Can you say smash n dent furniture sale???
Haha...jeez, I was hoping it was RC.
(On my first view of the video, I thought the young fella was quite the driver!!!)

My initial response to the vid was also two-fold, first thought being, "Thats the best thing ever!!", second thought being, "I hope he doesn't get in trouble for driving that on that nice carpet!"..... :o

I hate thinking grown-up things.

Up until the run in the snow the other day, the carpet wasn't in that bad shape....alas, driving in the snow resulted in the rubber pads leaving some nice black marks on the carpet.

9D brought me up on that one....DOH. 
NavyShooter said:
rubber pads leaving some nice black marks on the carpet./
9D brought me up on that one....DOH.

Schadenfreude.......And I feel terrible.  :-[

But, I don't have an RC tank.
(Totally even-Stevens)

And BTW.....don't think I won't come outta that freezin' lake to steal that tank!
Started the "prep" for the STAG....

Background...best buds, I'd sell my shirt for him

But I do have an "evil" plan.....follow along. If this works, it will be awesome!

First: Make a "pulled pork"....with all the garlic,(2 cloves /Lb), Pickled Jalapeno juice (as necessary), and tequila, (1 pint/Lb)..paprika, and LOADS of fresh ground peppercorns.

Tomorrow.....I will "slow cook" the pork....from 0600 until aboot 1700...

The STAG is on Saturday...That's when the pork comes out of the pot, and the beef/chili fixin's go in....after four (4) hours...the pork goes in....
I'm trying to do a "Pulled-pork/beef" Chili...

Wait out for photos.....no one I know deserves anonymity!

If you're in the HRM/12 Wing vicinity, grab a case and come on by!

Saturday, 5 March 2011.

(PM for tel #/address)  :)
I am currently fighting the most terrible of viruses to plague man... the Man Flu. I started the battle with an initial bombardment of vitamin C and am currently in the chicken noodle sweep and clear phase. With luck, I will  crush this insurgency by Monday.

Now I must rest, I need energy to whine and complain tomorrow. ;D
Today I did not cry, again.

ALthough watching the Japanese earthquake footage made that tough to do!