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The Great Gun Control Debate

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After being flooded with calls and emails about how appaled and disgusted people were with the decision, the people higher up that gave the directive to the Summer Games Committee have recanted their decision.

The two law abiding athletes, will no be allowed on stage to represent their sport.

The anti gun Ontario government has just confirmed what we've always said. They target law abiding gun owners and lump them in with the gang banging, lawless thugs. To them we're one in the same.

Just because we lawfully possess firearms.

Welcome to Bantario.
At first I thought someone was full of shit or I was going to hit a link and be Rickrolled.

This is a shame, a complete and utter shame. Sure, the wrong was quickly righted, but there ought to be some serious soul searching and a few PFO letters sent in the wake of this horseshit.
Here is the tracking of events for this instance, through the CSSA:


MEDIA RELEASE - July 23, 2012

Youth sport shooters stripped of Ontario Summer Games honours

Authorities “handed down” orders citing recent gang-related shootings

(TORONTO – July 22, 2012) Two award-winning teenaged sport shooters have been kicked off the stage and can't stand beside their athletic peers during the Ontario Summer Games in August.

Organizers say the Games' specially-appointed Sporting Rifle ambassadors must not not appear during the World Record Camp Games ceremony due to the recent high-profile gun crimes committed in the Toronto area.

Chris Baldwin, 18, and Sabrina Sergeant, 17, both award-winning sport shooters, are proud representatives of the East Elgin Sportsmen's Association and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) at the Ontario Summer Games.

Games' organizers contacted the CSSA to say the teens are no longer welcome as sporting ambassadors: “Unfortunately, due to the untimely shootings that have taken place in Scarborough and the City recently, we have received a directive that we can no longer have the Sporting Rifle Athlete Ambassadors present on stage at the World Record Camp Games event. This is unfortunately something that has been handed down to us out of our control and we deeply apologize.”
John Evers, president of the East Elgin Sportsmen's Association says the ruling is outrageous.

“We are stunned at the treatment that these two young athletes have received from the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario,” says Evers. “These teens are very disciplined and have refined their craft over many years, and now some faceless anti-gun bureaucrats are associating them with drug dealing, gang member criminals. They were invited to act as ambassadors and they are ideally suited for that job. They are perfect examples of what today’s youth should aspire to be.  How can our provincial government be so blind and sink so low?”

Tony Bernardo, executive director the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA), says the bureaucratic insensitivity is unprecedented.

“Target shooters and hunters are treated like criminals way too often,” says Bernardo, “but this abuse is especially transparent. How can anyone justify pushing these youthful competitors aside because of some very disturbed individuals who live in another world? If a criminal uses a knife to stab somebody, do we take all the celebrity chefs off the air?  If someone is murdered with a baseball bat, do we blame the Blue Jays?  There is zero common ground between these young sport shooters and the viscous thugs who take part in public shootouts.

“Blaming sport shooters for the demented actions of criminals must end here and now,” adds Bernardo. “It's one thing for the anti-gun faction to mess with us, but now they're messing with our kids. That is something we simply cannot and will not stand for.”

Chris Baldwin is the Overall National Sporting Rifle 3-position champion three years in a row, National Junior prone champion, and second place grand aggregate.  He competed in the 2008 and 2010 Ontario Summer Games and won triple gold medals and Provincial Junior Champion in several events. He was a gold and silver air rifle medallist at the 2011 Canada Winter Games and won first place in 2009 at a Youth Olympic Games match held in Colorado Springs against youth from North and South America. When he isn't training to perfect his aim, he can be found outdoors fishing, hiking, and mountain biking.

Sabrina Sergeant began shooting sporting rifle five years ago and won gold and bronze at the 2010 Ontario Summer Games and she enjoys air rifle competition. She and Baldwin are looking forward to competing in this year's events held in St. Catharines on August 17-19, yet they remain confused at having their ambassadorship suddenly withdrawn.

“Sports should be about fairness, the spirit of friendship, and the pursuit of excellence,” explains John Evers. “What are these kids learning from having their special distinction taken away by a bunch of anti-gun organizers? They're being taught that life isn't fair and it's okay to tar everyone with the same brush, however disconnected they might be. The Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto should be deeply ashamed.

“Our organization has been actively shooting for the past 56 years and there has never been so much as a band-aid required,” he adds. “It's the largest junior program in Canada and we average 60 kids from age 10 to 19 every Friday night during the winter. This is how you keep kids out of gangs and off the streets.

“East Elgin recently held an open house where 1,660 visitors enjoyed the shooting sports -- and many for the first time,” says Evers. “We went through 108,000 rounds of ammo. Our membership has increased from 200 in 2001 to more than 600 members today. Families come to the range like others head for the pool, the soccer pitch and the hockey rink. Instead of uninviting our youth to take part in the Summer Games, people should open their eyes and see all the things that sport shooters are doing right.”

From: Michael Fusco

Subject: RE: Athlete Ambassador Appearances
Sent: Jul 17, 2012 3:31 PM

Unfortunately due to the untimely shootings that have taken place in Scarborough and the City recently, we have received a directive that we can no longer have the Sporting Rifle Athlete Ambassadors present on stage at the World Record Camp Games event. This is unfortunately something that has been handed down to us out of our control and we deeply apologize.  We realize that gun violence has nothing to do with the sport of Sporting Rifle or any of your Athletes and that your sport promotes the safe and responsible use of rifles.  We appreciate your understanding of this matter and apologize to both the CSSA and your Athlete Ambassadors sincerely.  Should you have any questions, please contact Cathy Vincelli at 416-397-5349. 


Michael Fusco Ontario Summer Games 2012 City Hall 8th Floor West Tower
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
(416) 338-5721 mfusco@toronto.ca

Athlete Ambassador Appearances Approximately 9am until 4pm we will be visiting several camps across the city. 

Michael Fusco Ontario Summer Games 2012 City Hall 8th Floor West Tower
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
(416) 338-5721 mfusco@toronto.ca

CSSA organized a campaign and the recinding of the decision was the result, as confirmed below.


FOLLOW UP -- July 23, 2012

The Ontario Summer Games has recanted and will now allow our kids to join their peers and colleagues.  Thank you to everyone who participated in this very successful grassroots action.  Special thanks to Brant Scott and John Evers.  I'm sure you will join the CSSA is wishing our Team CSSA shooting competitors, Chris Baldwin and Sabrina Sergeant, every success in the upcoming games.  We're rooting for you Chris and Sabrina

Good work to all.

- Tony Bernardo

I want to know, who in the government gave the initial order.

PM Harper is not touching this with a 10 ft pole.....

PM skips Summit of the Gun
By Jonathan Jenkins ,Queen's Park Bureau
Monday, July 23, 2012
Article Link

TORONTO - Prime Minister Stephen Harper has snubbed Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Summit of the Gun and will meet with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on his own.

An official with the PMO said the “timing did not work out for (Monday afternoon’s) meeting.” Ford and Harper will meet at 43 Division on Tuesday at 12:40 p.m.

Ford’s office said the meeting came at their request.

Officials with McGuinty’s office confirmed the Prime Minister’s Office declined Sunday to attend the meeting. Those who will attend include Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, along with McGuinty and cabinet ministers John Gerretsen (attorney general), Madeleine Meilleur (community safety and corrections) and Eric Hoskins (youth and children’s services).

“We would have preferred they attend,” a provincial official said of the feds.

On Friday, McGuinty said he was certain someone from Ottawa would come down for the meeting, called to address a brutal spike in violence in the city over the past few weeks.

The worst shooting came last Monday when 25 people were shot at a street party. Two people died ‚ 14-year-old Shyanne Charles and Joshua Yasay, 23.

“I’d be surprised if someone did not come. I think there’s a genuine interest on the part of the Prime Minister’s Office to participate in this,” McGuinty said at the time.
Smart move ;D

Then grind the salt and vinegar chips into the open wound by meeting personally with Rob Ford only, tomorrow.

Nice :rofl:
Re-printed under the usual caveats of the Copyright Act an article from today's Ottawa Citizen.

Dozens of AR-15s reported stolen in Canada

Posted by: Glen McGregor

Posted on Jul 23, 2012

The gunman who shot 12 people dead at a Colorado movie theatre was armed with a semi-automatic rifle called an AR-15, described in many  media reports as an “assault rifle.”

That’s not a particularly accurate term but there’s little debate about the AR-15′s origins — it’s a civilianized version of the U.S. military’s standard-issue M16 (which is capable of fully-automatic fire, unlike most AR-15s).

This is not the first time the AR-15 has figured in a mass killing. In 1995, gunman Martin Bryant went on a rampage and killed 35 in Port Arthur, Tasmania, many with his AR-15. Almost immediately,  the Australian government, under Conservative Prime Minister John Howard, dramatically overhauled its gun laws and spent half a billion Australian dollars buying back firearms.

Here in Canada, the AR-15 is classified as a ”Restricted” firearm, meaning it cannot be used for hunting and can legally be fired only on shooting ranges. A permit is required to transport one. The end of the so-called long-gun registry does not affect reporting requirements for AR-15.

The drum magazine that suspect James Holmes reportedly used in the movie theatre shootings is not legal in Canada. Most AR-15s here can fire only five shots from a magazine. The registry shows only 20 fully-automatic AR-15s, which fire more rounds, but they are classified as “prohibited” in Canada and are subject to even tighter restrictions. (In Australia, Bryant’s AR-15 was fed with a 30-round clip.)

Despite the limits on its use, there were 3,856 AR-15s and their variants registered in Canada as of January 2007 — the date of the most-recent copy of the federal gun registry I received through an Access to Information request.The gun registry data also shows that 32 of these registered AR-15s have been reported stolen and another eight were “lost.” Only one of these was later recovered.

How one feels about 32 of these rifles being in the hands of proven criminals will, I expect, largely depend on one’s views in gun control in general. Firearms advocates will complain of “black gun” syndrome — rifles like the AR-15 that look more menacing but aren’t any more dangerous that many other semi-automatics. Gun control people will say there’s no reason for civilians to own one.

The AR-15s at large, as of 2007…AR-15s REPORTED LOST

MODEL                               PCODE PROV DATE
AR15 SP1                       L0 ON 17-Mar-06

MODEL                                 PCODE PROV DATE
AR15A2 Sporter Match HBar V4 BC 03-Feb-03
AR15A2 Sporter Match HBar V2 BC 05-Oct-01
AR15 SP1                       T8 AB 05-Sep-00
AR15 SP1                       L4 ON 08-Sep-03
AR15A2 Match Target Lightweight T5 AB 09-Aug-04
AR15                                 L8 ON 09-May-06
AR15 Sporter                       T1 AB 10-Feb-04
AR15                                 V6 BC 10-Jan-02
AR15A2 Match Target HBar           V6 BC 10-Jan-02
AR15A2 Match Target Competition HBar
                                            V6 BC 10-Jan-02
AR15 SP1                     N4 ON 10-Mar-03
AR15 Sporter                     X1 NT 12-Aug-04
AR15                                 V0 BC 13-May-03
AR15A2 Sporter Match Target HBar N5 ON 14-Aug-06
AR15A2 Sporter Match HBar V2 BC 14-Oct-05
AR15A2 Government           L4 ON 15-Sep-99
AR15                                 K0 ON 16-Dec-03
AR15A2 Sporter Match Target L9 ON 16-Jan-04
AR15                                   V3 BC 17-Mar-04
AR15                                 R2 MB 18-Jul-05
AR15                                 T9 AB 18-Mar-06
AR15A2 Sporter HBar           J3 QC 19-Feb-03
AR15A2                                 V4 BC 19-Jul-06
AR15                                 V4 BC 19-Jul-06
AR15 SP1                       V4 BC 19-Jul-06
AR15                                 T4 AB 19-Oct-05
AR15A2 SPORTER HBAR           N2 ON 22-Mar-06
AR15                                 N2 ON 22-Mar-06
AR15                                 G7 QC 26-Feb-03
AR15 SP1                       L4 ON 28-Feb-06
AR15A2 Match Target HBar  P0 ON 30-Mar-05

Article Link

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are not AR-15's "Prohibited" vs "Restricted?"

I would also like to know how six AR15A3 TACTICAL CARBINE's got "lost" from the same area of Quebec, on the same day, only to have a seventh go missing 10 days later?

It would also be interesting to know if any of these stolen AR-15's, or any AR-15's for that matter, have ever been linked to a crime scene?

There are a few firearms that are 'restricted' and 'prohibited' by name.  I can't find the list of names right now
AR-15's are not prohibited. They are restricted. As they are already restricted, barrel length doesn't matter. 10" or 26", same same.

We're also talking about 32 stolen guns, a miniscule number when total firearms of that type is in the thousands in Canada. Many thousands more since the reporter took his count of almost 4000 in 2007. It's also over a period of 8 years making it approx 4 guns per year being stolen. Oh the :panic:

The article writer is also a rabid, anti gun person who released a modified version of the Firearm's Registry to the internet through the Ottawa Citizen. He is one of those that want every gun in the country confiscated from private citizens.

His biased journalistic garbage is clouded by his personal hatred of firearms and can't be seen as any sort of serious debate on the issue.
Considering some of the articles about AR-15s (and firearms in general) recently, I thought his article was fairly on the level and covered the fact that the weapons are already hard to acquire. Only thing he could have added was the total number of restricted firearms in Canada as a comparison to how small the population of AR15s is.
PuckChaser said:
Considering some of the articles about AR-15s (and firearms in general) recently, I thought his article was fairly on the level and covered the fact that the weapons are already hard to acquire. Only thing he could have added was the total number of restricted firearms in Canada as a comparison to how small the population of AR15s is.

You're entitled to your opinion.

Last figure I seem to recall is something like 700,000 restricteds in private hands, but that number seems low to me for some reason.

You don't appear to have a vested interest in the ownership side of the coversation though.

When I see an article "informing" the general public of the specific type of rifle being stolen and saying "this is the same rifle used in x, y, and z massacres," I start to worry about the author's intentions and also my own personal property being stolen from me by the Crown as a result.

I think this article is trying to start the first wave of pointing the finger at not just a firearm, but now the AR-15.
These gun banning nuts obviously don't pay attention to the real world.

How many reports have you read about gang fights breaking out where the opposing sides pull out machetes and baseball bats?
Would a gun ban have stopped the person responsible for making 83 IED's that were recovered from Barrie ON?
Could a sociopath determined to commit murder not set a theater on fire or drive a vehicle into a crowded bus shelter?

The problem isn't access to tools (since that is what firearms are, in the end), but rather the controlling intelligence. When you get right down to it, CF members could probably use their training and experience to pull off events that would overshadow what we have just seen. The answer is right there, we could but we will not because we are grounded in a firm set of values and beliefs. Sociopaths who are ungrounded or rootless people who congregate in gangs to socialize (in the broadest sense of the word) are devoid of many or all of the values and beliefs that bind us together as civilized people, so being denied one type of tool will not stop them from mayham.
recceguy said:
You don't appear to have a vested interest in the ownership side of the coversation though.

Course is next month, including Restricted. Not that it won't take me 6 months to get the paperwork back. So very shortly I will have that vested interest, although right now I'm still very much against anymore gun control than we have right now.
Retired AF Guy said:
Re-printed under the usual caveats of the Copyright Act an article from today's Ottawa Citizen.

Article Link

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are not AR-15's "Prohibited" vs "Restricted?"

I would also like to know how six AR15A3 TACTICAL CARBINE's got "lost" from the same area of Quebec, on the same day, only to have a seventh go missing 10 days later?

It would also be interesting to know if any of these stolen AR-15's, or any AR-15's for that matter, have ever been linked to a crime scene?

As I recall there was some thefts from police and a native police force lost a bunch of firearms.

fixed quote and response
Toronto does not have a gun problem it has a shallow culture problem.  Toronto is a culture based on the attainment of material goods.  The correct jacket, pants, car, the right restaurant and condo location, these are things that define a resident.  These things are attainable by everyone with hard work but most prefer to lie steal and cheat to get these things quickly.  The disadvantaged youth see the theives in powerful positions and mimic them with the tools they have at hand, drugs and guns.  It is easier to get a BMW selling drugs and shooting guns than going to university and becoming a stokebroker.  Both have the same morals and the same ends, so why should gang bangers fell bad.  Fix the society and you fix the gun problem.
I'm posting this because, once again, some Police Services (Ottawa for example) are starting to trot out the 50% of illegal guns are stolen in Canada fallacy. Now, as then, their figures are skewed to the top for sensaionalistic value to the uninitiated and scaremongering to achieve their end of total confiscation. They've recently been challenged on this figure and so far have failed to provide proof for their over the top, 'the sky is falling' stats.

Not all PDs are taking this route. Some are quite truthful in their reporting and stick to verifiable fact, others, not so much.


Project Gun Runner Finds Only 14.2% Of The Guns Used In Crime Were Registered


Who makes this claim?

Peel Regional Police
Toronto Police Service
Ontario Provincial Police
Halton Regional Police
Hamilton Wentworth Police
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
Canada Customs
Niagara Regional Police

How do they know? They ran PROJECT GUN RUNNER

For 9 months in 1995 they all were involved in a joint forces operation funded by the
Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General

Although the area initially encompassed the Golden Horseshoe of Ontario it was soon
found that the illicit firearms problem was extremely widespread. Importers,
distributors and users were found throughout the Province.

Profit was the main motivating factors in the illicit weapons trade. In many cases
handguns imported from the United States were being sold for up to 10 times their
original value.

• Nine month Joint Forces Operation
• Funded by the Ministry of the Solicitor General (Ontario)
• Seventeen persons charged
• 88 charges laid
• 54 of 70 revolvers were not registered in Canada
• 112 of 123 semi-auto pistols were not registered in Canada
• 4 of 5 machine guns were not registered in Canada
• 35.4% of all firearms were revolvers
• 62.1% of all firearms analyzed were semi-auto pistols
• 2.5% of all firearms analyzed were machine guns
• 8 out of 70 revolvers had their serial number removed
• 27 out of 123 semi-auto pistols had their serial numbers removed
• 2 out of 3 machine guns had their serial numbers removed

• 85.8 % of all guns were never registered in Canada
• only 14.2 % of all guns were registered in Canada

The main source of guns within the US were crooked FFL dealers, closely followed by
gun shows and flea markets. The next largest source was the former countries of the
Soviet Block and Eastern Europe.

Of interest to those of us familiar with the recent Toronto Police Service data
obtained using a Freedom of Information Request is that criminals involved on the
US side (crooked FFL dealers) use a portable drill to drill the numbers off, rather
than using a grinder, making sure that the serial number could not be retrieved
using modern forensic techniques. This undermines the claims made by the TPS that
those with serial numbers removed and not retrievable actually come from Canada,
and provides a stronger indicator that the guns originated in the US rather than
Canada as concluded by their “experienced officers”.

In Canada itself there are various ways of acquiring gun illicitly. Break and enters of
gun stores and private collections are two of the main methods.

Of special interest was a case cited in Hamilton where a group of Young Offenders
staked out the ammunition section of the local Canadian Tire stores. When they
observed someone purchasing (handgun) ammunition they followed them back to
their residence and then would later break in. Their reasoning was that if someone
was buying ammunition then they must have at least one gun at home. As a result
they were able to steal a number of handguns which they subsequently sold on the

This case has special implications for those of us who purchase ammunition from
retailers who demand our driver’s license. Providing retailers with home address
information places gun owners and the public at greater risk.

The legislative requirement imposed by the Rae government in response to the
Montreal Massacre, and its continued enforcement by the current McGuinty
Government, might actually be leading to and encouraging break and enters into the
homes of collectors and target shooters.

Shooters should rethink who they buy ammunition from in light of this evidence, and
their general lack of security around the records associated with ammunition sales.
The statistical findings of this study provide empirical evidence stolen registered
firearms make up only 14% of the guns used in crime. The findings of the Toronto
Police Service unwittingly support the findings of Project Gun Runner of 10 years
earlier if a more rigorous analytical methodology in determining the origin of the
firearms is used. In the TPS study only 35 could be clearly identified as having been
registered in Canada at one time. The procedure of drilling out serial numbers used
by crooked FFL dealers, as opposed to grinding, supports the conclusion that those
guns whose serial number were removed and not able to be recovered likely
originated in the US.

Therefore, the real number of stolen registered firearms is closer to 14%, then the
50% claimed by those who should know better. Special thanks should be sent to the
Solicitor General of the Province of Ontario for his help in funding a project that
clarifies this critical point of debate.
As an addendum, I reload all my ammo. I will not buy any in any type of box store, no matter how cheap. Supplies and equipment get sent to a PO box when I have to order anything by mail.
More on the guns are just tools argument. Mass murder has been very common in the past without resorting to firearms at all:


Going Postal, Pre-Pistol
How did mass murderers operate before the advent of modern weapons?
By Brian Palmer|Posted Thursday, July 26, 2012, at 3:49 PM ET

In the 1800s, a French man killed three people with a bill hook.

The shooting spree that killed 12 people in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater on Friday has sparked a public debate about the availability of automatic weapons. Gun control advocates argue that mass murder is exceedingly difficult without them. One source told the Washington Post, “It’s kind of hard to be a pseudo-commando with a musket in the 18th century.” How did people commit mass murder before the advent of automatic weapons?
Often with fire. Revolutionary War veteran Barnett Davenport is widely considered the first mass murderer in U.S. history. On the evening of Feb. 3, 1780, Davenport burst into the bedroom of his employer, Caleb Mallory, and began to bludgeon Mallory and his wife with a club. When the club broke in two, Davenport beat the couple to death with Mallory’s gun. If Davenport had stopped there, he would be remembered as just an ordinary killer; most criminologists define mass murder as the killing of at least three people in a single incident. After beating the Mallorys to death, however, Davenport burned the house down, killing their three grandchildren.

Hundreds of other mass murderers have perpetrated their crimes without automatic firearms. Frenchman Pierre Riviere killed his mother, sister, and brother with a bill hook in 1835. In 1932, Julian Marcelino, a Filipino immigrant of relatively small stature, managed to kill six and wound 15 on a Seattle street using only a pair of blades. In 1915, Monroe Phillips shot seven dead and wounded 32 with a shotgun in Georgia.

Guns aren’t even the most lethal mass murder weapon. According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns.

The U.S. mass murder rate does not seem to rise or fall with the availability of automatic weapons. It reached its highest level in 1929, when fully automatic firearms were expensive and mostly limited to soldiers and organized criminals. The rate dipped in the mid-1930s, staying relatively low before surging again in the 1970s through 1990s. Some criminologists attribute the late-century spike to the potential for instant notoriety: Beginning with Charles Whitman’s 1966 shooting spree from atop a University of Texas tower, mass murderers became household names. Others point out that the mass murder rate fairly closely tracks the overall homicide rate. In the 2000s, for example, both the mass murder and the homicide rates dropped to their lowest levels since the 1960s.

A mass murderer’s weapon of choice depends somewhat on his victims. Attacks with guns, fire, knives, and bare hands are far more likely to be directed against family and acquaintances than total strangers, while mass murderers prefer to use explosives against people they don’t know. Also of note: Those who use firearms in a killing spree turn the gun on themselves 34 percent of the time, while only 9 percent of mass-murdering arsonists take their own lives.

Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer.
Explainer thanks Grant Duwe, author of Mass Murder in the United States: A History, and Stephen T. Holmes of the University of Central Florida, co-author of Mass Murder in the United States.
Colorado has one of the lowest mental health treatment rates in the USA.  About 15% of mentally ill individuals get treatment. Could this possible be a more relevant issue?

The worst state for mental health spending is Florida. Did anything weird happen there?
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