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The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

I live in Victoria and work in Esquimalt. I think the PLD is around 900 - the correct number to be found in Max's link (I don't get PLD, so aren't sure of the specifics).

Appartments run from 650 - 750 for a one bedroom (depending on location) not including utilities and about 850 + for a 2 bedroom. There are also lots of suites for rent.  I live by the Royal Jubalee Hospital and its about a 15 min drive to work in the morning (work point). A lot of pers live in Colwood, however I'm told the traffic is horrendous (they don't take the blue boat). I have a shared place and pay about 500 for everything. I don't know what electricity costs, but I was told to budget about 50ish bucks if I was living by myself.

I pay 77 dollars for car insurance (with discount though) through ICBC for my car (1993ish car). Gas is currently at 112 (luckily, car is great on gas). Bus system runs well, with several direct routes to the base. 

Let me know if you have any specific questions.......As I type this I am sitting in my work office overlooking the beautiful outer harbour, float planes are buzzing by and the Coast Guard has a beatutiful ship in port for my viewing pleasure. Oh, and its January, I'm in shorts, and its sunny out :)
And I also heard of getting extra pay for being in the navy and for pld and spec pay for mar eng mech also sea pay
if so how much and when do u recive this
Welcome to Milnet.ca, this is your first and only lesson in searching the site, my own preferred search approach is Google site-specific searches:

site:army.ca halifax quarters

site:army.ca esquimault quarters

site:army.ca pld

site:army.ca spec pay navy

site:army.ca mar eng mech

site:army.ca sea duty allowance

In brief, you can live in quarters as long as they are available, and each entitlement starts when you become eligible for it. Read and learn.

Also, please put a little more effort into your writing, you will get a lot less grief here if you write clearly and use proper capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure.

Milnet.ca Staff
asstastic1 said:
And I also heard of getting extra pay for being in the navy and for pld and spec pay for mar eng mech also sea pay
if so how much and when do u recive this

Holy run on sentence Batman!!  I had to take a breath half way through that...what Mike said.

You could honestly stay in them as long as you wanted, I lived in them for almost two years until I came back from overseas last spring.  However, if you are living in quarters (barracks) you aren't entitled to PLD, which is $674 a month, and the new rate of a single room in the block is just over $250, plus you either buy your own food, pay at the galley, or have rations taken off your pay which is almost $500.  I can't remember from my time on ship in the sick bays, so if someone who is more accurate please correct me, but I don't think new spec trades make spec pay right away.  I know most army trades have to be QL5 qualified first.  And yes if you are posted to a ship you will get sea pay, which starting out is $297 a month.  Remember, both of those, PLD and sea pay are both subject to taxes, just like your normal pay
I'm a Naval Electrical Technician 00125, finishing BMQ in approx 2-3 weeks.
I was wondering if theres a chance I'll be on PAT? Would love to take some leave soon.
Anyone got any information ?

more than likely.  when you get here they will give you your room and tell you to disapear for the weekend.  do yourself a favour and do that.  BUT  come back on monday fresh and ready to go, get your in-routine done, then ask for leave.  this gets you on the books for your pay and starts your administrative headache that will follow you all along your career.  so get it done right the first time.

make sure you ask your coc for a copy of your personal file and keep it with you.  I can't tell you how many times my ghost pers file has saved me.

once you are done your in routine, find out what course you are loaded on then apply for leave.  you many have 6 months to wait or 6 days.  depends on your course.
get yourself on a ship if you can cause PAT sucks.
Stacked said:
How do you go about getting yourself on a ship while on PAT?

Like most things, you talk to your supervisor. Even on PAT, you have one. Use your chain of command, thats what they are for.
Hello everyone,

I just got enrolled last week as a NESOP and I will begin basic training next week (on October 31st). I know that R&Q is about $500 in St-Jean if you are single which gives you a net pay of around 650$ twice a month.  After basic, I am suppose to spend 6 months or so in CFB Esquimalt. So I was wondering what to expect as net pay every two weeks when I will get in CFB Esquimalt because I have a very tight budget. Is there anyone on this forum that could give me some information about this?

Thank you very much!
Berube said:
Hello everyone,

I just got enrolled last week as a NESOP and I will begin basic training next week (on October 31st). I know that R&Q is about $500 in St-Jean if you are single which gives you a net pay of around 650$ twice a month.  After basic, I am suppose to spend 6 months or so in CFB Esquimalt. So I was wondering what to expect as net pay every two weeks when I will get in CFB Esquimalt because I have a very tight budget. Is there anyone on this forum that could give me some information about this?

Thank you very much!

Rations are 524$ in Esquimalt. I don't know much your quarters will be.

Good luck on basic.
Hello all,

I am graduating basic on Nov. 3rd and flying to esquimalt on the 4th to report to my unit.  I feel completely in the dark with what is going to happen next re: training, career, and family.

I know i have 5 weeks of NEPT and after that  9 weeks of mar.eng.mech training (ql3 i think)

I would really like to know what kind of livng arrangements are in my future.  I have already been separated from my wife for the 13 weeks of basic, and shes getting a bit frustrates that i cannot get any info from the school here about whats happening next.

Will i have ro live in shacks during my training?  Or can i get her out to esquimalt and rent an apartment with her for the duration of my next phases  training? And will the military pay for this?

Also are NETP courses starting every monday sort of thing? Or am i looking like being on pat for a while before starting?

Ive been told unofficially that only if i will be away from my home/wife for more than 6 months will the military accomodate a move for her...we are newly married and want to have a baby very soon. 

Would a small pmq be an option?

Any help on answering some of these niave/newbie questions would be very apppreciative.

os. Sheard
I can offer no advice on any of the trade/navy related questions you asked.  Here's what I can offer though.  This is just the beginning of the rest of your career.  You will very rearely get info far in advance regarding things like this because, in the CF, nothing is certain until it happens.  My advice to you (and her) is to learn to just roll with the punches and deal with things as they happen.  If you get yourselves worked up everytime you don't get much info on things you will have an ulcer within 5 years.

It sucks, but that's the reality of family life in the CF.
Thanks RCD,

I come from a military family so im kinda used to the last minute decisions that cf members deal with.  We as a couple however are not yet.  Im just hoping that we can be together soon, and that in my new unit i will be able to live off base and not ne confined to a shack where she cannot come and stay/visit if moving her out with me immediatley is not an option.

Again, thank you for your reply.
If I remember correctly, there are places in esquimalt for married couple, wikipedia says this.

CFB Esquimalt comprises facilities including Naden (formerly HMCS Naden) [1] , Her Majesty's Canadian (HMC) Dockyard Esquimalt, Fleet Maintenance Facility - Cape Breton (FMF-CB), a Fire Fighting and Damage Control School, the Naval Officer Training Centre (NOTC Venture), and extensive housing including 716 personnel married quarters located at nine sites such as Belmont Park, Work Point, and Royal Roads.
FlyingDutchman said:
If I remember correctly, there are places in esquimalt for married couple, wikipedia says this.
:facepalm:  Methinks you need a lane to stay in, rather than robo posting in almost every thread.

No one is disputing that PMQs exist, but he is possibly only going on a short few courses there.  If they are back to back then the military won't move his family out there.  If he is PAT for a longer period it may be an option especially if they decide to post him there after.

Stoker QL3 dates and NETP should be laid down now. The only reason to move your wife out is if you find you are posted to Esquimalt and that wont happen until usually about midway into your QL3. In a perfect world, you wont wait too long and though you may indeed await training for NETP, you would (or should) join a ship prior to that training. NETP is only a shipboard requirement to actually go to sea or to participate as part of the emergency party. I have meetings all day here in Ottawa but if someone from Fleet School Esquimalt hasn't chimed in on this by Monday, I will see if I can find the dates for you. I do know of one person out there who views this forum but I don't know if he actually posts.
That said, even if your QL3 doesn't start until January (or even if it does start before), you are entitled to Leave Travel Assistance once per year to visit your Next of Kin wherever she may be. This is a mileage rate and may not necessarily cover off the entire cost but it helps. I am 49 years old and used it up until my mom passed away (and I married) a couple years ago and at Christmas time, trust me, every little bit helps.
You might too want to pose your question(s) in the thread dedicated to Mar Eng Trg.
Good Luck and welcome aboard!
Pat, I do post on occasion, although with not being at "The Centre" I guess I have less idle hours to spend on here  :P

OS Sheard, on arrival in Esquimalt, you will be a PAT (personnel awaiting training) for up to 6 months.  You may be on a Mar Eng Mech QL3 course prior to April, but there are approximately 40 bodies in front of you waiting for the same course.  The chance of you seeing an NETP course prior to that is slim since the wait list is just as long.
As a PAT, temporary employment will be found for you prior to your course.

You can expect to spend your time as a PAT and on course in barracks (Nelles block) usually in a shared room with 3 other guys ( not necessarily your course mates).  You may be allowed to live off base but this is done on a case by case basis.  The Navy will not pay to fly down your wife or furniture/effects until you are posted to a ship on completion of QL3.  There is currently an 80% chance that you will be posted to an east coast ship on completion, we are short baby stokers in Halifax at the moment.

Welcome to the RCN and the Mar Eng branch. :pumpkin:
2. I do not believe so. I was in Wainwright for 10mon on various PAT/Training matters and our married members were not allowed that. The member had to pay out of pocket to have his wife come down for the weekend (if we had it off). In the ten months we had 2 leave periods (Xmas and spring break) so he flew back to TO at that time to see his wife and kid.

It's a long time for some however that is the military. What would happen if you are out to sea or deployed for 6months?
I'm sure you've found out by now but as a PAT fresh out of basic you aren't qualified to do anything, so if you're somehow attached to a ship you will be painting or prepping something to paint or cleaning something gross.  But the odds are you won't be allowed across the brow of a ship in any sort of work capacity until you at least have an NETP course, at which point you are qualified to cross the brow and maybe, just maybe stand fire sentry.  And if you were to get a shot at going to sea*, there's a 98% chance you would be employed as a Molly and that's about it.

There is no need to be anxious to get to a ship days out of basic - you'll have many glorious years (and years) to spend on ships after you finish your QL3.  Go to the gym, read books, play video games, make new friends and otherwise enjoy your last few months of shore life for a while.

*you will not go to sea as a PAT
See if you can be sent down to MOG 4 and work for the Senior ET down there, you might get a little experience. If you can get on a ship alongside that would be ok as well, get you ship familie done too.