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The Chuck Cadman Merged Thread

tomahawk6 said:
Good for him !!

Yes indeed!!!

The Liberals are not a party I'd wish to belong to if I had to stand up and call someone a liar!
After this train wreak, will Micheal Ignatieff, Bob Rae or Justin Trudeau be willing to take over as leader of the Liberals?
Thucydides said:
After this train wreak, will Micheal Ignatieff, Bob Rae or Justin Trudeau be willing to take over as leader of the Liberals?

Isn't the Liberal ideal to take responsability from the people and give it to gov't, or is it to creat more gov't in a never ending spiral of fiscal justification and spending...?

Either way I for one would be more than happy to do without them as a party.

And to think that they, of all political parties, would be out there calling someon a liar...Why that's just like the poit calling the kettle... :P
I see Mrs. Cadman has just released a statement saying that she was told by Stephen Harper after her husband died that he knew nothing of any offer and she has always believed that.

She stated that if she thought he was involved she wouldn't be running for the Conservatives.....
Just listened to the edited tape conversation. There's nothing there. If that's all they've got on the CPC, the liberals are screwed.

I think after this one bites them in the ass, a rabid rhesus monkey could run against Dion and win.
recceguy said:
Just listened to the edited tape conversation. There's nothing there. If that's all they've got on the CPC, the liberals are screwed.

I think after this one bites them in the ***, a rabid rhesus monkey could run against Dion and win.

Of course it would have to be a FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE rabid rhesus monkey that was in the running! After all the money the Liberals spent wasted on the gun registry and other less signifigant programs I don't think the Canadian people are willing to have anyone else waste our money like they did!
- The present govmint is STILL wasting money on the gun registry.  They are STILL not abiding by a library of parliament paper that clearly states Bill C-10A does NOT inhibit the ability of Prohib owners to take their FA to the range. Contrary to what the CPFOs have been instructed to tell us.
Yep...No matter who's in power the registry will die a slow death. No doubt about it...My point is that ti's not and never will be a truely Conservative mess...but more a Liberal one that the Conservatives have to clean up!

I believe that their ownly roadblock to doing so is the demographics of southern ontario and SaltSpring Island in B.C. ;D
I believe that their ownly roadblock to doing so is the demographics of southern ontario and SaltSpring Island in B.C.

Easy, Slim- Salt Spring Island is nowhere near the monolithic leftist utopia that many imagine.  Where do you think that wealthy, voting Albertans go to retire?
Just saw the whole mess on TV........ ::)

Controversy sells books.

The Liberals, after backing down over Afghanistan and the budget, are grasping at straws.

Even Cadman's widow is saying that Harper didnt know about any offers.......
This could cost the Liberal Party a real wack of money if the libel suit against them goes anywhere...unless they have an ace up their sleeves they have not played yet- which I doubt.

Sure- call the Conservatives whatever you want in Parliament where you are protected from libel laws...but claiming on your Party website that Harper engaged in or knew about bribery... that's just dumb!
This could cost the Liberal Party a real wack of money if the libel suit against them goes anywhere...unless they have an ace up their sleeves they have not played yet- which I doubt.

I don't think this will cost the Libs a lot of money.  Though I have been wrong before.  It is rather unprecedented for a Prime Minister to sue a Leader of the Opposition and the courts might not be pleased with Harper's attempt to place political revenge in the courts.  Let's face it, if the Liberals wanted to go back and examine what Conservative members have said about Liberals around the time of the Sponsorship scandal or other recent incidents, much of which was never substantiated with hard evidence, they would have an equal case for libel action.  Harper should not be taking a page out of the Brian Mulroney play book by suing people.  As Prime Minister he should refuse to dignify the Liberal accusations with a response other than to point to possible RCMP investigation and place the office above affronts to his personal dignity.  The threat of lawsuit will only beget more lawsuit and further contribute to the horrendous decorum of our Parliamentary institutions.  This is a very slippery slope if politicians begin to sue one another.  Maybe Chretien will think he was libeled by Harper & Co. about Shawnigate?
So you are literally saying that the Prime Minister no longer has the rights of the common Canadian citizen to file a Slander Suit?
stegner said:
if the Liberals wanted to go back and examine what Conservative members have said about Liberals around the time of the Sponsorship scandal or other recent incidents, much of which was never substantiated with hard evidence, they would have an equal case for libel action. 

Dion and his gang will do no such thing. In case you hadn't noticed, they lack the backbone to take decisive action or even to stick to their own retoric. Even the NDP today in question period, had more sense than to embarass itself by asking Cadman-related questions.
stegner said:
I don't think this will cost the Libs a lot of money.  Though I have been wrong before.   It is rather unprecedented for a Prime Minister to sue a Leader of the Opposition and the courts might not be pleased with Harper's attempt to place political revenge in the courts.  Let's face it, if the Liberals wanted to go back and examine what Conservative members have said about Liberals around the time of the Sponsorship scandal or other recent incidents, much of which was never substantiated with hard evidence, they would have an equal case for libel action.  Harper should not be taking a page out of the Brian Mulroney play book by suing people.   As Prime Minister he should refuse to dignify the Liberal accusations with a response other than to point to possible RCMP investigation and place the office above affronts to his personal dignity.  The threat of lawsuit will only beget more lawsuit and further contribute to the horrendous decorum of our Parliamentary institutions.   This is a very slippery slope if politicians begin to sue one another.   Maybe Chretien will think he was libeled by Harper & Co. about Shawnigate?

There's a difference in what they say in Parliment where they're protected, but once they step out of chambers, they have to follow the same rules as you or I. They didn't and now are in a position to be sued. They don't seem to be any better at being the lawyers they are, as the politicians they play at.
So you are literally saying that the Prime Minister no longer has the rights of the common Canadian citizen to file a Slander Suit?

Indeed not.  But Harper is hardly the first Prime Minister to be slandered. Perhaps, this will inspire Jean Chretien and Paul Martin to follow suit?

There's a difference in what they say in Parliment where they're protected, but once they step out of chambers, they have to follow the same rules as you or I. They didn't and now are in a position to be sued. They don't seem to be any better at being the lawyers they are, as the politicians they play at.

I fully appreciate this.  My point is that the Conservatives could be interpreted to have libeled Liberals on occasion for their actions and words outside the House.  Hence, the slippery slope.  This is a bad precedent of MP's suing MP's.  Solve your problems in the House ladies and gents.   
fully appreciate this.  My point is that the Conservatives could be interpreted to have libeled Liberals on occasion for their actions and words outside the House.  Hence, the slippery slope.  This is a bad precedent of MP's suing MP's.  Solve your problems in the House ladies and gents.

But this is precisely the problem- IIRC, the Conservatives coasted up the line of libel, without actually crossing into territory that would get a court very upset.  The Liberals appear to have strategically blundered- they have accused a sitting PM of a criminal offence.  They didn't say "Harper allegedly knew of bribe" - they say he did know of bribe. This may be construed as libel.

Go visit the two websites:

See the difference in style.  Sure, the Conservatives make Mr Dion look like a buffoon, but they don't accuse him of criminal activity.

BTW, I'm not arguing as a partisan of a particular party- I'm just fascinated how the Liberals are blowing what three days ago seemed like the issue to bury the Conservatives.

I for one am tired of politicians behaving as if they feel free to throw around poorly supported allegations.  If the people who are supposed to be in charge can't behave as decently as any ten of my acquaintances picked at random, no one should be in charge.
But this is precisely the problem- IIRC, the Conservatives coasted up the line of libel, without actually crossing into territory that would get a court very upset.  The Liberals appear to have strategically blundered- they have accused a sitting PM of a criminal offence.  They didn't say "Harper allegedly knew of bribe" - they say he did know of bribe. This may be construed as libel.

Go visit the two websites:

See the difference in style.  Sure, the Conservatives make Mr Dion look like a buffoon, but they don't accuse him of criminal activity.

BTW, I'm not arguing as a partisan of a particular party- I'm just fascinated how the Liberals are blowing what three days ago seemed like the issue to bury the Conservatives.

I see your point and yield to it.  I still do not like the fact of the PM suing MP's when he should only be suing the Liberal Party for its website.
stegner said:
I see your point and yield to it.  I still do not like the fact of the PM suing MP's when he should only be suing the Liberal Party for its website.

Let us not forget that Dion sued Duceppe for libel himself....