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Tattoo Photo Thread

Mike, you don't need a tattoo to let others know that you are from NL.

If you talk like a Newfoundlander.
If you walk like a Newfoundlander.
If you look like a Newfoundlander.
Then you must be a Newfoundlander. ;D :warstory:
Mike Baker said:
Check out this one I made, I want to get it soon. ;D

(hope this is the right spot...)
get ready for people asking you what part of Italy or Ireland your from,  ;) cause all us with tats know the colour never stays true. Especially red and pink.
GUNS said:
Mike, you don't need a tattoo to let others know that you are from NL.

If you talk like a Newfoundlander.
If you walk like a Newfoundlander.
If you look like a Newfoundlander.
Then you must be a Newfoundlander. ;D :warstory:

recceguy said:
get ready for people asking you what part of Italy or Ireland your from,  ;) cause all us with tats know the colour never stays true. Especially red and pink.
Sadly, I never thought about that. Food for thought....

Thanks Guys
recceguy said:
cause all us with tats know the colour never stays true. Especially red and pink.

What about green or purple ?

Prime example how a magnificent falcon, has turned into a fat chicken....

No offence Mike, but I think your tat will go from looking like NFLD to a bad colorful copy of Gorbachev's birth mark on yer arm.

Save yoru money and get a nice hardrive for the compuer.


the 48th regulator said:

Prime example how a magnificent falcon, has turned into a fat chicken....

No offence Mike, but I think your tat will go from looking like NFLD to a bad colorful copy of Gorbachev's birth mark on yer arm.

Save yoru money and get a nice hardrive for the compuer.


That was a nice falcon indeed.

Never thought a tat could turn into Gorbies birth mark though ;)

Mike Baker said:
That was a nice falcon indeed.

Never thought a tat could turn into Gorbies birth mark though ;)


Ah yes, a majestic falcon it was, until he tasted the golden nectar.....

Than bam, all big and chubby.  Might as well got a grizzly bear on my arm, then I can be like snoop dog and call him huggy bear!


    Here is a tattoo I drew up one day, I can't take full credit for it though, as I have seen a similar drawing somewhere on the interwebz. The Army cross swords and ID tags where my idea though. I am not so sure I want to get this as a body feature, but hey I like the drawing. I will sit on this one, I would love to have it, possibly on the left side of my chest or abdomen, but this thing is permanent.
EDIT: The blacked out text on the lower ID Tag is soposed to be my SN.
With a little detailing, such as more shadow (and colour obviously you meant that), a bit more 3 ding, and that would be a very nice piece.

Very good.


ButtA said:
  Why thank you  ;D

The cool thing is it would look very nice, with a little realism added, however it has some space to add names, Service number, motto what ever you wanted.

Again, good on ya.



I got a PM asking about my little icon picture to the side. It is indeed a lip tattoo. It's a simplified Diamond.

Here's a larger picture.

That's awesome.  !st of all it's meaningful (no. 1 rule in my TAT book) and 2nd of all, really well done.  Looks great!
OK folks lets see them. Take a picture of a military related tattoo and post it with a brief reason why you got the tattoo, and what it means to you.

Mine is Pro Patria (Ya Ya laugh it up guys) which is Latin meaning "For Country". I got because its the compilation of the reasons why I signed up to serve my country (I know it sounds kinda cheesdickish but I have my reasons). I got it a little sooner then I wanted to but I'm still happy with it none the less.
Nice tattoo.I dont think I've seen someone with Pro patria tattooed on em before ;D

How long that take 2 hr's?
Where did you get it done at?

I got 2 from the wisards den,tried to get my third there but they were booked solid for like 3 months...and I didnt have time!!
So I went to dog house ink in pembroke,excellent work there as well.

340 aint bad either.

Nice shading from what I can tell.
