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System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

As you probably know by now, the site was down most of the day. Short explanation is that the new server image from the 9th had some hidden issues, and so the site has been rebuilt based on a new server.

That means many of the problems I've fixed over the last week or so may reappear - please let me know.

Unfortunately this will not likely resolve the performance problems we have been seeing, but please know I'm working on those as well.

Thanks for your patience.

Mike, I was getting tired of this:


    ... but I just want to say a HUGE


    ... for all that you do for our community.
E.R. Campbell said:
Mike, I was getting tired of this:


    ... but I just want to say a HUGE


    ... for all that you do for our community.

I echo E.R. Campbell's sentiment.    :bowdown:

But I almost died (of boredom)!!!  :endnigh:

et al.....  :goodpost:
Larry Strong said:
Been getting the "server busy" code when trying to go into my "new reply's to post's" yet I will instantly enter the "unread posts" no problem. Not a big issue, just thought I would let you know.

Same here intermittently for a week now.

This a.m. the website was not available on several attempts.

Thanks for all your efforts on our behalf.

I just assumed that the recent influx of retarded ill-informed posts by Olympic-quality dimwits new members caused the server to be put on suicide watch.  :whistle:
Mike - system load high 8.27

Been happening a lot lately.
Yeah, that's the big issue I've been struggling with. The server is under a pretty constant heavy load. I've been trying to make configuration and performance tweaks but it's dicey business. Now I know why there are experts for things like this. :)
As always thank you for the dedicated work Mike.

It sure looks festive around these place today.  :gottree:
Journeyman said:
I just assumed that the recent influx of retarded ill-informed posts by Olympic-quality dimwits new members caused the server to be put on suicide watch.  :whistle:

Works fine for me, maybe it's just locking out all the eleventy one year old windbags.
Been getting server busy notices periodically as well.

But there is a new issue that has cropped up.

I get a bunch of multi-coloured glowing blobs across the top of every page. They almost look like Christmas lights.

:christmas happy:
cupper said:
Been getting server busy notices periodically as well.

But there is a new issue that has cropped up.

I get a bunch of multi-coloured glowing blobs across the top of every page. They almost look like Christmas lights.

:christmas happy:

Couldn't be Christmas lights.  They're not tangled, none are burned out, and you didn't have to get out the ladder in a snowstorm to put them up.
cupper said:
Been getting server busy notices periodically as well.

But there is a new issue that has cropped up.

I get a bunch of multi-coloured glowing blobs across the top of every page. They almost look like Christmas lights.

:christmas happy:

Cannot be Christmas lights. One of my thumbs would be hurting, and a small hammer would be elsewhere in the room, launched behind some piece of furniture with a crescendo of invective.
Works fine for me.....
It was actually down for everyone, if you'd bothered to read and comprehend the site owner's post.
I'm not sure this is system upgrade related but it is a problem: I cannot access Army.ca. Milnet.ca, Navy.ca and Air-Fordce.ca all work, but Army.ca returns a blank screen.

still getting ""Server too busy, please try again in a few minutes..."" all most every time I'm on.
I'm still getting server busy when trying to send PM. Sometimes it works but usually the error comes up