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Swearing in

iron_wolf said:
When I swear in we were 47 to swear at the same time, both officer and NCM.
We were not all going to BMQ at the same time, in fact there was 3 different course date for the NCM.
So it's not always view as a meet and greet for basic.
By the way in my case we where only to with necktie most of the other where in shirt or worst so it seem that the "dress nice" part was forgotten for most of them.

Sorry for my bad english. I usualy speak french

Dress nice....means absolutely nothing to most people today. It's a subjective thing anyway. To some people "nice" means a suit with dress shoes...to others it's their finest ACDC T-shirt, baggy jeans  and untied runners (don't forget the sideways baseball cap)...at the end of the day it's whatever you're going to be proud of wearing in a picture with your Mom and Dad and the Recruiting Officer, and if you don't really care what you look like then they are not going to worry about it for you. Soon enough people will be telling them exactly what to wear for official functions and photos.
JBoyd said:
Those are excellent choices, can one swear to both? or does he/she have to choose one?

Chose one.... either one, but, you have to make a choice.
Do they ask you which one you would like to swear in by on the day of? Or do they ask in advance?
dwalter said:
Do they ask you which one you would like to swear in by on the day of? Or do they ask in advance?

They asked me when i showed up....but that was a while ago.  But then, what does it matter ?
dwalter said:
I was just curious.

I know. Its nothing against you rest assured. I just dont understand this fascination people have with having to know every single miniscule and insignificant detail. It even caused me to start a thread once :

Wow I wish I had a CFAC :D ::Small amounts of sarcasm::

Recruiters told me that attention to small details is important for many officer jobs, and so maybe this is just a reflection of that, who knows.  ::)
dwalter said:
Recruiters told me that attention to small details is important for many officer jobs,

As it is important for all trades, officer and NCM

and, IMHO only, there is a difference between important details and the trivial.

Good luck with your career choice
They called me and asked what I perferred.Either way you'll get your choice.
There ae two types of allegiance youcan pledge:

Solemn Affirmation

The oath is when you swear on the bible (or religious object of your choice such as the Koran), and the solemn affirmation is when you simply give your word.

The ceremonies differ depending on what is going on at the time. The norm is a very simple ceremony in the recruiting center, but sometimes, for media relations, they expand it to be a larger event.

All in all, it is an important day, and here is a tip for you: dress for it. Bursiness casual is always nice. Nothing dirty, stained, torn, or sweatpant related. No suits necesaary. A camera is always welcome, and when you give your allegiance, you will be so nervous that it will fly right by!

Congratulations everyone!
You also can request that you use a family bible if you want. I have also seen serving officers administer the oath  to members of their family, I did the attestation for my son.
Third said:
As far as religion, they gave me the choice of swearing in to God or the queen.

This is a bit of a necropost, but I want to clear this up for future searchers: it's incorrect to describe the choice as being between God and the Queen.  All oaths enrolling CF members swear, or affirm, loyalty to the Queen.  The mention of God is optional (and is the difference between swearing and affirming).
Neill McKay said:
This is a bit of a necropost, but I want to clear this up for future searchers: it's incorrect to describe the choice as being between God and the Queen.  All oaths enrolling CF members swear, or affirm, loyalty to the Queen.  The mention of God is optional (and is the difference between swearing and affirming).

Deus est an bene, Regina est non.
I just got my swearing in date, and I noted two things that might be useful to someone:

1.  They asked me on the phone if I was going to want the religious one or if I'll want to do an oath of affirmation instead (none religious).
2.  They also gave me some quick follow up questions such as mailing address, any debts I have incurred since they last checked, any new medications, etc.  Simple stuff.

Might not happen this way for everyone, but that's how it worked for me.
I was sworn in two weeks ago at my reserve regiment.

Was escorted from the unit recruiting office up to the Officers mess by an Lt. Was asked which I would like to do, and given a sheet with a choice of two ceremonies.

Stood there having quiet conversation with him until the CO, and the RSM came in.

The CO then swore me in ( didn't ask which one I had chosen anyhow). We made polite conversation about the army, the unit etc. and he then left.

Altogether about 15 mins, tops.

I however was the first recruit the CO had sworn in as new CO of our unit.

Wouldn't have changed anything for the world.
Even though it's short I think my Mom and Girlfriend want to be there for the swearing in ceremony, so all the more power to them.  Hopefully that's not too odd haha.
Not at all. My wife wanted to be there with our young son, but because of the paperwork, and all related stuff, it wasn't certain if it would be 1900, or as late as 2100, and well past his bedtime.

No, have them there, and make sure the camera has batteries in it.
My dad, stepmom, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins are going to be there :P They wanted to come so I was like "Meh, sure".
I was sworn in with 2 other recruits in front of my unit in the training classroom, they set up the flags and had the Lt. do the honors.  I was asked whether i wanted bibles or solem affirmations before hand.  All told it took appx 10 min to get through 3 of us with pictures and paperwork.

RTG :cdn:
Mine was a simple yet formal "Ceremony" I held the flag and repeated after the only person who was at the base that day, then bam(Beijing Academy of Music)!! I was in.