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Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

The Regimental Kit Shop in London is now prepared to accept donations by credit card (in any amount) toward the Hospital Pack program:


Ph. 519-660-5332
Fax. 519-660-5344

701 Oxford St East
London, Ontario


Just got off the phone with M. Cpl. Mike Phillips and made a $200 donation.  So far they've only received 5 donations so far although the program just getting going at the Kit Shop.

I challenge any other "Civvies" who frequent this forum to match or beat my $200 donation.

IHMO it is such a worthwhile program that helps send a message of support to the soldiers in their time of need.


P.S. My first post. =)
Lockness, thank you for your support. 

There have been only a few donations processed through the Kit Shop route to date (we started that payment option yesterday), but the Association has received, or committed from their own funds, about $6500 for the program thus far.  The Regiment and the Association greatly appreciate the contributions of everyone who has supported the Hospital Pack program at any level.  Tax receipts will be issued to all donors on provision of the necessary details to send a receipt, and letters identifying donors are being forwarded to the 1RCR Kit Shop to be included in the packs as they are put together and sent to Afghianistan.

Pro Patria

Woodstock Unit #95 ANAVETS will be making a contribution and we challenge other ANAVETS units and Legion branches to do the same. 
muskrat89 said:
They don't make the sick PPCLIs wear RCR t-shirts do they???   :o

Thanks, Michael, for the clarification...   ;)
Hey, if I were wounded in theatre and I was given a bunch of swag from the North Battleford Rifles, I would wear it with pride!

(I know your post is in good humour, and so is mine)

Seriously, though, this is an OUTSTANDING project.

For M O'L: can our VCP contributions be targetted for this project?  Or is this separate?

von Garvin said:
For M O'L: can our VCP contributions be targetted for this project?  Or is this separate?

This is a separate initiative being supported by the Association and by donations.

Also taking donations:

Regimental HQ
PO Box 10500 Stn Forces
Edmonton, AB  T5J 4J5

make donations payable to: Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund, "Operation Small Pack"

I am sure any donation to either the RCR or PPCLI for this worthy project will be gratefully acceptedl.
Lockness said:
Just got off the phone with M. Cpl. Mike Phillips and made a $200 donation.  So far they've only received 5 donations so far although the program just getting going at the Kit Shop.

I challenge any other "Civvies" who frequent this forum to match or beat my $200 donation.

IHMO it is such a worthwhile program that helps send a message of support to the soldiers in their time of need.


P.S. My first post. =)

It's citizens like you who make the job worth it.  :salute:

Welcome to Army.ca
Lockness said:
Just got off the phone with M. Cpl. Mike Phillips and made a $200 donation.  So far they've only received 5 donations so far although the program just getting going at the Kit Shop.

I challenge any other "Civvies" who frequent this forum to match or beat my $200 donation.

IHMO it is such a worthwhile program that helps send a message of support to the soldiers in their time of need.

Just got off the phone with them myself.  Didn't quite match your donation Lockness, but I'm down for 1 Hosptial Pack.  Donations are still coming in slowly though, as they are only up to 8 now.

I agree, this is a great program and I strongly encourage others to participate too, for whatever amount you can give will help out.

navymich said:
Donations are still coming in slowly though, as they are only up to 8 now.

My cheque is in the mail. I've posted this on other forums. Great initiative.
Sent a cheque out today for a couple of packs on behalf of the husband and I. Does anyone know whether or not the R22eR has an iniative running along the same lines?

Just got off the phone with RHQ in Edmonton to one complain about lack of internet banking (modern technology takes awhile) and two to advise that my cheque is now in the mail too.
Following ExistanceE's example, my cheque is in the mail and I cc'd the info to another board that I haunt to challenge my friends to do the same.
I just wanted to thank all involvedin this;

When I got to Germany all I had in the way of clothing and personal hygene kit was what was in that bag.

It made a huge difference and I just wanted to say Thank you all.

And my thanks also goes out to the RCR Association.

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
From an old Royal Canadian, let me say how gratifying it is to see you guys rallying around the banner in support of our wounded brethren.

Pro Patria.



Support to Wounded Soldiers
(Revised 31 Oct 2006)

The Support to Wounded Soldiers program, which originally targeted the raising of funds for Hospital Packs for soldiers wounded on operations in Afghanistan, has met with unexpected success. The Royal Canadian Regiment, and The RCR Association, would like to express their deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this stage of our Support Program. We have received donations not only from members of the regimental family, but also from Canadians and Americans who share our concerns for providing for the well being of our soldiers.

Soldiers who have benefited from the Hospital Pack program have expressed their warmest thanks to all who have contributed. In their moment of greatest need, the generosity of all donors has made it possible to extend this simple but effective gesture to these soldiers on behalf of the Regiment and all who support them.

As of Oct 2006, over $25,000 has been raised towards Hospital Packs. It is hoped, at this time, that this will be sufficient to support that particular initiative for the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Regiment in Afghanistan over the next year, and to be prepared for the deployment of the 3rd Battalion in 2008.

The intent of this program is to support wounded soldiers. Our first priority is to use donations to provide Hospital Packs to units of The Royal Canadian Regiment overseas in case they are needed. In the event that additional Hospital Packs are not required, remaining donations will be used to support wounded soldiers of the Royal Canadian Regiment and details of these new initiatives will be posted here.

The Hospital Pack Program

The Regimental Association of the RCR has in place a support program that provides clothing and amenities to wounded soldiers as they are evacuated from Afghanistan to Germany. These hospital packs were put together following an excellent example set by the PPCLI Association in support of their troops on previous rotations in the theatre.

Each pack provided to the soldiers contains sweats, t-shirts, under clothing, toiletries and other small items. They are provided to the soldiers on evacuation and, when the medical system has removed the combat clothing they were wearing, the pack contents become the soldiers' immediate level of support until the means to provide other items at the hospital fills his or her needs. These kits are (and have been) provided to any soldier of the battle group, regardless of their regimental affiliation. (This again follows the fine example set by our sister Regiment.)

This program is being funded through donations to The RCR Association, with each pack costing $100 to assemble.

The individual Hospital packs are assembled by the deployed Battalion's Kit Shop in Canada.


Donations of any size can be made toward the program, either by cheque to The RCR Association, or by credit card payment by contacting the RCR Kit Shop in London, ON. Cheques should be made out to The RCR Fund and forwarded to the Chairman, The RCR Association, Wolseley Barracks, 750 Elizabeth St, London ON N5Y 4T7.

Individuals will receive a receipt for a charitable donation from the Regiment.

The Regimental Kit Shop in London is now prepared to accept credit card payments in any amount toward the Support to Wounded Soldiers program:


Ph. 519-660-5332
Fax. 519-660-5344

701 Oxford St East
London, Ontario

Donations page at The RCR Kit Shop website.  - LINK

For those who wish to consider donations to support other regimental programs of The Royal Canadian Regiment, please visit our Fund Development pages here - LINK.
Wow, that's a great amount!  Congrats to all who contributed!

Nice job! I only wish I could afford to donate. I'm a student now, and don't make the same dough I used to in the Army ;)

I'll see what I can scrape out of my change jars!

P.S. that's a lot of sweet RCR swag! I wouldn't mind one of those packs for myself!!!  ;D
Just wondering?  How come the Canadian Army or the Canadian taxpayer doesn't supply these hospital packs?  Don't they think of these things?  Makes sense to me.
Look at it this way, if the CF provided the pack it would probably be done through CFPSA.  The contents would all be standard items labeled "Canadian Forces" or "Army" like the grey sweats and t-shirts sold at Canex.  Allowing the Regiments and their Associations to operate these programs on their own has a few spin off benefits: the soldier receives something from his/her Regiment (or at least the Regiment with which they serve on operations), it promotes that sense of belonging, and it builds an understanding of familial support within a regimental family.  These programs have also presented one of the most direct means by which an average Canadian can provide direct support to a soldier that needs it, even a dump of money from the CF to the Regiment would take away this very important facet of the program.  Its all about the connections we can make: between a Regiment and its soldiers, between those who served before with those who serve now through the Association connections, and between average Canadians and the soldiers who serve their country.  In the big picture its a very small program, but its value on many levels far outweighs the actual cost of the items in the packs.
