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Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

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megsy said:
Well, I spoke too soon.  Mine was stolen yesterday - either from the mall or from the organization where we did our company wide volunteering day.  I think it was stolen from the mall, though, because I don't recall seeing it when I was hiding my purse in my trunk.   >:(

I just called my dad to report on the missing magnet.  I'll have to pick one up from the city - Calgary is selling them as a way of attempting to downplay the fact their employees are not allowed to put ribbons on city owned vehicles.
Well I just had my first theft the other day. I was parked in the U of M Parkade (as I have been doing for a couple of years) and came back after classes to find my magnet removed and a  quaint magnet shaped hole of dirt on display instead. I am rather unhappy is it was my last TW CADPAT one and I like it better. Oh well, back to the yellow. Good thing I bought up a supply when I was in the Canex at St Jean.
Survived two years in the GTA without having my magnet stolen. 

Moved to Belleville, and had it stolen within one month, while I was overseas...
It's a piss off for sure, but as long as they put it on another car, I don't really mind.
perhaps they are being stolen by people that do not support the troops? just a thought. Kind of like how non-christains will steal the jesus fish off the back of cars.. to make an idiotic statement??
So a while back I bought one of the support our troop license plate covers to remedy my problem of magnets being stolen. Earlier this week don't I get up to find that that plate cover has been stolen. Along with the license plate.  :yellow:
It's happened to me, sometimes they also fall off if you go through the car wash, try getting the sticker ones instead.
Most likely just kids having bets on how many they can get in a night or something.We use to try and see how many unscrew light bulbs we could get off peoples trees outside at Christmas.Teenagers with nothing better to do. I don't think its anything more than that.
I've noticed this quite a bit as well.
I'm from Barrie, Ontario. A friend of mine who is in the Infantry PPCLI has given his parents 3 different sets due to them being stolen off their cars. It's ridiculous, not to mention he is now preparing for his second tour in Afghanistan this September.
Though it seems like a small thing it all boils down to having some respect. Not to mention, don't touch other people's ****.
Just last week I pulled into the parking lot at the movies here. We were sitting in the car for a minute when a group of kids.. looked to be about 16 years old, walked up to the back of my car and I guess didn't notice I was in it. One of them took the magnet off my car and needless to say I got out fairly quick, grabbed him, and had a nice little chat with him while he put the magnet back "exactly how it was".
I guess it's mostly young guys like that trying to impress their friends by stealing things from other people. I know what it's like to be that age, but really.. steal something else that doesn't have as much significance to why you live so freely.
X-mo-1979 said:
Most likely just kids having bets on how many they can get in a night or something.We use to try and see how many unscrew light bulbs we could get off peoples trees outside at Christmas.Teenagers with nothing better to do. I don't think its anything more than that.

That's what forced Mercedes-Benz to switch to flat hood ornaments.

X-mo-1979 said:
Most likely just kids having bets on how many they can get in a night or something.We use to try and see how many unscrew light bulbs we could get off peoples trees outside at Christmas.Teenagers with nothing better to do. I don't think its anything more than that.

That's the problem, people think it's "Cute" or just Teenagers being Teenagers. Well its not "Cute" its Theft or Vandalism and when I caught them, they went to Juivee.

Our street likes to decorate at Christmas this winter we had a rash of Vandalism of Nativity Scenes, Lawn Decorations (Deers, Santa's Smashed) and Lights removed.

If this is the work of Teenagers just being "Cute", well it isn't and people who condone it or turn a blind eye are just as much part of the problem.
FastEddy said:

That's the problem, people think it's "Cute" or just Teenagers being Teenagers. Well its not "Cute" its Theft or Vandalism and when I caught them, they went to Juivee.

Our street likes to decorate at Christmas this winter we had a rash of Vandalism of Nativity Scenes, Lawn Decorations (Deers, Santa's Smashed) and Lights removed.

If this is the work of Teenagers just being "Cute", well it isn't and people who condone it or turn a blind eye are just as much part of the problem.

Where did I say it was cute.
Fact of the matter is it isn't a huge conspiracy that some members here seem to think.It's just teenagers being idiots.Not the Taliban,angry groups stealing magnets for a way of protest.People tend to always see a conspiracy where none is present.

As for kids going to Juivee for stealing magnets,that's a whole other topic IRT the young offenders act.

Fast eddy what are you doing as a MP to stop the stealing of magnets?If the police don't act they are part of the bigger problem aren't they.Any special tasks forces stood up to deal with the problem?Most likely not as there are far worse things around army bases such as oh I dunno,cocaine etc.

Next we will be discussing the hippies who hit my mailbox with a baseball bat last night.It must be cause I am in the army.

I'm sure just as many breast cancer magnets get stolen.

If it's a huge problem adapt to something as other members did like a license plate etc.The only reason they are getting stolen as it's something quick and easy.
mariomike said:
That's what forced Mercedes-Benz to switch to flat hood ornaments.

A perfect example of adapting to petty theft.
X-mo-1979 said:
A perfect example of adapting to petty theft.

They say a picture is worth one thousand words:
X-mo-1979 said:
Where did I say it was cute.
Fact of the matter is it isn't a huge conspiracy that some members here seem to think.It's just teenagers being idiots.Not the Taliban,angry groups stealing magnets for a way of protest.People tend to always see a conspiracy where none is present.

As for kids going to Juivee for stealing magnets,that's a whole other topic IRT the young offenders act.

Fast eddy what are you doing as a MP to stop the stealing of magnets?If the police don't act they are part of the bigger problem aren't they.Any special tasks forces stood up to deal with the problem?Most likely not as there are far worse things around army bases such as oh I dunno,cocaine etc.

Next we will be discussing the hippies who hit my mailbox with a baseball bat last night.It must be cause I am in the army.

I'm sure just as many breast cancer magnets get stolen.

If it's a huge problem adapt to something as other members did like a license plate etc.The only reason they are getting stolen as it's something quick and easy.
A perfect example of adapting to petty theft.

You didn't, the use of "Cute" is in accordance with an  acceptance  and attitude that certain actions are only harmless, childish, teenage or just kids having fun.

Of course those minors who were transported to Juvenal Hall were engaged in a bit more serious offenses than stealing bumper magnets. However, culprits engaged in this petty theft should be taken by the ear and deposited on the doorstep of their parents, with a strong warning to the wise.

The Heart of this matter is not the theft or annoyance or value but the Disrespect shown, regarding our Service Personnel and those who have paid the ultimate price.

I don't think that anyone here thinks that theres a huge conspiracy afoot, at least I haven't noticed.

As far as Narcotics, these allegations are actively being looked into.

FastEddy said:
The Heart of this matter is not the theft or annoyance or value but the Disrespect shown, regarding our Service Personnel and those who have paid the ultimate price.

I don't think that anyone here thinks that theres a huge conspiracy afoot, at least I haven't noticed.

As far as Narcotics, these allegations are actively being looked into.
Do you really believe that is on the hormone fueled mind of some teenager? They are not thinking disrespect they are being idiots.

As for the allegations,my knowledge is your busts around the area i.e stopping guys at the front gate. :)

Anywho I'm done with this one for now.Return to your public hanging and ear pulling conversation.Kids will be idiots. I'm sure they will realise their "childishness" by the time the next group reaches that age.

And to think I was disrespecting farmers by stealing apples off trees at night.
Man I was such a bad kid.
[quote author=X-mo-1979

And to think I was disrespecting farmers by stealing apples off trees at night.
Man I was such a bad kid.

Just as a passing thought, its been my experience that Criminal Activities, Disrespect or Regard for the Law, had to start some where.
X-mo-1979 said:
And to think I was disrespecting farmers by stealing apples off trees at night.
Man I was such a bad kid.

Well, you were disrespecting those farmers.  Just because you type it with a veil of sarcasm doesn't all of a sudden make it okay.

We don't have a whole lot of apple trees in the city.  What we do have are cars.  So by your thinking, since there are lots of cars around, it's no big deal to steal them, right?  Heck, most times the charge is the same, Theft Under $5000.  Penalties would probably be about the same too. 
And stealing magnets is also Theft Under $5000.  And the disrespect comes from the fact that some junior wad thinks he can put his hands on someone elses property regardless of what it is.  Do many kids tend to do similar things as such?  Yes they do.  Do they get caught?  Yes they do.  What seems to make the difference is the kid you take home to the parent who is barely polite when the kid gets home because they are so pissed with their errant child (only to hear meaty smacks after the door closes) tends not to show up on the radar again.  The kid you take home to a parent who shakes their incapable head slowly, with great sadness and says something pithy like "boy, kids are such a handful these days" only to watch their little Mr./Missy stomp to their room and slam the door, those are the ones that we get the repeat business from. 
So I guess all that is to say anyone who thinks that taking a "dem little rascals" attitude when kids are committing crime are really helping facilitate it. 
