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Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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Me too, id love one of those "some ***hole stole my support ribbon" magnets for my family's vehicles.... about 6 in total were stolen... id love to know where to buy some.

An interesting twist to someone stealing one of the ribbons I had tied on my tree, it has reapeared on a lamp post down the street.  If people are going to steal my ribbons and spread them around town then I have no problem with it.
Woo, 3rd one stolen for me this week.  And here's the kicker: ON base. 
Trenton is bad for kids stealing any support magnets.. I caught a kid doing it at the A&P down town Trenton last year.
Yeah, that sounds like a swarm of kids looking for something to do?  Or someone who didn't have one.  The Canex has tons, so I really can't see taking one because you don't have one a good reason.
I have three original ribbons on my van.  ;)
I'll keep the magnets, but I'll start putting razor blades on them to take it back to them.  :threat:
I have had a few taken from me, but as long as the person that took it is putting it on their car, and not taking it just to distroy it, then I have no prob with it, still makes me a little mad cause I have to get a new one. That is why I put it inside the window now. I think people are taking them just cause they don't know where to get them.


Kendrick said:
Woo, 3rd one stolen for me this week.  And here's the kicker: ON base. 

I had my two stolen off my car when it was parked in a Veh compound.
WZukon said:
Should discover that my Support Our Troops magnet was stolen, I think my reaction would be, “Wow… somebody cares.”

Great.  Do you have anything else I can steal that can demonstrate my caring and concern?  ::)  Nothing says "I love you" like a stolen car...
The people stealing them are likely tossing them in the garbage, because they don't want people to support the military.  If they wanted to show support for the CF, they would buy one legitmately. 
For anyone spending time on the Wet Coast be warned...
My father and I have had our Magnets stolen EVERY time we take the ferry between Vancouver and The Island.
We even witnessed one "punk" tossing the magnet overboard. Unfortunately he fled before I could counter his antimilitary protest  >:(
We now remove our magnets before boarding and replace them upon arrival.
Still gets me choked every time I have to take it off!
rossco said:
We even witnessed one "punk" tossing the magnet overboard. Unfortunately he fled before I could counter his antimilitary protest  >:(

How does one "flee" on a ferry?  Perhaps your foot pursuit technique needs some polishing?  :P
zipperhead_cop said:
How does one "flee" on a ferry?  Perhaps your foot pursuit technique needs some polishing?   :P

Along the car deck and over the ramp. We had just docked and it was time to get in the car and disembark.
A running persuit and takedown in the middle of a crowed parking lot probably wouldn't be the best for PR either.
My point was more save others the same hassle not analyse tactics.  ::)
So you were in your car, but just let it happen?  I don't presume to know how the ferries work, but seems like there would be at least a couple of people in between the boat and open territory that might have helped you? 
It just stikes me a bit odd that you appear to have made no effort to retain your personal property in the face of a crime in progress.  ??? Maybe I'm way off. 
Good luck with your magnet retention issues. 
Now that the time to return to work is approaching, I'm not looking forward to what might happen to mine. Last spring one of my school's finest took mine off and stuck it to one of the exterior doors. Luckily my truck faces said door or I wouldn't have noticed it was gone. Then it made me think of the previous one I had assumed I lost..."punked" is the now the more logical explaination.  >:(
Mine was fine while I was on the base in Esquimalt, got home in August and it was gone within a few weeks.
We got so tired of losing magnets (snitched, washed off etc) that 9D and I now have the window clingers on both vehs.
One family, we have had to buy six just to keep one on our car. I agree, the vynal ones that stick inside the car window is becoming more appealing.
Ive been buying them in 40 lots from CFPSA and selling them at cost in Newmarket,(saves everyone shipping and availability means quick turnover), about 5 % are resells from magnet bandits(hopefully they put them on thier own cars) and 1 sofar from a baboon at african Lion safari who promptly ate it. >:D
