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Supply Tech - merged

I know supply tech is a purple trade.. but I was curious to find out what kinda jobs they do in the navy.. loading ship but what else? Any navy supply techs (know of any) on this site that could provide info on the trade in the navy element?

General navy question:
generally how often are ya at sea per year? How many tips/year? average duration (more short/long)?
NJL said:
General navy question:
generally how often are ya at sea per year? How many tips/year? average duration (more short/long)?
I can answer this portion of your question, and can only tell you that there is no "standard" per se. It all depends on the ship, in which you yourself serving, routine and the operational requirement at that very moment in time. You may one year you are away for ~8 months, and then the next 2 doing only 2  week training trips (dang FNO courses) for a total of 2-3 months away during the year. Other variables are the ops tempo of the coast at that moment not to mention the ships maintenance routine.

All that to say there is no clear and set standard and there are too many variables in play which can and do shift regularly.
PO2FinClk is correct on the issue. Just to note, the Navy refers Supply Techs as "Storesman".  ;D

I hear it a lot down here when I'm working.
Also to note, not all storemen are working on the ships. There are a few warehouses around here.


PO2FinClk PM your way.

I found out that the naval reserve do not employ supply tech (storesman) on board ships.  :-\

I was also told that it would be almost impossible for a fully trained supply tech from the naval reserve to serve at sea on a ship from the regular force, I'm talking B type contract.  :(

As for the regular force, there are some opening although you might end up in a warehouse. Unfortunately a storesman don't spend  munch time at sea compare to other Navy trade. Post seem to be limited.  :-\

I hope that helps.

Personally i always wanted to serve in the navy to see the world although i didn't score high enough on the test to be a boatswain or a radar operator. I can take the test again but only after a math course.  :-\
Do you guy's travel munch? In you're trade description, Supply tech (911) it is stated ''Travel opportunities are extensive'' :o  If so, where do you go?

Johnf1981 said:
Do you guy's travel munch? In you're trade description, Supply tech (911) it is stated ''Travel opportunities are extensive'' :o  If so, where do you go?

Already answered in response to another post by you.

All over ...
Since when do Supply techs work in warehouses??

This is a shocking revelation ...

what with MAIN, SPS1, SPS2, MSA1, DET1, DET2, CLOT, REP1, A401 etc etc ...

The vast majority of Sup Techs in the CF are employed in warehouses ... because that's where the majority of our positions are situated ... you think we just keep all that kit and vehicles, weapons etc that gets moved around in our office filing cabinets??

If you are finding the thought of working in a warehouse throughout various stages of your career as a Sup Tech disheartening, YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE WRONG TRADE.
Storesmen on ship perform general seamanship duties too, they are usually comms numbers for the various parts ship when coming alongside, they also perform roundsman duties, and if I remember correctly they also act as members of the casualty response team.

That post of not scoring high in math, I can't figure out why a Bosn would need high math scores, I mean 1 can of paint from 3 cans of paint leaves 2 cans of paint...
1 Banana + 1 Banana = Lunch and Pay day...

Ahhh just flinging crap around, its a decent job.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
That post of not scoring high in math, I can't figure out why a Bosn would need high math scores....

I can assure you that this is the truth although, I strongly believe there is a''cota'' a the recruitment center.
My cousin scored lower then me and was permitted to join the infantry 5-6 years ago. Maybe my score will be good enough in a few years, who knows.
Sorry, I'm not very organized.  :blotto:

The thing is, so far I've finished all the test and was accepted as a supply tech. I could retake the exam again after completing a maths course but the trade doesn't look that bad, I might give it a try. Not my perfect job but when life throw you lemon i guess you make lemonade  :P.

The recruitment center people are fine but i prefer asking question and taking advice from you guy's because it is you're trade after all. An airforce captain at the recruitment center told me that i could and would serve on board ships as a supply tech in the Navy reserve, if fully trained. I found out otherwise while visiting a relative at esquimalt.
She was not completely wrong dough, it did happen....in 1995  :o ??? :-\ :boring:

I just want to have as munch information as i can before signing my contract.

Naval Storesman here,

The stores trade (Supply Tech for you pongos and zoomies) at sea is a great job. You can be employed as the ships victualler, in one of the ships warehouses, in the office or you may even be lucky enough to get the best job on the ship, the main laundry.

Apart from these trade related duties you will be required to be a sailor first. By this I mean you will stand duty watches in home and foreign port, you will stand as an HQ1 rounds man, you will take part in deck evolutions like RASing and entering and leaving harbor, you will also probably be employed as part of the casualty clearing team during action and emergency stations. You will also have the opportunity to take the Naval Boarding Party or Ships Team Diver courses.

As a Naval Storesman you can expect long hours at sea. We routinely work from 8 am - 9-10 pm just on our supply work, that does not include midnight RASes, XOs Delights and the buffer being the buffer. You will at times have to endure probably the harshest of working conditions anywhere, the cruel sea. As supply we cant go down when it gets rough for people must eat the engines must turn and the laundry must be done. You will also get probably the best opportunity to travel while with the navy. I came to the Navy in 2001; so far I have traveled the USA, Africa, Scotland, Ireland, England, Greece, Turkey, UAE, Spain, Portugal, Malta and Algeria. Next year we are planning on another deployment to an area still new to me.

We also have a generous sea to shore ratio compared to most hard sea trades. We are usually 3 and 3. That’s 3 years ashore 3 years at sea. Don’t be afraid for when I say 3 years at sea I only mean 3 years posted to a ship, and for that 3 years you are part of the ships company. So if you’re lucky you will get a good mix of sailing and time home.

My favorite aspect of being a Naval Storesman is the Navy. The history the traditions and all things that make going to see such an adventure and test of man vs. nature. I would encourage anyone to join the Navy. READY AYE READY

Boy Tar,

Do you work in recruiting?? LOL.  ;D

Bet it's going to suck if/when you get ever posted to work with some of us pongos eh and get to be a soldier first (that is highly probable being a purple trade and all)?? Nothing like a ground sheet over your head in the pouring rain for a few weeks in the field eating lovely IMPs ...

I love the Army. Liked Halifax (it was my first posting) -- liked the town -- prefer the work in the Army though -- by far!!
That look great Halifax Tar, although I'm not to enthusiastic about the 3 years at shore 3 years at sea ratio, I would rather prefer 6 years at sea if it could be possible, but that's just me. Another trade i could pick that provide Woldwide travel and look incredibly fun is traffic tech in the air force.

Do you think it could be possible for a Storesman to spend most of his career posted to a ship?
I heard of a supply tech (Storesman) who became a coxswain.

Another thing, there was a video at the recruitment center that i do not fully understand, an air force corporal (supply tech) was working on a ship! What's up with that? Why not using supply tech from the Navy? Not enough?

Johnf1981 said:
Do you think it could be possible for a Storesman to spend most of his career posted to a ship?
I heard of a supply tech (Storesman) who became a coxswain.

Another thing, there was a video at the recruitment center that i do not fully understand, an air force corporal (supply tech) was working on a ship! What's up with that? Why not using supply tech from the Navy? Not enough?

First para:

That'd been Rick S. It's a true story.

Para 2:

Sup Techs are prurple trades!! Get that through your head. We serve anywhere ... ignore the uniform colour of the DEUs presented you -- they mean NOTHING. I know one who wears a naval set of DEUs, who's been with the Army his whole career.

Sup Techs go where and when they are needed. Don't be shocked when it happens to your ass.

PS ...

I also know Traffic techs serving here in Gagetown (there uniforms look lovely amongst us when we are on parade, some in Halifax too; just as they are at all the other bases out there. NOT on planes.

I've served with all three enviornments. Parades at EVERY base I have ever been at have been a verifiable rainbow of uniform colours. A support trade is a support trade is a support trade. The uniform colour just doesn't matter. Purple -- learn to like it.

(Another true stroy:  Some people can't learn to like it --- such as that Halifax naval storesman Supply Tech MS who found himself posted - egads!! - to a ResF Army Unit in PEI this past summer. After I talked to him on the phone and told him that he certainly WOULD have to work evenings and weekends, he promptly went to his OR in Halifax and pulled the pin.) If you couldn't handle a situation like my previous one bracketed -- then NO support trade is right for you -- get that too and save us all the trouble.

You join the CF; not the Air Force, not the Navy, and not the Army.
Traffic tech do travel a lot, I heard it's one of the best trade for the travel opportunity's, a Loadmaster or a loadmaster assist can make about 5-7 voyage a year.  ^-^

Joining this message board was a good idea after all, I have all the info i need and then some.

So basically if i join the regular forces i can be posted anywere and spend most, if not all my career with the army, even if I'm a trained sailor and want to work on board ships, but an air force member with the same trade can end up posted to a ship ::)

I understand, but if i join the navy, I expect to work with the navy  :salute:, I have no desire to work on a army base or on a air force base.  ::)  No offence.

My enthusiasm just drop, my bubble was burst. The possibility of a military career suddenly became less attractive.

At least you're honest ArmyVern, I like that, thanks.  :-\
Johnf1981 said:
Traffic tech do travel a lot, I heard it's one of the best trade for the travel opportunity's, a Loadmaster or a loadmaster assist can make about 5-7 voyage a year.  ^-^

You have to become a loadmaster first and that means doing time as a regular traffic tech first and attaining the rank of MCpl....
So basically if i join the regular forces i can be posted anywere and spend most, if not all my career with the army, even if I'm a trained sailor and want to work on board ships, but an air force member with the same trade can end up posted to a ship ::)

If you join the CF and wear a navy uniform, a trained sailor does not make......you have no naval training until you get posted to a ship........so you can go to Borden, train as a SUP TECH and go to an army/air base right away regardless of the uniform you wear , the training is the same up to that point.......stop rolling your eyes and listen to what folks are saying

I understand, but if i join the navy, I expect to work with the navy  :salute:, I have no desire to work on a army base or on a air force base.   ::)  No offence.

Therefore you should join as an NCI Op, NES Op, SONAR Op, Boatswain or other "navy-only" trades.......

My enthusiasm just drop, my bubble was burst. The possibility of a military career suddenly became less attractive.

If the navy is what you want...see my response above.

ArmyVern said:
You join the CF; not the Air Force, not the Navy, and not the Army.

Damned skippy.

And God help you, John, if you get posted to an army unit and get on with that "But I'm navy!" attitude. Been in the field in Wainwright going on two months, and guess what, we got navy people here, wearing Cadpat, and getting dirty.

They go outside the wire, they wear their PPE. They carry their weapons like everyone else. Rocket warning goes off, they get in the bunkers like everyone else. Be prepared for it. It may not happen to you, but it very well could.

BTW, Vern, while I was out here, I did a course. I'm now a qualified combat Storesman, and can use CGCS...I had lots of fun looking up random things I could order....Aren't you proud  ;D
Johnf1981, I'm confused.  ???
You mention Loadmaster and then say you don't want to work on an Air Force base.  Where do you think you would fly out of?
You mention Traffic Tech and say you want to be on ship.  You do realize that ships are not normally a posting for Tfc Techs, don't you?
Johnf1981 said:
Traffic tech do travel a lot, I heard it's one of the best trade for the travel opportunity's, a Loadmaster or a loadmaster assist can make about 5-7 voyage a year.  ^-^

Joining this message board was a good idea after all, I have all the info i need and then some.

So basically if i join the regular forces i can be posted anywere and spend most, if not all my career with the army, even if I'm a trained sailor and want to work on board ships, but an air force member with the same trade can end up posted to a ship ::)

I understand, but if i join the navy, I expect to work with the navy  :salute:, I have no desire to work on a army base or on a air force base.   ::)  No offence.

My enthusiasm just drop, my bubble was burst. The possibility of a military career suddenly became less attractive.

At least you're honest ArmyVern, I like that, thanks.  :-\

Absolutely. Like I said ... people join the CF ... not the Army, Navy or Air Force. Support trades are purple -- you serve where needed.

You want to be guaranteed lots of sailing ... be a stoker, botswain etc ... what they call a "hard sea" trade, but beware -- even some of them end up in HQs in Ottawa, at Schools instructing, etc etc

If you NEVER want to serve off a ship or outside of a Navy base (or an  Air Base etc) ... the CF perhaps, really isn't for you. Because we go where we're told -- when we're told -- or else we have a choice: Get Out!!
PMedMoe said:
Johnf1981, I'm confused.   ???
You mention Loadmaster and then say you don't want to work on an Air Force base.  Where do you think you would fly out of?
You mention Traffic Tech and say you want to be on ship.  You do realize that ships are not normally a posting for Tfc Techs, don't you?

He lives at the corner of misconception and confusion......not his fault