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Supply Tech Ettiquette

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I have never had a problem with a supply tech, that coundln't be resolved by changing my attitude or mind set.  I have waited patiently in line, wishing they had a smoking area, to watch individuals turn in brand new, never used kit after mnay years in the service, while others that need it are without/waiting.  Entitilements have changed alot over the years, and it starting to work in my opinion.  My sole gripe in dealing with 911's was upon my release(and yes I had called and made an appointment, and it was slicker than dog **** for the most part).  In no way was it the fault/un-professionalism of the individual behind the counter.  I had 9 duffle bags and 2 rucksacks full of kit (yes I returned the barracks boxes when there was a shortage), I do not know the reasoning behind it but perhaps when the clothing docs went onto the computer??..........items no longer issued were removed from docs/newer items new nsn's replaced the old??  Most of my kit was subjected to nsn/size checks and when asked for certain items ie my CF Sweater (so I pulled obt my combat sweater..the nice ole wool one) and the tech just said no I'm looking for this and I was shown a newer version that was supposively on my docs............yet I had only even been issued the one.  It was actually fun telling them what some of the kit was, albeight it wasn't that long ago I had been issued it, seems my temp clothing docs from germany, never really existed, all kinds of things.  The worst part of it was hearing no we don't want that "certain item" aka its no longer on your docs...............so take it home with you.  Yeah I kept my C2 Ruck and some other goodies but, have a big garbage can for the items you won't take back and I don't want!
Well lostrover, such is life.  Imagine my surprise when I walked in and found out that I had 10 Rucksacks on my clothing docs, only one of which I had signed for.  Somewhere someone with fat fingers or something.........well, the Supply Tech understood.......what would a Crewman want 10 rucks for?
I hear you Mr Wallace, I still could have sworn I signed for that beer stein in Lahr years ago at the CCC.
Absolutely correct,
two days on leave and I've forgotten everything...

That's ok Buzz - I once knew a Sup Tech who, every time the phone rang, sang "Mary Had A Little Lamb", dropped to the floor and fell asleep.  He woke up every time thinking he was a trucker!!  Odd that he is a Major, now!!  ;D
George Wallace said:
....what would a Crewman want 10 rucks for?

For carrying his Bar-b-que, lawn chair, 5 gallon coffee cup, fleece pants, coveralls and both sleeping bags in, along with other pieces of mission essential kit.

Did I say carrying? I meant "tying to the back of the turret"  ;D
GO!!! said:
For carrying his Bar-b-que, lawn chair, 5 gallon coffee cup, fleece pants, coveralls and both sleeping bags in, along with other pieces of mission essential kit.

Did I say carrying? I meant "tying to the back of the turret"  ;D

The 'Cheap form of Add-on Armour'.  ;D
BinRat that is funny you should mention phonecalls, I can no longer answer the phone, Kitting Section Cpl Buzzcutx Sir when a female officer was on the other line, and very politely tore me a new one about how she was a Ma'am and not a Sir... this went on for about 10 minutes before I told her she had no entitlement for what she was looking for... you can't buy irony like that...
(from the RSMs office)
House of Lords, God speaking 8)
I used to have a rough go in the Supply House as a young Trooper........ I had a tough time understanding that these folks in Supply are swamped with a million different things to do and one more snotty little Trooper just wasn't on their wish list....... A couple years ago, sitting through the hellish long lineup of a Roto kitting, I started paying attention to the guys ahead of me (Which there were a great many) and how they handled themselves at the counter, and more importantly, how the SupTechs responded to them.  Well hallelujah, the light came on and since that day, I have NEVER had another problem in Clothing. 

My line is usually the same now, and it works for me; "Hi, how are you today?  Look, I understand you can only do what you can, but I would really appreciate it if you could (Insert what I need).  If you can't, that's allright, I'll try coming back another time"  This bit of politeness and understanding of their situation actually seems to make them want me to leave in the same mood that I approached them in the first place - happy.  9 times out of ten (The exception being they truly are out of what I need) they come back with the piece of kit I require and I make sure I thank them for their time and help.

A year and a half ago, our clothing stores was out of Corporal shank pins for the DEU's.  When I came into clothing stores for the fifth time in 3 weeks to check if new ones came in, they kept sending me packing because they were out of them.  Well, on that fifth day, the Corporal working the counter recognized me as coming in 5 times in three weeks and even though I kept getting turned away empty handed, I never lost it on them and always said "Thanks for your time regardless".  She took my name and number and lo and behold, the day they came in, I got a call from her saying they were in and came in and got a little handful of them.  Politeness and courtesy can go a long way with Supply Techs.

However somepeople you just can't reach.I'm almost overly polite,and usually never have problems at clothing.However there is always one guy on base that acts like the kit is his.

Gagetown I found are great,dealing with kids all day that don't understand they can't have two rucks.Even though they want it!

However theres DR.No.(most know of who I speak) ;)
I thought it was just our guys who called him that...until walking out of there one day,a group RCR guys were walking in."HAHA...My luck I'll get DR.No."One said.
I darn near died laughing.

One thing that BUGS me is when they ask me if I'm Reg or reserve.If I have to do AFV level 3,supply should have to do Cap Badge identification level 1 and for those trades with the same capbadge,level 2....identify by unit designation below the rank. ;D
2002ish Gagetown

It was November and cold.  I went to clothing stores to get a winter jacket - civi at counter told me I was not entitled.  I explained to him that it's cold outside and asked why I wouldn't be entitled to one.  No winter jacket recieved.

I went back to CFSME, and was telling a buddy I couldn't get a parka, my WO overheard, I explained what happened, he called clothing stores and sorted someone out.  Next day I had a parka.

Still Gagetown...
I had a kit list I needed for CAP, I made an appt., went in with my list, civi wouldn't give me anything.  I explained that I needed to show up on course with this stuff and showed him all my paperwork.  He wouldn't budge, he said the course would have appt's on the first week.

I showed up to CAP without that kit and got a red chit.

Interestingly enough,

CAP courses are blocked booked for mass kittings at clothing stores in Gagetown. Maybe they weren't in 2002. That was before my time there anyway so I can't say.

But I can say this with authority regarding Dr. No...

From Jan 04 until Jul 06...there was one, that's right, just one complaint received by his supervisor about him. Turned out Dr. No was right though, buddy wasn't entitled and didn't get what he wanted from this supervisor either. So if he's soooo bad, or wrong, what are you doing about it?

Probably the same thing as the tacvest mods running in another thread on this forum....everyone's complaining and I offered up the UCR for everyone....2, that's right, just 2 members have actually requested and decided to do something about it.

Guys, you want to bitch that's fine; just remember that unless you do something about a problem when you think you have one...it won't get fixed.
The Librarian said:
Guys, you want to ***** that's fine; just remember that unless you do something about a problem when you think you have one...it won't get fixed.

However it's more of a joke between ranks of Mcpl and Pte right now in Gagetown.Sgt seems to have 0% problem with Dr.No.

The funny thing is the response of you knowing who we are talking about.

I for one debate with him until someone else overhears,and I receive what I requested.
I have had appointments that I have required from the Sgt in charge there (pm inbound with name if required)where Dr.No argued I had no such appointment.

I don't bother to rock the boat there.As most people know me on a first name basis.He is rude plain and simple.And what kills him the most is pure politeness.


I take great satisfaction in that. ;D
I don't really have too much trouble with supply - I used to work customer service as a greasy civvy. Be polite, have a little understanding, be patient.

That said, I DO have a couple questions.. Why does the kit issued vary so much from base to base - why can't kit be ordered from another base? When I did SQ (BMQ-L) at gagetown they didn't have mukluk socks my size, or gauntlet gloves, or gortex socks. Other kit that wasn't handed out to anyone on the course included poly-pro underwear, ww boots, the green balaclava and gaiter, combat sock system and mortar gloves. I think we had a run in with Dr. No... he was ranting and raving that we brought in a lot of people to get kit!

At Borden, no issue of anything gortex or cadpat at all. The guys who just came in from basic last weekend are still wearing the combat coat. St. Jean takes back tuques and gloves (for some reason, aren't they not supposed to take back "next to skin kit"?) and Borden is out of that kit too... kinda chilly!

I asked a supply tech when I was exchanging deu boots if it was at all possible to get any of the newer kit and he said that what they had was for NCOs only.

However, Kingston, Petawawa, Meaford, etc seem to have plenty to go around.. why not order some in?

I'll stop right there and say that I have everything I NEED! I've had fairly good luck in getting what I need to survive. As a fresh private it's just a bit bewildering.
The short and simple answer to your question is....entitlements. For everything you've brought up below, the answer is in this forum somewhere.


I have an infantry husband, of course I know of whom you refer to as Dr No. Problem is, you guys don't want to make a formal complaint in writing or ask for the supervisor at the counter (and have her come out) then you are simply bitching, not doing anything to correct the situation.

You don't need to PM me her name, she used to work for me so I know her quite well thanks.
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