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Supply Tech Ettiquette

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It ain't just SUP TECH 911s (I don't know the MOSAID), it's right across the board, and always was.

In Lahr, one of my buddies asked one of his Troopers why the guy took a days leave every three months and took off in a three piece suit.  Turns out, that's how he got all of his administration done at BOR, Pay and so on.  He would show up polite and dressed to the nines, and by the time they realized he was a Trooper in the 8 CH(PL), they had already started to give him what he needed.

When the RSM found out his Troopers were considered second class citizens by those who held dear the motto "Service Second To None", he freaked.

I recall being a Sgt and escorting some of my soldiers to various places on various bases to make sure they were properly attended to.  Marching out of PMQs in Lahr being one of them. 

Difficult personalities are that way because it works for them.  The sooner they are forced to change, the better for them as well as us.  You can imagine the case of a power hungry desk jockey realizing on Day1 of a JNCO Crse that his/her section commander is an old disgruntled customer...

People don't change because they see the light - they change because they feel the heat.
Even if a Sgt came into the counter he was politely turned away if he wasn't entitled to the item. Can't say for any other clothing stores...I never worked at or supervised in them. Sup techs work by scales of entitlement. 911 = 00168-01 MOSID.

I do remember the good old days though of walking into pay offices, clothings etc where signs were posted..."Sgts and above ~this line~."

But it's been a really long time since I've seen that anywhere (since I was a Pte actually and that was quite a few years ago), most certainly not at clothing in Gagetown. The BComd even stood in line for half an hour waiting his turn one day.
(Perhaps out of my lane)

OK this thread, (interesting one it is for a future sup tech), has been going on for 83 replys, I love reading it. but it is a simple fact that The Librarian  has stated more then once.

In clothing store (which seemed to be the biggest problem), the techs at the counter live by a simple rule..: Scale of entitlement. Perhaps I'm Idealistic, perhaps my ignorance interfere with my vision. but why does people are cursing the clothing store people??

I do not see people mad against pay people, or against drivers or med tech. Every time I had to go trough clothing in Valcartier, I had great service, people answer correctly my questions. I was aware that I was not entitled to X  items so I did not even try to ask.

Why ??? that is my simple question.

When the Army isn't bitching; something is wrong.

As a Sup tech you'll get used to it. Do not take it personally and don't take buddies rant as personal. If you do, you'll go nuts.

If Sup Techs actually made the scales and decided who was entitled to what, everybody would get everything. Trust me on that. And that is probably THE number one reason why Sup Techs don't get to decide who's entitled to what!! Our job would be a million times easier and more enjoyable. Try to correct them by providing the proper info, and pointing them in the right direction to address their complaints. Sup techs can't fix their entitlements etc, but their own CoC can by submitting their reasoning as to why their trade/UIC etc should be entitled to an item in writing through to their MOC advisors & the scale OPI in NDHQ who will make the decision. It's actually a quite simple process.

We, as the Sup Techs, can't do it on their behalfs as we can not properly justify why trade X needs X item added to their entitlement. If their trade advisors and NDHQ agree, the scale will be amended and they will become entitled.

Things can be fixed indeed. But the action needs to be taken by them to correct the problem properly and officially, or else it will remain a problem and the troops will continue to bitch. Can't blame the troops for that, and they don't know who to blame other than the Supply Techs.

Maybe one day, they'll all clue in: Just as the RMS clerk doesn't decide what their pay scale is, neither do the Supply Techs decide what their clothing & equipment scale is. RMS clerks and Sup Techs just get to enforce those applicable scales on behalf on people whom get paid many more dollars than we do to make those decisions.

Funny thing is though, I don't recall a single thread on this site where the troops are bitching about the RMS trade because they asked for an extra 10 bucks on their pay they weren't entitled to and the RMS clerk dared say "no you're not entitled to that." Kind of funny how that works.

The point is: Don't just say no. Tell them why you have to say no and tell them how to get it fixed. IE provide them with the name of the scale OPI and tell them to have their CoC do the correspondance up as to why entitlement should exist for submission to the people who actually can do something about it.

this I understand,

what I do not understand....why other trades does understand that he is intitled to item A, B, D, but not C because of his trade. Is it so hard to understand???
The Librarian said:
The point is: Don't just say no. Tell them why you have to say no and tell them how to get it fixed. IE provide them with the name of the scale OPI and tell them to have their CoC do the correspondance up as to why entitlement should exist for submission to the people who actually can do something about it.

That's proably the best advice for any supply tech IMHO.I believe that's where the majority of issues lie.Normally I just ask for a chit saying why I'm not entitled and usually they are more than happy to give it to me.

"No your not getting it""NEXT" is not a proper response,and as I alluded to earlier there is always one that uses it.

Personally I couldn't do the job.Especially when cpl bloggins comes in and snaps.Stay professional?Think not.

Can't be a fun job working the "frontlines"at a base clothing stores,more so on a training base.
I think the source of my confusion is that if it were a simple case of "entitlement" then none of my comrades would have the gear, right? Until they were posted to a unit or corporals.. or whatever.. right?

But if you did your SQ at meaford you get all the kit I listed, plus gerbers, flashlights, etc, which means, surely, that I and others like me should be able to get it somehow... just not here? Do entitlements vary from base to base? I was under the impression they were service-wide.

And as far as people bitching about pay etc, I think that might be because it's generally considered rude (or embarassing) to talk about how much money you made or didn't make ;)

To the supply techs slaving away in every base everywhere -  :salute:  customer service sucks!
Kamaro said:
I don't really have too much trouble with supply - I used to work customer service as a greasy civvy. Be polite, have a little understanding, be patient.

That said, I DO have a couple questions.. Why does the kit issued vary so much from base to base - why can't kit be ordered from another base? When I did SQ (BMQ-L) at gagetown they didn't have mukluk socks my size, or gauntlet gloves, or gortex socks. Other kit that wasn't handed out to anyone on the course included poly-pro underwear, ww boots, the green balaclava and gaiter, combat sock system and mortar gloves.

I can answer as my students also have not recieved this kit.Gagetown just launched a tour out the door.All these things are "Op restricted".Meaning only people deploying will get it issued.
My students didnt have mucklucks or underwear for course.

Green balaclava?Are they issuing that again?Or do you mean the neck gator?Thats a TQ item IIRC.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
I can answer as my students also have not recieved this kit.Gagetown just launched a tour out the door.All these things are "Op restricted".Meaning only people deploying will get it issued.
My students didnt have mucklucks or underwear for course.

Green balaclava?Are they issuing that again?Or do you mean the neck gator?Thats a TQ item IIRC.

Green balaclava and neck gator are two different items. If you get one you will get the other. Check the clothe the soilder website.
Ahh seen.We got those items in 2002 from our TQ.Along with a black mask for AFV crews.
I also have a issued green balaclava,identical to the white.....except its green.
Also some items like IECS/ICE Gear have a qulification restriction IIRC. Some items can only be issued after said troop completes SQ for example. Vern can correct me if I'm wrong.

As for:
Kamaro said:
That said, I DO have a couple questions.. Why does the kit issued vary so much from base to base - why can't kit be ordered from another base?

Kit shouldn't vary base to base you have a certian scale of issue as Vern pointed out earlier therfore you should get all items on that list if stores has it.

As for ordering from other bases I think it boils down to what Supply Depot supports what Area Clothing Stores (Vern correct me if I'm wrong).
EX_RCAC_011 said:
Ahh seen.We got those items in 2002 from our TQ.Along with a black mask for AFV crews.
I also have a issued green balaclava,identical to the white.....except its green.

Actually the green one is quite different to the white one, see here.
Nfld Sapper said:
Actually the green one is quite different to the white one, see here.

No....As I said I have a issued green that is IDENTICAL to the white.I was issued that neck gator and cover at the TQ shop quite a few years ago.

LWT-issued from TQ

green/white balaclava from clothing.

White Wool Balaclava = Clothing Stores item
Green Wool Toque = Clothing Stores item (currently there is national shortages being experienced)

Green Fleece Neck Gaitor = Clothing Stores item
Green Fleece Balaclava = Clothing Stores item

Some Units who were part of the trials did receive theirs from TQ shops as part of the trials, but these items are now held and issued by Clothing Stores as they ar 'project implemented."

As for differing kit between bases. Yes. It happens. Here's why:

Gortex for example, fleece balaclavas & gaitors, to become entitled to these you must be phase IV qualified or QL3 qualified.

All that being said, entitlements are based upon, MOC, Unit, Course qualified etc, or any combination of those. You CAN NOT compare yourself to the guy standing next to the counter with you unless you have the exact same amount of TI, Course qualifications, posted to the same Unit, and employed in the exact same position within that Unit. All of these factors affect your scale of entitlement.

As for differing bases having differing kit. Yes. Here's how it goes. Your Unit is entitled to wear OG Gortex (IECS), so is the Unit up the road 100km. They have it, why can't you? Because, even though entitled to wear it, it is distributed on a priority basis by center. Someone has decided that that Unit needs to be fully kitted before yours. And quite possible there may be 30 other Units in Canada who are ahead of you on the priority list, so until your particular UIC comes up, Ottawa will not authorize it being shipped to you.

Hence why some units have ICE gear and others have IECS gear right Vern?
Yes. PEI ResF Units are now converted to ICE; and the sizing list call just went out in Feb for the remainder of LFAA ResF Units awaiting conversion from IECS.
The Librarian said:
Yes. PEI ResF Units are now converted to ICE; and the sizing list call just went out in Feb for the remainder of LFAA ResF Units awaiting conversion from IECS.

I know I submitted the request for my Troop early in Feb. Wonder if I will have it before I leave for PLQ....
Piper.... if you are geting shoddy service, then it's time to have a chat with the supervisor. Yours or theirs...

We have good infanteers & bad infanteers, Good sappers & bad sappers.
They have good supply techs (+1 Vern) and not so good ones......

Never pass a wrong!
geo said:
Piper.... if you are geting shoddy service, then it's time to have a chat with the supervisor. Yours or theirs...

We have good infanteers & bad infanteers, Good sappers & bad sappers.
They have good supply techs (+1 Vern) and not so good ones......

Never pass a wrong!

They have good supply techs (+1000 Vern)
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