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Supply Tech Ettiquette

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ArmyVern said:
Oh, and I also let him know that we don't have the cadpat raingear on this base yet  ::) -- and won't for another 12-18 months (as of last week's updated forecast).

What no cadpat rain gear in Gagetown for 12 -18 mounths  :o

Guess I will have to get a set in KAF when I get there during the winter
NL_engineer said:
What no cadpat rain gear in Gagetown for 12 -18 mounths  :o

Guess I will have to get a set in KAF when I get there during the winter

You'll get yours as part of the TF kitting at the mounting base ... no worries. Goof.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
You'll get yours as part of the TF kitting at the mounting base ... no worries. Goof.  ;)

Which I don't think would be here, maybe Valcatraz?
To all Concerned,

I am a supply tech with time on both sides of the counter. I have to speak only on the reservist side. No our doc's are not on line, but with that side there isn't anything stating you can not go to the clothing section and request your doc's. As a sup tech I personally apologize for those people who don't think of that other soldier on the otherside of the counter and why they specifically required that piece of clothing or equipment. At the sametime some manners and patients go along way. Unfortunately like everyone else our trade can come with some red tape, for example the operational equipment is priority to operational personnel, there is a scale of issue that states what each member trade specific is entitled to and lastly (frustrating to us too) sometimes were out of stock. I can say that stocktaking is a timely and crazy situation. There's stuff to consider that unless your a sup tech seems strange. We are strict about accounting for each individual piece of kit cause that is our job and there for our bums on the line. Things have serial numbers, NATO stock numbers and there is a lot of things to count piece by piece. An infantry soldier, armd crewman or any other cbt arms person has their duties and responsibilities as do we and we have to put up with everyone of you that comes to our counter, many time with the same questions we can only grin an bare so many attitudes then our grins be come grumbles. So be kind to your supply pers and they will do their best to help you out. (more out is lest to count)
Hmmm... I wonder if that couldn't have been worded a little bit better? First, reservist's clothing docs are online - if you have a service number (and in a lot of cases a PRI) you have an IA. These are generally established where you get your initial issue) I realize you are young - you profile says you are a 10 year Pte - curious. We don't "put up" with ANYONE coming to the counter for service - we are happy to help - even if that means we are unable to help at that time and no matter how bad of a day the customer might be having, no matter what trade that individual may be. It all in HOW you tell the customer. I appreciate your input here though - you have made some very valid points, you just need to work on your delivery!! Call me, PM me or email me if you would like any help with anything.

PS - it's Stock code, not NATO number anymore!!
BinRat55 said:
Hmmm... I wonder if that couldn't have been worded a little bit better? First, reservist's clothing docs are online - if you have a service number (and in a lot of cases a PRI) you have an IA.

Uhmmm, no. All ResF Units Sup techs were SUPPOSED to have all their members built into the Mims and all the docs converted to electronic docs NLT 01 Apr 2005.

The ResF member below isn't the only ResF Unit that has yet to comply with that directive. How they manage not to get picked up for this long-overdue compliance with policy by their Bgde HQs when SAVs are conducted is beyond me -it is a SAV point. It's an order that's 4 years old already.  ::)

Why, just last fall while in Nfld converting ResF pers to the new rucks - we ran into the exact same thing. That, long after the message to comply circa 05, and after having been sent the fielding plan for the conversion which clearly stated that docs MUST be electronic for the conversion to occur. Guess what my staff were surprised with upon arrival? Guess what they got to fix/do for the sup techs at those Units before we could look after their troops?

I get ResF personnel coming here on course ALL the time who come int to exchange something ... and we have to build them into the system because their ResF Unit Suppies have failed to do so. Quite frankly, it's common and is downright irritating - I do so wish they'd just dooooooo their jobs already. You know - what with lateral transfers / retention of rank ... and all that jazz ... and having to take the RegF course now too - I just can't see any excuse for them not to be doing so.

AARs are so much fun.
ArmyVern said:
Uhmmm, no. All ResF Units Sup techs were SUPPOSED to have all their members built into the Mims and all the docs converted to electronic docs NLT 01 Apr 2005.

The ResF member below isn't the only ResF Unit that has yet to comply with that directive. How they manage not to get picked up for this long-overdue compliance with policy by their Bgde HQs when SAVs are conducted is beyond me -it is a SAV point. It's an order that's 4 years old already.  ::)

Why, just last fall while in Nfld converting ResF pers to the new rucks - we ran into the exact same thing. That, long after the message to comply circa 05, and after having been sent the fielding plan for the conversion which clearly stated that docs MUST be electronic for the conversion to occur. Guess what my staff were surprised with upon arrival? Guess what they got to fix/do for the sup techs at those Units before we could look after their troops?

I get ResF personnel coming here on course ALL the time who come int to exchange something ... and we have to build them into the system because their ResF Unit Suppies have failed to do so. Quite frankly, it's common and is downright irritating - I do so wish they'd just dooooooo their jobs already. You know - what with lateral transfers / retention of rank ... and all that jazz ... and having to take the RegF course now too - I just can't see any excuse for them not to be doing so.

AARs are so much fun.

YOU were in NFLD and you NEVER called? I'm hurt. Or maybe that was a good thing? Either way, we'll go out back next week and take our ranks down - i'll insult you and you can chase me across the parking lot with your pace stick!!
ArmyVern said:
Why, just last fall while in Nfld converting ResF pers to the new rucks - we ran into the exact same thing. That, long after the message to comply circa 05, and after having been sent the fielding plan for the conversion which clearly stated that docs MUST be electronic for the conversion to occur. Guess what my staff were surprised with upon arrival? Guess what they got to fix/do for the sup techs at those Units before we could look after their troops?.

So that explains why when I went to exchange my helmet before tour, I got a puzzled look from the supply tech who informed me that my initial issue was only in Nov 08 ::), when it was actually in 02.
I have always found that a smile and the words, "please" and "thank you" go a long way at Clothing Stores (and the Orderly Room, and the MIR and the Pay Office and just about anyplace else you can think of).  I have also found that when I have needed something that is not on my scale of issue, the approach of "I need this piece of kit.  What do I need to do to get it" works wonders. 

My best example was on a recent deployment when I asked for a shoulder holster.  Normally, only aircrew and armour get the one I was asking for.  The MS asked for an e-mail, which I sent, explaining that I would be driving a small vehicle with a manual transmission on my deployment and that because of the way I am built (being on the largish side) a normal thigh mounted holster (ie the one they were going to give me) would interfere with the gear shift.  This assertion was based on experience from a previous mission.  The MCpl forwarded this on to the item manager, who authorized the issue and I got it the next week.  There was no fighting, pouting or stomping of feet.  In short, everyone was professional and reasonable and the needs of the customer were met.

After all was said and done, I also took the time to send a note to the MS's supervisor, complimenting her on a job well done.  It should be noted that it was the MS who took the initiative to drive this.  I think she's a PO2 now...

As Rufus said to Bill and Ted, "Be excellent, to everybody."
ammotecimus prime said:
Why cant I claim my money back for kit you wont/cant provide? I mean really?

If we "won't" issue it to you, it's because you're not entitled.

If we "can't" issue it to you, it's because we have no stock, or we don't have your specific size etc.

We also have NO authority to grant you authorization to purchase any item that is DND-stocked (even if it's out of stock) if there is some in the system that are either:

a) due in to us; or

b) stocked somewhere in Canada which can be ordered for you (or for stock then further issuing as the case may be).

We do not CHOOSE what and WHEN or even IF we will issue you anything. Period.

If they told you they didn't have any, they didn't. If the RMS clerks had them the next day - and you didn't - it's because:

1) You never noticed that RMS clerks or the Os had them prior to that because it wasn't a big point for you until you couldn't get one because there was no stock left; OR

2) The RMS clerks and the Os that had them, got them issued (BECAUSE they were entitled to them) prior to your own visit to supply in-theatre (perhaps even right before your visit on the very same day) BEFORE they ran out of stock.

I'll guarantee you right now that the suppy working the counter didn't say to himself "here comes asshole now looking for a holster - I'll tell him I haven't got any and then I'll call all the RMS and Os in to get issued them afterwards just to piss him off".

PS: If you needed one that bad to enable you to do your job (ie it was an essential job requirement) ... how come the RMS clerks made it into Supply before you looking for them? Seems to me that we've got bulk rotos occuring. Why'd you wait? Normally, individual sections ensure that they leave time for their newly arrived members to go get essential kit immediately upon arrival into theatre. What happened with you?

Bad etiquette is attempting to insinuate that you were purposefully fucked around by a trade ON PURPOSE ... which seems to be a recurring theme with most of the recent posts (now deleted) by Ammo techs on this thread (now that their own thread has disappeared into the wild blue yonder). Are you guys having fun yet?  ::)

And, I'll now adress another post which was deleted (but is still visible via a mod quote of it):

The insinuation that a Sup tech went into a member's Logistik-Unicorp account and fucked around with his points is not only laughable - it's an outright lie that that member has chosen to post onto apublic website. It's one that I certainly don't appreciate. Remember: Conduct on & off duty - that's in the QR&Os. It's not professional and it sure as hell is quite the bald-faced lie of a claim (statement) to be making in public in writing when NO Sup tech (nope, not a single one) has the capability to access Logistik-Unicorp to move anyone's points one way or another. Logisitk-Unicorp is a civilian contractor that supplies the CF (among other govt depts) with items - we can't access their computer system.

As well, you, nor anyone else, can claim the costs of buying kit for yourself personnally if you do not have "prior written consent/authority" to do so. We Sup techs didn't make up that rule, nor did the RMS clerks who wouldn't action your claim ... that's called "TB regulations (note: "TB" - not Supply, not RMS, not LF, not CF, not even DND. TB - simple as that). That's also why one has to go to clothing stores prior to going out and obtaining themselves some LPOd footwear; you just go buy 'em without having proper authority to do so and then bring me a receipt ... you're on your own for costs associated with such.

You may be frustrated by the rules (as are most Sup Techs most of the time), but we don't make them.

This has bugger all to do with entitlements, but more to do with Sup Tech Ettiquette.

I went to Base Clothing here in Gagetown yesterday.  There were a mess of 2 RCR soldiers over getting kit for PODIUM.  They asked for this and that, as they were told by their respective CSMs to get this and that.  I overheard the Sup Tech tell them that they needed a list so that they could issue it.  They told the troops who should receive the email and then they could get the stuff ready for them. Very helpful for them, one and all.  Then I got my annual issue of socks and undies, which I didn't know was annual: the Sup Techs told me.

Technoviking said:
This has bugger all to do with entitlements, but more to do with Sup Tech Ettiquette.

I went to Base Clothing here in Gagetown yesterday.  There were a mess of 2 RCR soldiers over getting kit for PODIUM.  They asked for this and that, as they were told by their respective CSMs to get this and that.  I overheard the Sup Tech tell them that they needed a list so that they could issue it.  They told the troops who should receive the email and then they could get the stuff ready for them. Very helpful for them, one and all.  Then I got my annual issue of socks and undies, which I didn't know was annual: the Sup Techs told me.


The new Sgt in there these days is great ain't she?  >:D

Don't you read your message traffic? Socks, T-shirts, boxers (X 5 each type) and zippy-shirts and long underwear (X 2 each) are exachangeable every year and have been since 2005. I've posted that on this site numerous times. Start reading!!  ;D
ArmyVern said:
The new Sgt in there these days is great ain't she?  >:D

Don't you read your message traffic? Socks, T-shirts, boxers (X 5 each type) and zippy-shirts and long underwear (X 2 each) are exachangeable every year and have been since 2005. I've posted that on this site numerous times. Start reading!!  ;D
Well, they didn't ask for the old stuff back, so...

But yes, I will have to read your posts with more interest.  And no, it's not lurking!  >:D
Technoviking said:
Well, they didn't ask for the old stuff back, so...

But yes, I will have to read your posts with more interest.  And no, it's not lurking!  >:D

Whether or not the old stuff has to come back (or not) is at the discretion of the local SupO ...

Why the hell would I want to handle your old & used 'undies' and throw them into the trash for you? You are quite capable of doing that yourself in the comfort of your own home. 'm very glad that the SupO there was of the same opinion as me on that matter when this 'exchangeability' came into affect and I was the Sgt in clothing stores.

Uggghhh, I can't imagine what the day had been like had we had to handle 500 pairs of used underwear every day.  :-X
ammotecimus prime said:
On my last tour I was issued a pistol but no holster.  I was simply told there were none left in the system.  To my surprise the next morning all the clerks and officers had them issued somehow. Funny eh?
I was really upset by this considering I needed to venture outside the safety of the camp once in a while.  I was told I would have to buy my own holster.  Absolute BS IMO

I paid for a shiney new holster at the boardwalk and promptly marched myself to the OR with the reciept so I could claim my money.  After all, I had to pay for a piece of essential equipment that the supply system could not provide.

So In the end I ended up with a nastygram from the supply techs for trying to claim my holster after they snubbed me off and told me I couldnt have one. Talk about ettiquette. Are we really hard off that we must start paying for own equipment?  In the end I was told that I could not claim the money either.  Not entitled they said!
Maybe there is a supply tech here that can give me an honest reply on this.  Why cant I claim my money back for kit you wont/cant provide? I mean really?

Good Supply Etiquette would be walking in without attitude. We may not have what you are looking for in stock, we try to get pers the gear they need, but sometimes we just don't have it. When we don't have it, and they suggest it might be a good idea to buy one for yourself (if you need it that bad), then a simple "Ok, I guess I have to suck it up" would be in order. I mean, it's not like you aren't making money over there, surely you won't go into bankruptsy over the purchase of a holster. I know it sucks, but that's life.

When working in clothing stores I had an officer come in looking for the boot paste for the GP boots. Unfortunately I didn't have any at the time. He lost it, said "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do now, I'm entitled to boot paste, and I should get some!" I informed him that we had been out of it for about a week, and that they sell it for something like $3.50 at CANEX, maybe you might want to buy some yourself, I'm sure you can afford it.

To make an end to my point, there is only so much we supply techs can do, we try hard to get the gear that is needed for you to do your job. If we can't, chances are, it's not our fault (not to say it's never our fault, we are human after all), but we are limited by the supply system, and the fact that it doesn't have everything that we need always available "Right now!!!" If you piss off too many supply techs we will start to notice, and then we will start to reciprocate the feelings. Remember, we are all fighting the same war, not each other.
Chapeski said:
When working in clothing stores I had an officer come in looking for the boot paste for the GP boots. Unfortunately I didn't have any at the time. He lost it, said "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do now, I'm entitled to boot paste, and I should get some!" I informed him that we had been out of it for about a week, and that they sell it for something like $3.50 at CANEX, maybe you might want to buy some yourself, I'm sure you can afford it.

Here at CFS St. John's we don't have a CANEX so Boot Paste is only avail through the units QM's.....

His attitude would have gone over well here.....

Chapeski said:
Good Supply Etiquette would be walking in without attitude. We may not have what you are looking for in stock, we try to get pers the gear they need, but sometimes we just don't have it. When we don't have it, and they suggest it might be a good idea to buy one for yourself (if you need it that bad), then a simple "Ok, I guess I have to suck it up" would be in order. I mean, it's not like you aren't making money over there, surely you won't go into bankruptsy over the purchase of a holster. I know it sucks, but that's life.

That may be life, but IF the sup tech had authority to purchase a holster for him --- they would have; but, they don't.

When working in clothing stores I had an officer come in looking for the boot paste for the GP boots. Unfortunately I didn't have any at the time. He lost it, said "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do now, I'm entitled to boot paste, and I should get some!" I informed him that we had been out of it for about a week, and that they sell it for something like $3.50 at CANEX, maybe you might want to buy some yourself, I'm sure you can afford it.

Acceptable remark - until the bit I struck out; had you said anything like that to anyone while working for me and I was made aware of it ... it wouldn't be the customer feeling badly when he left the building. You'd also have been pulling a whole lot of extras. Just because the customer "blames" you, does not an entitlement make to be rude back. Take the higher ground.

To make an end to my point, there is only so much we supply techs can do, we try hard to get the gear that is needed for you to do your job. If we can't, chances are, it's not our fault (not to say it's never our fault, we are human after all), but we are limited by the supply system, and the fact that it doesn't have everything that we need always available "Right now!!!" If you piss off too many supply techs we will start to notice, and then we will start to reciprocate the feelings. Remember, we are all fighting the same war, not each other.

Would you ever deliberately NOT issue or order something for someone that they were entitled to because of their attitude? If so, you're in the wrong trade. Please clarify your statement wrt that comment.
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