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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Good day all,

I will be continuing the Soldier On/Sans Limites presentation tour next week at the below locations:

Trenton Jan 17th 1000 Astra Lounge

Kingston Jan 17th  1400 Base Chapel Bldg R22

Petawawa Jan 21st  0900  2 RCHA Theatre Bldg P115

Andrew  :salute: :cdn:
Hi all check out this TSN profile of our very own Cpl Dominic Larocque.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Here is a look at our new Soldier On/Sans Limites Banner.

We feel this better represents what Soldier On does in support of active and retired CF personnel.

Operational injuries, Training injuries, Illnesses and all others that are not visually seen. Each individual circumstance is unique and Soldier On/Sans Limites attempts to support the individual in achieving their own level of functional independence through active participation in recreation, physical and sport activities. These activities are proven to improve qaulity of life for anyone and are extremely important for those who have suffered a serious illness or injury that has left some kind of permanent or chronic condition/adaptability.

Thank you again to all who continue to support. Without the initiatives and leadership from all who support our program and all other resources/programs for our ill and injured we would not be as successful as we are. :cdnsalute:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Hi everyone, here is a link to a radio interview with retired MS Eric Payne from PEI. He lost his leg in a motorcycle accident and still continues an active lifestyle through participation, volunteering and organizing.

CBC Podcast

Andrew  :salute: :cdn:
Good day all,

Here is a link to an Army News article on Cpl Nicky Le Bouthillier, great work. :salute:


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all,

Below is a quick overview of some of the events that have started or are coming up in the next few months. The events below are coordinated through each Regional Adaptive Fitness Specialists along with provincial and national organizations who support adaptive/alternative sporting activities. OSI/PTSD support through our program is picking up so that is a great sign.

1. Yoga for OSI's  ST JOHN's  8 week program starting 19 Jan ending 9 March 2011

2. Hockey Ampute  VALCARTIER 3-day skills clinic with Team Canada Ampute Hockey Team 21-23 Jan 2011

3. Yoga for OSI's HALIFAX 8 week program starting 21 Jan ending 11 March 2011

4. Owl's Head Ski Fest Quebec 23-27 Jan 2011

5. Wheelchair Rugby SHILO Presentation/Demo ( Fun game to be play with CF personnel) 1 Feb 2011

6. Sledge Hockey SHILO workshop  1 Feb 2011

7. Veterans Learn to Ski Week Mt Washington British Columbia  6-12 Feb 2011

8. Learn to Ski at Calabogie Peaks 13-17 Feb 2011

9. Sitting Volleyball Men's and Woman's National Team PETAWAWA 24-27 Feb 2011

10. Yoga Introduction EDMONTON/CALGARY 11 March 2011

Thanks again for your continued support

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone,

I am posting a link regarding someone I know and was with the day of their accident back in 2003. I was in Victoria BC for a week to get my freefall qual and Rod Mack was one of the instructors employed at the civilian DZ we were learning at. On the day of his accident, and on that particular jump I was his student and witnessed the accident while under canopy. Sgt Shawn Harrison (SAR TECH) and I were able to stabilize him with limited equipment until the ALS paramedics arrived about 20 mins later.

Rod Mack is someone who lives life to the fullest and on that day was supporting CF Search and Rescue Techs in achieving the best possible skill level in pursuit of our motto "That Others May Live".

He has worked hard at his recovery/rehab and transition and today continues to be a unique spirit....

"Life deserves our toughest efforts"


Andrew  :salute: :cdn:
Good day all,

Here is great article written by Pte Jennifer Suitor CFB Edmonton regarding the Soldier On/Sans Limites Strong Contender Sledge Hockey Game. Pictures are from the game.

Soldiering On with Strong Contender

By Pte Jennifer Suitor

Strong Contender’s Sledge Hockey exhibition game saw the Soldier On sledge hockey team taking on the 1 Service Battalion’s team in an energetic and rowdy battle, ending in a 1 all tie. Service Battalion took an early lead in the first period with a goal scored by CFN Samuel Page. Soldier On retaliated in the second with Padre Steven Defer evening out the goal count. There were limited penalties called through out the game, t-boning led to three players being sent to the penalty box.

This game was the second for the Soldier On team, managed by the Soldier On OPI for Alberta and northern Canada, Sébastien Périgny-Lajoie. “Sports like sledge hockey benefit the ill and injured [soldier’s] … mostly with upper body strength and endurance, as well as core training and balance training,” explained Périgny-Lajoie. Sledge hockey and other para-sports also provide a venue that allows the ill and injured soldiers to participate in an activity with other soldiers on an equal playing field.

Sgt Jim Ryan is an injured soldier and staff member posted to IPSC Edmonton. Playing sledge hockey with the Soldier On team allows him “to get physically involved, get out there and do some physical activity and, it looked like it would be a lot of fun try something new,” he commented. Cpl Kevin Roy of the Service Battalion team chose to volunteer because he “wanted to know how it would feel to play hockey on a sledge as opposed to skates.” Opportunities like this exhibition game provide an environment for able-bodied soldiers from other units to try a new sport that they may not normally have the opportunity for. Capt Steve Lowery, JPSU platoon commander, is hoping that next year Sledge hockey will become a fully accredited sport within the Strong Contender competition, rather than an exhibition game.

For Sgt Ryan, the highlight of the game was not a physical aspect, “it’s team spirit, team camaraderie and that’s what the military is all about, it’s nice to have that in your life again.”

This article captures alot of what it is we try to do with Soldier On/Sans Limites events and activities, active participation by not only the ill and injured but everyone who supports them. Positive outcomes to those who dare. "OSONS"

Photo's are by Cpl Carol Beggs

Great work to all who contributed to making this happen.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all,

The GG visited Owls Head and was introduced to adaptive snow sports and some of the Soldier On participants from the Quebec region.

There will be more pics posted later but here is the lastest from the GG webpage:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
IRONMAN3 said:
Good day all,

The GG visited Owls Head and was introduced to adaptive snow sports and some of the Soldier On participants from the Quebec region.

There will be more pics posted later but here is the lastest from the GG webpage:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:

Furthur to this post here are a couple of links to French and English articles.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day again everyone,

I just received an email from Cpl Chris Klodt (PPCLI) who wanted to let us know that he just received a letter from the Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association inviting him to Winnipeg March 7-9 for a development camp with National caliber wheelchair rugby players and coaches. This is another wheel in the direction of making the National Team for Chris and regardless of the outcome he inspires us all to live life on our own terms each and every day.

Congrats Chris you are a Canadian champion already. :salute: :cdn:

Check out the CWSA webpage, it has a great look I think-intense!

Hi everyone, here is a link a got through Tracy Kerr. YouTube news storey on Cpl Bill Kerr's new home opening...


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone,

This is short notice but I received this via the father of an injured CF member. Operation Muskie is for both American and Canadian military personnel.
Check out the link and who knows someone might be interested in participating. All the info you need is there..


Andrew :salute: :cdn:

BFC/USS Valcartier (QC) — Le Canadian Amputee Hockey Committee procure des conseils aux soldats blessés.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all, next week I will be in the Prairie and Alberta region giving Soldier On/Sans Limites Presentations. Below are the dates/times and locations, come out if you can.

Shilo 14 Feb Base Theatre 1000-1200
Winnipeg 15 Feb Bldg 90 Theatre 1000-1130
Edmonton 16 Feb LTF Theatre is booked from 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
Wainwright 17 Feb CMTC Theatre is booked from 0930 - 1100 hrs 
Calgary 18 Feb Military Museum 1000-1130 hrs 4520 Crowchild Tr SW Calgary

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all, here is a link to the Comox Valley Record and a storey on the ski event this week on Mt Washington, thanks to continued donations Soldier On/Sans Limites continues to support our ill and injured across Canada. CNN is also doing a news storey so I will keep an eye on for it.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Second article from Comox Valley, some quotes from the Australian military participants.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all, I am posting an article on an Army Cadet Tylor Preston (13yrs old) who recently suffered from a blood illness that resulted in him losing both his legs below the knees. He is rehabing and recovering with his family here in Ottawa and has had visits from the CDS/CLS/CFCWO and the Army CWO. MCpl Jody Mitic as also visited Tylor a few times. He is a very active boy and Jody is a great example for him to know what can be done.


Picture, Army Cadet Tylor Preston and MCpl Jody Mitic

Andrew :salute: :cdn: