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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Good day everyone, I am posting links to Soldier On/Sans Limites videos that I used during the recent cross country presentation tour. Both english and french links are below.

Sans Limites:

Soldier On:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
I was wondering if you  would let a former soldier join you  for one leg of the trip, i am willing to make a donation to the cause and I have always wanted to paddle the canal but cannot get enough time off from the company  I work for.
If so let me know off board and I will see what I can arrange.
I have 2 day  trippers and been paddling for a number of years, I like adventures and this would be a good one
Former Horse Guard
Why don't you email me at  marc.belanger@xplornet.com  and we can discuss further.
Good day all, here is a link to Radio Canada french storey on Cpl Dominic Larocque. Remember this guy has only been playing the game of sledge hockey for about a year. He has made the Canadian National Team and Sans Limites was able to introduce him and provide him with his sled and training time.
Not everyone wants to be a top athlete and Soldier On focuses on active for life but some will excel and go on to represent Canada in national and internation sports.


Heart felt thank you to all who continue to support Sans Limites/Soldier On

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone, posting a link to a YTube video regarding the 2012 Heroes Hockey Challenge. I am sure a few of you will recognize some of the guys in this video.


Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day everyone, Cpl Dominic Larocque is now a World Champion after this weekends Team Canada defeat of Norway at the World Sledge Hockey Championships. Congrats to Team Canada and Cpl Larocque...Serving Canada in more ways then one.

Heart felt thankyou to all who continue to support Sans Limites/Soldier On


picture: taken during 2010 Paralympic Games in Vancouver/Whistler. Cpl Larocque, MCpl Cyr and the Prime Minister watching Team Canada Sledge hockey team. He is now on the ice and we are watching him.... :PT:

Andrew :cdn: :salute:
Calabogie Peaks Ride the Valley for Soldier On is on April 30th. Here is the link for more information.


Earlier this year Calabogie Peaks hosted ill and injured CF personnel to introduce them to adaptive skiing/snowboarding.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day all, this upcoming wknd is the big UFC 129 in Toronto with JSP at the top of the fight card. Operation Never Quit has been working hard the past couple months to get a few CF personnel both active and retired to the fights. The link provided gives you the info and the profiles of the group that is meeting up in Toronto for 3 days for UFC VIP treatment. Jody Mitic and friends have been working hard at this.


Great work guys... :salute:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
IRONMAN3 said:
Good day all, this upcoming wknd is the big UFC 129 in Toronto with GSP ...

Andrew, you must have been typing with your franco voice there.  Either that or you don't follow MMA at all.  For shame.  :tsktsk:  ;D
Not an official Soldier On event, however the JRs Mess in Kingston will be hosting the UFC 129 fight for free for members (If you're not a member, find one to sign you in). There will be a 50/50 draw and a raffle for some UFC Swag (shirts, hat and DVDs) and all of the proceeds will go to Soldier On.

If you're in the Kingston area, feel free to drop in!
HI Puckchaser thanks for letting us know... We just bumped into LGen Leslie at the Royal York, he took some time to chat with the group.

Strike you are right I do not follow UFC to much and was tired when typing that out but oh well... LOL

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Just to let everyone know, our UFC night was a great success. We raised $250 for Soldier On.

JRs in CFB Kingston is also hosting a Comedy Night in support of Soldier On as well, details in the Facebook link below. It has been approved as an All Ranks event, so please come on down and watch some great comedians and help a truly worthy cause!!

Good day everyone, check this Army News article out regarding a new training system to support our ill and injured.


Also this wknd is the 3rd Operation K2K here is the link, if you are in the area head out and enjoy the excitment and energy. This event has raised $120,000 the past two years for both Soldier On and Providence Care Hospital Rehabilitation program. :piper:


And here is a link to a story on Cadet Sapper Tyler Preston go to page 30 for the first page: http://www.xperience.gc.ca/publications/31may2011-eng/XPV1_Issue2_lo-res-eng.pdf

Group photo is from the recent CF Texas trip to the Centre for the Intrepid at Brooks Army Medical Facility

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Hi again, watch Global National News Thursday June 2 for a feature story on MCpl Mike Trauner and his fiancee Leah Cuffe.

Andrew :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all, this wknd in Valcartier they will be holding the first Vacartier to Kandahar Spin-O-Thon. This is being run as a sister event to the Kingston to Kandahar. Both events will be high energy so if you are in the areas and have time go out and cheer the teams on. They are splitting the founds with the Quebec Adaptive Sports Foundation.

All the best to the organizers and all the teams and supports....

Facebook page:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:

Good day all,

Here are two Global National News stories.

Cpl Lobb's interview:

MCpl Trauner and his fiancee Leah Cuffe:

Andrew :salute: :cdn:

Last week I was offered the opportunity to deploy in early July until early Dec of this year and I accepted. I will not be posting links or pics on here to often for the next few months and will decide apon my return if I continue to post on this blog.

I can tell you that when I return from deployment I will be planning my second career and releasing from the CF next spring. I am going back to school to start a Disability and Community Support Degree where I will have the opportunity to progress in my field of passion. Masters and PhD is also a potential down the road but I will start with the degree program first and not look to far ahead... LOL

Soldier On/Sans Limites would not have been as successful as it is today without the support of all of you. There are way to many positive experiences over the past 5 years to name just one (scroll through this blog and you will see many) but the 2010 Paralympic Games in Vancouver/Whistler would have to be my most memorable and proudest moment as a CF member and as Canadian, as for individual experiences it can only be said that each and every participant who displayed courage in trying something new was a highlight each and every time I saw it. I can also tell you that from my perspective life changing events are not easy on the men and woman and their families, I know that SO/SL is one program available to them that can have a positive effect on their transition and new lives.

Not many people get the chance to create a program let alone create a job in that program and I am truly honoured to have been given that chance.

The Canadian Forces is filled with initiative throughout the ranks and we can all "Be The Difference" :yellow:

Duty With Honour
WO Andrew McLean :salute: :cdn:
From the GG's latest list of MSMs just out....
Sergeant Charles Andrew McLean, M.M.M., M.S.M., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (Military Division)

Since 2007, Sergeant McLean's dedication to Soldier On, a program which he co-founded, has ensured the continued success of this initiative to optimize the functional independence of Canadian Forces members or former members who have become ill or who have been injured. His passion and commitment have provided opportunities for these individuals to reach beyond their physical limitations and find a better quality of life on their road to recovery and reintegration. Over the years, he has successfully promoted and created awareness of the needs of injured and ill Canadian Forces members and their families, as well as the programs available to them.
Congrats  :salute:

Whoever wrote this needs to do some research on the person they are writing about.  The truth is a lot different than what he claims.