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Snow Shoes


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Hey, just wondering if anyone could tell me how I am supposed to put my bindings onto the snowshoes...  Mine came separate so I am left wondering how to lace them properly...  Pictures would help to!
You know you coud always take them with you to your unit on parade night and get one of your peers in your section to help...or maybe your friendly Section 2IC or Section Commander.
well... given as you are new and will be receiving winter Indoc training at some time in the near future, why don't you put things asside for now and wait for your NCOs to show you the proper method?

Yea we have a winter ex starting tonight, just thought I would ask on here and see if there are maybe multiple methods of doing it.  Or is there is only one proper way to do it.  Thanks guys.
Foofighter said:
Yea we have a winter ex starting tonight, just thought I would ask on here and see if there are maybe multiple methods of doing it.  Or is there is only one proper way to do it.  Thanks guys.

Kinda left it a little too late didn't you.  Yes there are many ways to attach the bindings, but only one or two that are correct and functionable.  Guess you will find out in a few hours when you go in for your Winter Indoc.
Are they like the picture above or the newer model?  P.S.  If you have the old model don't trade them in if you can.  Hell I don't even know if they're still issuing the new ones.
You mean they have / had new ones?
Mine are about 30 yrs old.... still work like a charm though frayed in some places
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Are they like the picture above or the newer model?  P.S.  If you have the old model don't trade them in if you can.  Hell I don't even know if they're still issuing the new ones.

They bought new ones, started to issue them, then discovered that while a bear paw is much more manouverable then a beavertail, it won't hold up a fully kitted troop, or so the story goes.
well... given as you are new and will be receiving winter Indoc training at some time in the near future, why don't you put things asside for now and wait for your NCOs to show you the proper method?


You have to crawl before you walk.

There are a two ways to do things, everybody elses way and the "right way". Listen to your instructors and they will show you the right way. Believe me when it comes to snowshoes and using them there is only one way, you guessed it...
geo said:
You mean they have / had new ones?
Mine are about 30 yrs old.... still work like a charm though frayed in some places

You must have missed that message from about 3 years ago which directed all pers to turn in their old style snowshoes as there is no more individual entitlement to hold them on charge?  >:(

Run a search -- it's here somewhere!!

ArmyVern said:
You must have missed that message from about 3 years ago which directed all pers to turn in their old style snowshoes as there is no more individual entitlement to hold them on charge?  >:(

Run a search -- it's here somewhere!!

- Yup, after 28 years, they took back my snowshoes.  No more snowshoe soccer PT to warm up those snowshoieng muscles for Winter Indoc.  The defence of western civilization needs those things in the depot, not in the hands of young soldiers who need to learn how to walk in them.
TCBF said:
- Yup, after 28 years, they took back my snowshoes.  No more snowshoe soccer PT to warm up those snowshoieng muscles for Winter Indoc.  The defence of western civilization needs those things in the depot, not in the hands of young soldiers who need to learn how to walk in them.

They didn't go back to depots though. They are now held as contingency loan pool stock in the MSA accounts on the base; available en masse (like pugil sticks -- that never seem to be requested these days ...) for exactly the things you outline above.

First line field Units have been issued the new type onto their CFFET's for issue to individuals within their Units.

Perhaps maybe -- someone is just keeping up with the global warming forecasts ... in that we won't require snowshoe indoctrination in this vast nation for long??  ???  :-X
.... whups... quite possible my showshoes fell off the books at one time or another.

Gawd - how did that happen?

My last DA check as RQ balanced - all snowshoes present and accounted for....?

Will have to think about this one.... a bit.
ArmyVern said:
You must have missed that message from about 3 years ago which directed all pers to turn in their old style snowshoes as there is no more individual entitlement to hold them on charge?  >:(

Run a search -- it's here somewhere!!


JESUS!  Does that mean that those snowshoes that I "somehow" managed to acquire and retain after release are illegal?

Tell me it ain't so - I NEED them around here when I take the dog for her walk!  I'm actually thinking about making a set (of four) for the dog - seriously.

I couldn't get from my front door to the road without them during the winter here (and I'm not kidding).

ArmyVern said:
Perhaps maybe -- someone is just keeping up with the global warming forecasts ... in that we won't require snowshoe indoctrination in this vast nation for long??  ???   :-X

Those guys cant make up their minds - does global warming mean things get warm or do they get cold?   I got a foot and a half of snow today and its being blamed on 'global warming' too.  They're as bad as economic forecasters...

- With the demise of the Arnprior-built Magline snowshoe, did the ladies of the Golden Lake First Nation get to work on the new ones, too?  They were, IIRC, the ones who threaded the Aircraft wire webbing onto the old magnesium snowshoe frames.

- If you still have the old ones at home, do not - NOT - allow someone to snip off a bit of magnesium from the trail of the snowshoe and put it on a hot stove element to see if it burns bright.  It will.
TCBF said:
- With the demise of the Arnprior-built Magline snowshoe, did the ladies of the Golden Lake First Nation get to work on the new ones, too?  They were, IIRC, the ones who threaded the Aircraft wire webbing onto the old magnesium snowshoe frames.

- If you still have the old ones at home, do not - NOT - allow someone to snip off a bit of magnesium from the trail of the snowshoe and put it on a hot stove element to see if it burns bright.  It will.

I've never seen the new ones. What do they look like?

The old ones were good in dry snow. Don't do as well here in the mountains on the 'Wet Coast' though.
daftandbarmy said:
I've never seen the new ones. What do they look like?

The old ones were good in dry snow. Don't do as well here in the mountains on the 'Wet Coast' though.

Please search ... we've posted pics of them up on the site before -- in one of the other threads on snow shoes.
I did a quick search for photos and found these two threads:



The photos on the 2nd link don't seem to be there anymore.

There's a photo of the new shoes on this link, though lacking some detail.
