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*Server Is Under High Stress*

Mike Bobbitt 

          Thanks for getting back  didn't realize how it was set up on your end sounds like a huge operation . 
After being very fast most of the day (after about 0900 Hrs) it is spotty again: slow then fast then slow, all in one 'visit.'
Bad news: Bell disconnected our DSL. We're on 1/2 speed until further notice.  >:(
Couldn't even get on between 1500hrs to 1830hrs. Kept getting reset notices. Please give good old Ma Bell a swit boot in the keister for me. Not to worry Mike we are all big kids here and will find a way around the problem.


I've disabled the 2nd DSL connection completely for now... but it will take up to 2 days for the DNS changes to propagate. Between now and then it'll be hit and miss slow. After that it'll be consistently slow, but on average better than it is now.

I'm on the case with Bell. Gave some poor guy in Bangalore hell but didn't get anywhere.
The site is much faster today than it was yesterday.  If it's any consolation, the bell.ca site was slower.  ;D
Bell is refusing to reconnect the DSL on the downed line... they say they have no record of the service. My left eye is starting to twitch ever so slightly.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Bell is refusing to reconnect the DSL on the downed line... they say they have no record of the service. My left eye is starting to twitch ever so slightly.
How about we start a petition? That could work ;D

I have to go back to our ISP and log a ticket with them. I'm anticipating resolution in the order of weeks. In a week and a half I'm travelling for almost a month.
Mike Bobbitt 

Just please rember a happy thought it will save you a headache or two .
Good news! As of this morning our 2nd DSL is back in business. I have updated DNS and within the next 1-2 days you should all be back to normal. :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Good news! As of this morning our 2nd DSL is back in business. I have updated DNS and within the next 1-2 days you should all be back to normal. :)
Awesome news Mike!

Guess I don't need to send all that dog shyte to Bell now, eh? ;D

Don't hold back on my account! After all, they did needlessly cause about a week-long outage. ;)
I should add though... the local techs have always been great. It's dealing with the more distant tech support people and the policies they have to adhere to which drive me crazy. Once I get a hold of a local guy my problems are  easily solved.