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*Server Is Under High Stress*

Mike Bobbitt said:
However we're being slammed from a bunch of systems from Groupe iWeb Technologies inc. (Montreal) so I've blocked them out all together. We should see an improvement now.

Looks like they have a bunch of zombie systems that are trying doors and windows around the Internet.

Ah crap, not again.  :threat:

The servers used by the company I work for now, are hosted by iWeb, and we were hacked this January. I hope the servers we work on aren't affected. iWeb technical support is practically nonexistent. It took us almost a whole month to fully recover from the last attack. I'll tell my boss about that tomorrow morning, and we will inspect our own servers to see if they are affected.

Thank you Mr. Bobbitt to let me know about that issue. I hope it's not our servers that are causing these problems.
Looks like the dropped connection bug again at 1955 Hrs EDST

Army.ca is very, very slow on one box (Windows/IE7) and fairly quick on the other (Linux/Firefox).

The rest of the WWW is fine.
Very SLOOOOOOW here....And I keep getting a reset message. Using XPPro and Firefox

Site was gone there for an unknown amount of time for me, just got on here 7 minutes ago.

Fine now though.

Snail speed in Montreal. XP Pro (SP3) + Firefox.

The servers used by the company I work for now, are hosted by iWeb, and we were hacked this January. I hope the servers we work on aren't affected. iWeb technical support is practically nonexistent. It took us almost a whole month to fully recover from the last attack. I'll tell my boss about that tomorrow morning, and we will inspect our own servers to see if they are affected.

Thank you Mr. Bobbitt to let me know about that issue. I hope it's not our servers that are causing these problems.

Monday, I checked the servers of the company I'm working for and they weren't the zombies. We let iWeb know about that issue, but knowing them, I wouldn't hold my breath...

Edit : Changed my last sentence to make clear that I don't work for Milnet.ca/Army.ca/Navy.ca/Air-force.ca
You can blame Bell this time. It's become abundantly clear to me that Bell has under-engineered the phone system in my community, and they don't have the capacity to provide service to everyone all at once. So when someone calls because their phone service has been cut, they simply cut someone else's and connect the complaining customer to that port.

What results is a "rolling blackout" of phone service, and apparently it's my turn to be the sucker. As has happened nearly 10 times already, my phone is now suddenly dead. Bell continues to act surprised when I call which is quaint. I still get DSL sync on that line, but because of the significant line noise (lord knows what I'm connected to at the CO) the signal is terrible and our connection suffers as a result.

Bell has said they will send a tech to fix the problem tomorrow (which is exactly what they told me last night around this time) so hopefully this won't last too long. Site speed seems to be intermittent in the mean time, so please bear with me.

If you really want to get me going about Bell, ask me what'll happen if they accidentally reconnect us to a port without a DSLAM.  >:(
Mike Bobbitt said:
If you really want to get me going about Bell, ask me what'll happen if they accidentally reconnect us to a port without a DSLAM.  >:(
Okay, what'll happen? ;) :D

Good thing it isn't the server that went wonkey, I guess.


It seems to have just picked up significantly here ...

All is now good.  ;D
Mike Bobbitt

          I use to have Bell internet but switched to Cogeco Cable high speed about three years ago and I have never had a problem  when you call for help you actually get help .  I am not sure if Cogeco Cable is available in your area but might be a thought to check into . 
Has slowed down even more now. When I attempt to go to next page all I get is a GREEN screen. Not blaming you Mike.


Mike Bobbitt said:
Site speed seems to be intermittent ...
Indeed.  At least it leaves hope (isn't hope great) that another brief window of quick navigation is only a the next click away.

Bell isn't my service provider... There's no way I'd ever consider that! However Bell does have to provide the raw DSL feed as unfortunately they have a monopoly in that area. If they mis-connect our port tomorrow, I have to log a ticket with our ISP, who will then log a ticket with Bell to ask that they have a look at things. So the guy who disconnects the DSL (even if accidentally) is not allowed to reconnect it. That's done by a whole other group, and again - I can't call Bell directly they'll just tell me they can't do the work. (The same work their tech undid.) Been down that road once already and it takes weeks to resolve, even though the tech can fix it in minutes.
Oh I forgot the best part of this story... how I found out! Last night a cop comes to my door and says he had a 911 call from our house. Of course I immediately ask the kids and of course, they're terrified at the prospect. The cop says the 911 operator heard just static, and nobody picked up when they called back. I checked our phones, sure enough: static.

Apparently instead of a silent disconnect, Bell somehow triggered a 911 call from our line this time. Kudos for mixing it up at least.
I expect it will unfortunately be this way until Bell fixes the line. They are scheduled to send a tech today some time from 8-5. My experience has been they usually come pretty early.

Currently NO Problems!! Will keep fingers, toes, etc. crossed


Still no dial tone on the line, so I'm afraid it's chance that the connection is good.